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You should have been given that information at the Loge Season Ticket Holders Reception back in August?

It's great supporting the university, but paying that kind of jack for Loge seating has to be like eating a shit sandwich.
A bag of dicks in the mail is embarassing, but not nearly as much so as this bunch of horespoo....

UK Football Fans - I know there are a lot of apathetic UK football fans right now, but I must say there is no doubt in my mind UK football is heading in the right direction. The commitment in resources, dollars, facilities, & staff Mitch Barnhart has put into the UK Football program is AMAZING. Yes, I know the wins & bowl games have not been there the last few years, but I do truly believe that Stoops & staff are the answer. With all they have to work with & many of the players they have been getting the last few years I think they will get it done. With that said, if anyone does have a chance to come checkout the new practice facility UK just finished please do BC it FIRST CLASS! Many NFL teams & most SEC schools do not have as nice a facility as UK now has. I'm looking forward to what UK football can accomplish. GO CATS!!
Think it tastes like tender prime rib and a cold Miller Lite tbh.

-CJ Conrad has 1 reception for 5 yards. Good grief that kid made a poor college decision.

With our huge upgrade at offensive coordinator, I wouldn't be too worried about it. Future Hall of Famer, in all likelihood.
If you wanted to look objectively at why UL has been successful in football see below, sprinkle in a little clint hurtt in bobby's absence and the complete absurdity of the below statement. Its bold faced, its eat a bag of dicks they just don't care - winning fixes all.

In a December, 2008, interview, Jurich told me: "Bobby went to areas where he thought he was strong recruiting and some of them panned out and some didn't. That's the nature of it. But listen, we had to clear out a lot of discipline issues. And our numbers suffered. We cleared 21 kids out of here, and that's a lot. That's a big hit for anybody to take, Eric. I don't know anyone that has. But we want to do things the right way."
A bag of dicks in the mail is embarassing, but not nearly as much so as this bunch of horespoo....

UK Football Fans - I know there are a lot of apathetic UK football fans right now, but I must say there is no doubt in my mind UK football is heading in the right direction. The commitment in resources, dollars, facilities, & staff Mitch Barnhart has put into the UK Football program is AMAZING. Yes, I know the wins & bowl games have not been there the last few years, but I do truly believe that Stoops & staff are the answer. With all they have to work with & many of the players they have been getting the last few years I think they will get it done. With that said, if anyone does have a chance to come checkout the new practice facility UK just finished please do BC it FIRST CLASS! Many NFL teams & most SEC schools do not have as nice a facility as UK now has. I'm looking forward to what UK football can accomplish. GO CATS!!
Nothing says "heading in the right direction" like a Year 4 regression
Loge Box owners have no idea about Meant. Only thing I've heard was across KSR and it was personal and not something that should be broadcast. For reasons I assume you all are too dumb to understand there are multi year waits on all those areas. Up to 10 in the suites.

I have no idea who that IHB4UK is and why he thinks he can go at me but he's now on ignore so have fun with brady, that other guy and chief. I'll take shots from people I know and like.
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- Just a brutal trip to the Swamp and not much more to say that hasn't already been said.

- Saturday ran my UK football road game record to 3-17 (6-20 including bowls/neutrals). Geez. Still hitting Mizzou and UT this year, though.

- Anyone who says this is the most talent we've had on a team is insane. Like, clinically. We've got some talented receivers, running backs and corners (no depth), below average linebackers (no depth) and offensive linemen (no depth now) and nothing at all on the defensive line. It's great that we have a few 4 star skill players but our trenches are atrocious. Our special teams are generally awful because we play our backups on the return/coverage teams and our backups aren't talented. At all. This is a Florida team down on talent along the line and they still devoured us. Being told we're talented doesn't make it so.

- I'm having a hard time understanding why some are ok with Franklin (who lied multiple times during a rape situation, is accused of telling a player to delete a sexual assault video from his phone but not coming forward and then contacting the victims at Vandy) but disgusted by Briles. Both are in the same boat, imo.
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Southern Miss ranks 9th in the country in total offense.

Troy ranks 18th.

Apparently our problem is that we hire OC's right before they figure out what they're doing. Sucks, man.

And Gran/Hinshaw orchestrated the #6 offense in the country at UC just last year.

The problem ain't the OC's, peeps.
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Purely hypothetical but if you could choose a bag full of an assortment of GYERO posters' dicks to sample, who you got? This would never happen, of course, but I mean, who would you pick? Huh? WHO?!?

Brooks was originally just a consultant to help in the search. Brooks was eventually offered the job when Mitch couldn't land anyone from his list of 103 candidates.
- Just a brutal trip to the Swamp and not much more to say that hasn't already been said.

- Saturday ran my UK football road game record to 3-17 (6-20 including bowls/neutrals). Geez. Still hitting Mizzou and UT this year, though.

For as poor as our program has been historically, my UK football record in true road games is actually 9-10. Granted, 3 of the wins are at Vandy and 2 at Louisville, but I've had good timing on a several road trips (Ark '07, Auburn & UGA in '09, USC in '15).
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It's funny how short UK fan's memories are. You couldn't find 3 people on the planet who were excited about the Brooks hire at the time.
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It's funny how short UK fan's memories are. You couldn't find 3 people on the planet who were excited about the Brooks hire at the time.

While I agree his hiring didn't generate much excitement at the time, the reasonable ones knew he was about as good as we could expect, given our history and the scholarship sanctions.
I wonder how much scrutiny Barnhart gives Stoops? Obviously, Stoops feels under the gun (but having a $12 million golden parachute is nice) but does Barnhart "act" like a boss? Is he asking Stoops to come in Monday morning, asking him to sign some "under performance" warning/memorandum, asking him to come up with a daily/weekly plan on what he's going to do fix the problems and that the two of them are going to sit down every week and go over the plan? And then does Capiluto call Stoops and ask if Barnhart has gone over his lack of performance warning and how the "plan" is coming because that's how it would be at my job.
I've never been truly excited about a UK football coaching hire. Not once, and neither have any of you. Compare how you've felt to when Cal was hired. Nothing comes even remotely close.

Rich Brooks - meh at the time
Joker - meh at the time
Stoops - hope he's similar to Bob, but I didn't even know he existed five minutes ago. Cool that he's at FSU though, maybe he's good.

If we'd hired Pobby Betrino though, I would've felt something.
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I think we all know that, ultimately, Mitch is the problem. He got lucky with Brooks after his top choices declined, and he had nothing to do with the Cal hire. All the other hires have been shit.

UK Football is a toilet that won't flush.

Mitch didn't build it, but he has certainly added more shit to it.
UK Football is a toilet that won't flush.

Mitch didn't build it, but he has certainly added more shit to it.

I've never been truly excited about a UK football coaching hire. Not once, and neither have any of you. Compare how you've felt to when Cal was hired. Nothing comes even remotely close.

Rich Brooks - meh at the time
Joker - meh at the time
Stoops - hope he's similar to Bob, but I didn't even know he existed five minutes ago. Cool that he's at FSU though, maybe he's good.

If we'd hired Pobby Betrino though, I would've felt something.

I was excited by Bill Curry at the time but I was younger and dumber then and am now ashamed when I think back to it.
Brooks --> Who? Followed by "this guy sucks."
Joker --> I genuinely thought he'd do well. He was a supposed hot shot recruiter, and had orchestrated some very fine offenses in the past few years.
Stoops --> I thought this was a fantastic hire. Ugh.
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I've never been truly excited about a UK football coaching hire. Not once, and neither have any of you.

I was truly excited about the Curry (former Bama coach!!!) and Mumme (up-tempo high-scoring gunslinger!!!!) hires. That was before I was completely jaded.
For as poor as our program has been historically, my UK football record in true road games is actually 9-10. Granted, 3 of the wins are at Vandy and 2 at Louisville, but I've had good timing on a several road trips (Ark '07, Auburn & UGA in '09, USC in '15).

Crap. Wasn't even counting 2 losses at Louisville.

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