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Had the best first date of all time last night. Chick I've kinda known for a year or so that owns a personal training studio. Walked over to her house to pick her up with intentions of going out to a brewery. Ended up chilling there and having a few beers. Got up to leave around 10:30 and got really dizzy. Laid back down and started sweating like crazy, then eventually went into the bathroom to throw up and pass out on the floor for a bit.

I rallied and got back on the couch. She played nurse for me, and also did a little dry humping. Got a little stinky pinky as well. Fell asleep and walked home at 5am.

I'm basically just waiting for an emai that says I smell like beer and farts, to which I can remind her that her P stinks.


Im pretty sure John Cougar Mellencamp wrote a song based on this exact story. The email part being replaced by a note exchanged in the hallway between classes, of course.
I also think Kentucky should self-report everything wrong they've ever done, even what the NCAA doesn't know about. That will show em.
We don't have to actually review anything, you turds. Learn lying.
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Hopefully we aren't dumb enough to have 2 assistant coaches caught on FBI wiretaps and video tapes collaborating with top Nike officials on how much to pay "player 10".

I mean, if Nike/Adidas/UA are steering players to certain schools without clear evidence of that school's involvement (like there is for UL), then what can they do?
After the UF game, my buddy that played baseball for Louisville texted me a crying cat face.

He's received approx 200 of that exact same face since the FBI info leaked. Basically throughout my day if I look up and the time ends in an even number ---> crying cat face. Man's game, bitch. Pretty surprised he hasn't blocked me yet.

That's awful catlanta, I absolutely hate ignorant people. Some dumb Chevy Chase coont talking on the phone in her Lexus SUV nearly killed me because she ran a stop sign while looking down at something and yammering on the phone. Stopped about two feet from my car after I was on the horn for 5 seconds. Didn't make any gesture apologizing, not even a wave or even a look of guilt. Just flinched and stared at me as if I was inconveniencing her day. On a positive note I'm pretty sure her phone broke as it flew out of her hand, I calmly asked what the touch are you doing dumb coont as there were no other cars around. She looked over super confused. Of course she was confused. How is it possible to be so unaware of your surroundings and lack the common courtesy to apologize after you've almost t-boned someone due to your negligence? Saudi Arabia got it wrong, letting women drive.

I think this would be a great time for Cal/Kentucky to announce a full review of all Kentucky basketball operations and procedures. Put out a press release, maybe even say it's directly related to the current FBI investigation. Get Louisville fans all hot and bothered.


I don't care what anyone thinks/hopes about UK/Nike being next this is the dumbest idea I've heard. I mean you think I'm a stupid idiot? Christ this makes me look like a genius.

Let these scumbags toss and turn in their own beds before giving them something to deflect with.

- On a related note, if somehow this expands out and becomes big enough does this force the NCAA to allow players to get paid from marketing/branding companies?

Sure a university can't pay you but why can't a shoe company? Why can't the local car dealerships offer players money to be on the next commercial?

I do not get the controlled nature of completely stopping a college player from earning money outside of the school.

I don't care what anyone thinks/hopes about UK/Nike being next this is the dumbest idea I've heard. I mean you think I'm a stupid idiot? Christ this makes me look like a genius.
It's a joke, you dense MFer. If you think I want us to actually have an investigation into our own program, I honestly don't know what to tell you.

Bold take on amateurism, btw. I'd never considered that it might be a bullshit concept, you might be first to print with that one.
They're free to do so, they just can't participate in NCAA competitions.

See how that works?

Well that's why I am saying it could force them to change and allow it which allows them to still participate.

See how that could work?
100% chance Petrino is trying to leave. Doubt he has the free reign to accept child molester/ wife beater rejects from other schools anymore.
The one knock on Petrino is his recruiting. He left UL with little talent the first time he left, and then did the same with ark. He loses Lamar this year, and 10 of his 11 starters on defense.
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Hef died? That sucks. What a legend.
This right here should get him in the studly HOF.

Yes he us, that rascal.

One of my buddies worked the Cal Fantasy Camp as an athletic trainer and said Bilas was by far the most annoying person he'd ever been around. Said that was the one guy he wanted to talk with, and evidently Bilas rambled on for a good 45 min straight while watching another game and "I've never wanted to tell someone to STFU that badly." Not sure how much of it is true but he's a good dude and not the type to make things up. Must've been such a weird feeling meeting someone you've looked up to for years and that person being really friendly yet also the most annoying person in all of mankind.
Barrett deciding soon. I think this is one of Cal's most important recruits in a long time...Duke is on a tear as of late.

Reddish and Barrett at Duke [sick]

Zion and Barrett at UK :pimp:
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Now the third time I have heard from Louisville radio heads that Anthony Davis was a Louisville lean before mysteriously choosing KY after a Nike Camp. [laughing]

If I recall correctly, he went from a fairly unknown recruit who had recruited to Cleveland State to the best prospect since Lebron in the blink of an eye and Kentucky scooped him up right about the time he was becoming a national story.
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