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I saw that picture Saturday and it honestly didn't even click with me that that was Mack. I legitimately thought it was just some random UofL fan in a hoodie and shorts.

And is there anything more Huber than Tops In Lex covering his birthday party? [laughing] That's awesome.
Seems like everyone is paying rapt attention to today's KSR as hosted by Ryan Lemond and Matthew Mitchell. What an all-star team!
Whatever inclination I have to vote for Matt Jones is likely to be completely negated by my selfish desire for him to stay on the radio, and I’m being 100% serious about that. In the same token that he talks about people needing to pay more attention to local elections because they matter more for your daily life... that’s how I’ll view his election. Having 90 minutes of sports-relevant podcast entertainment a day that I can throw on while cooking, doing housework, etc is infinitely more important than him arguing in DC where I can’t hear it. Every time he’s off the show you realize how important he is, because it’s unlistenable when he’s not there and that’s how it’ll be if he leaves it.
Whatever inclination I have to vote for Matt Jones is likely to be completely negated by my selfish desire for him to stay on the radio, and I’m being 100% serious about that. In the same token that he talks about people needing to pay more attention to local elections because they matter more for your daily life... that’s how I’ll view his election. Having 90 minutes of sports-relevant podcast entertainment a day that I can throw on while cooking, doing housework, etc is infinitely more important than him arguing in DC where I can’t hear it. Every time he’s off the show you realize how important he is, because it’s unlistenable when he’s not there and that’s how it’ll be if he leaves it.

I really wish that Jones hadn't decided on Lemond as the permanent co-host. I understand that Lemond's doofy sidekick schtick appears to a lot of demographics and that he has the necessary media experience to be an adequate host when Jones isn't available, but maaaaaaaaaaaaaan does he get old.

Seems like a legitimately good dude though. Also had to deal with Lemond in his realtor gig and (magically) his IQ grows about 45 points when he is off the radio.
And is there anything more Huber than Tops In Lex covering his birthday party? [laughing] That's awesome.

-Was it a birthday party or was in a benefit for a local charity? Thanks to Tops N Lex either way. The party was a blast. The Band killed a 3 hour set of 90s rock music. Generally had a great night celebrating my old ass getting older with a ton of close friends. Of course hearing my friend's stories of how stupid Ive been over the years really impressed and turned my wife on.

-Afterparty we headed downtown, got to Belles around 12:30AM and it was crazy busy, elbows to assholes busy with a line 40 deep. Parlay was meh. SkyBar is what it is. Techno music, divorcees looking for love, plenty of drinks featuring RedBull, and a full dance floor. Got one of the side rooms hooked up and danced on a couch spilling Titos all over the place till the lights came on. Finished up at the Ho and back to Griffin Gate by 4:30AM. Going to be another day or two until I feel back to normal. Yesterday was rough.

-Chad, sorry we didn't see you downtown Saturday. Hope you had a blast and at the very least got a rub and tug. Congratulations again on the wedding. Proud of you buddy.
and (magically) his IQ grows about 45 points when he is off the radio.

He'd be a thousand times better if he didn't pretend to be dumb on the radio. It's really annoying and pretty clearly fake. He's become a caricature of himself. Also, please try doing something other than (a) being a goofy dimwit or (b) being a yes man. If you're going to be on there every day, we don't need you to repeat a dumbed down version of Matt's opinion. You can agree with someone without repeating exactly what they just said.
Is KSR big enough to attract some bigger name host full-time if Jones were to leave? They'd have to convert to a UK homer, of course.
What a fantastic shit show of a weekend. I love my boy Chad, and I think he had a lot of fun.

The crew was in full force and once we got Anth to realize the weekend was about wcc and not about him, things went smooth.

Thanks to Boat for the fantastic hospitality and a lot of fun.

I avoided any nasty hangovers, but I did aggravate a shoulder injury literally less than 1 beer in and managed to tweak my hamstring at a strip bar.

My digestive system will apparently never be normal again, either.

It was definitely worth it.

I wish I had made it out to Huberfest, but after an all-nighter followed by a day of drinking at the track and a few more hours of debauchery, it wasn't in the cards.

abh, pti and belly dancer. My touching heroes.
-I've actually come around to Lemond. Probably because he's such a nice guy. But yeah, Matt's really good at his job and it shows when he's out. Also, Mitchell is just terrible.

Still would love a Jones/Vanetti duo in some capacity.

-About me? I was just doing what I was asked and trying to get us to bars with people. Not my fault the bach wanted to hit the clubs before dark. I have standards, man.
Y’all need to learn radio. Holy cow. When KY Joe called in and Potsy and Co joined in with the “Rrrrr-rrrr-rrrruning Back....running back!” That was best ksr radio moment since the season ended. Go read a book at a baseball game and enlighten yourselves. Leave AM radio to me and the basketball bennies.
I’ve got nothing against Lemond. I’d just prefer he play it a bit straighter, since he’s clearly not as dumb as he plays up. Seems like a good dude in real life.
My tolerance for Matthew Mitchell's shenanigans is directly correlated to how good UK is in men's basketball.

If we just had a monster year and John Wall or Anthony Davis are set to be the number one pick ----> I find Mitchell to be mildly funny diversion.

If the team sucked and we are possibly losing every player whose name doesn't rhyme with "Dick Dichards" ------> Matthew Mitchell can go f*** himself with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, imo.
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I think the schtick that Mitchell plays out when on the radio,or at Madness, is nothing more than a cover for him being a real jerk/Asshole behind the scenes. Gotta be a reason half his team up and left on him.
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Is KSR big enough to attract some bigger name host full-time if Jones were to leave? They'd have to convert to a UK homer, of course.

I kind of figured that was part of the TJ Walker hiring - has had experience with hosting a show and is already a UK homer.
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Kyle Tucker of SEC Country actually spoke with an NBA scout about Washington and other UK players testing the waters. The scout actually thinks Washington is staying in the draft.

“I think PJ is out — I’m pretty sure he’s going — and it’s a shame, because you just look at next year’s draft and there’s a lot more opportunity,” the scout said while adding, “They should all come back.”

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What makes KSR a hit isn’t just the sports discussion, it’s all the other stuff. Matt’s a great storyteller. He draws other topics out well enough to have a discussion. The genius (maybe that’s too generous of a word) of having Lemond on is that Matt can explain current events and news stories to him in a simple manner instead of sounding like he’s dumbing it down for his audience.... when that’s exactly what he’s doing. That’s how the show can still be entertaining when there’s zero sports news. The summer shows without Matt are rough... and the only ones that aren’t stale are the ones hosted by non-UK and/or non-sports guys.

Basically, Matt IS the show.

Kyle Tucker of SEC Country actually spoke with an NBA scout about Washington and other UK players testing the waters. The scout actually thinks Washington is staying in the draft.

“I think PJ is out — I’m pretty sure he’s going — and it’s a shame, because you just look at next year’s draft and there’s a lot more opportunity,” the scout said while adding, “They should all come back.”


Is it better to be the 30th pick this year or the 15th pick next year? According to this website, stay in school:

30th pick this year (anything after 30, nothing is guaranteed):
  • 2018-19: $1.32M
  • 2019-20: $1.58M
  • 2020-21: $1.69M
  • 3-Year Total: $4.59
15th pick next year:
  • 2018-19: On Scholarship
  • 2019-20: $2.71M
  • 2020-21: $2.84M
  • 3-Year Total: $5.55
Keep in mind, PJ is not even on the top 50 right now. Not sure what the hell he is thinking.
PJ may be the most frustrating. On a purely selfish note, he's easily the player we most need to come back.

But just from a rational perspective on what is best for him, it is utterly obvious that he needs to come back. He's an average size NBA 2 guard with absolutely no perimeter game. He's not anywhere near a Draymond Green who can guard 5 positions and bring shooting and playmaking on offense.

As an NBA prospect, I'm not sure I can think of someone less appealing right now for the modern NBA.

He's got a dad who seems smart and knows basketball. Typically when you see kids making idiotic decisions to go pro, it is when the family structure is non-existent.

I just don't get it.
PJ may be the most frustrating. On a purely selfish note, he's easily the player we most need to come back.

But just from a rational perspective on what is best for him, it is utterly obvious that he needs to come back. He's an average size NBA 2 guard with absolutely no perimeter game. He's not anywhere near a Draymond Green who can guard 5 positions and bring shooting and playmaking on offense.

As an NBA prospect, I'm not sure I can think of someone less appealing right now for the modern NBA.

He's got a dad who seems smart and knows basketball. Typically when you see kids making idiotic decisions to go pro, it is when the family structure is non-existent.

I just don't get it.

THIS is why Cal is pushing for the end of one and done. He is caught in a vicious cycle where kids feel like they are a failure if they come back for a 2nd year. PJ would be a 3-4 year guy at UNC.
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Why are we assuming PJs dad is 'smart'? Isnt he the one that thinks PJ is a poor mans LeBron?

I'm not assuming that he is smart. But prior to PJ's decision, he always came across as a reasonable dude who loved his son. That's based on a handful of quotes from the lead-up to last season. He could be a blubbering idiot that makes Larry Orton look like Einstein for all I know.

That said, the "Poor Man's Lebron" stuff is about four different layers of hearsay so I take it with a crack rock-size grain of salt.
I'm sure PJ is serious about going but I don't think it's going to get him the feedback he wants.

Vando ain't going anywhere.

Just hope Gabriel comes back but can't be mad if he doesn't.
So, wait, you're all telling me that Jimmy_Buckets or whatever his name is, resident bracketologist for NBC Boston* *even though he never once shared an actual link to a story/bracket/video anything he actually produced on his twitter account didn't have the inside scoop on Green sitting out for a year to follow an assistant (that he didn't even commit to play for initially) to La Salle??? I'm FLOORED.
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