Its a strange thing. I'll always love Stoops and everything he's done for UK Football. But, while I appreciate everything he's done for this program, I, like many, haven't gotten over the whole Texas A&M fiasco.

Pair that with arguably with one of the most uninspired and embarrassing losses in recent history, I'm certainly questioning my desire to continue going to games. Setting up a massive tailgate for 100 people, rushing there from Youth Football supporting my own sons, sometimes leaving their games early to get a tailgate setup so we can support UK's team, the thousands and thousands of dollars spent annually on tickets, parking passes, tailgates, supporting NIL, I'm really just starting to question my desire to keep putting in the effort.

If I see a team fight, play their best, and lose, I can deal with that. I'm still in. A well fought loss is respectable.

Saturday, I watched a SEC team that seemly didn't want to be there, and certainly didn't look like a SEC team. With a completely full stadium of rowdy loud fans, in beautiful weather, against an opponent they should have curb stomped, yet they played like they didn't give a shit.......

Simply put, if you don't act like you want to be there, why should I? And that all starts with the coach.
Your fanship is to be commended, but your head talking in place of your heart is a few years too late. Stoops is a clown show and should have been given his pink slip long before now. The homers were just too caught up in the mediocrity and viewed that as success. If only you all would have listened to me...right as usual.
The Vegas play is to get off strip to a 'locals' dispensary. They are endless. Planet13 is a cool experience, but like anything else on/near strip, majorly inflated pricing.
Pisos, just down Flamingo, 5 min Uber off the Strip.

Illinois is a ripoff. Prices are insane.
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Your fanship is to be commended, but your head talking in place of your heart is a few years too late. Stoops is a clown show and should have been given his pink slip long before now. The homers were just too caught up in the mediocrity and viewed that as success. If only you all would have listened to me...right as usual.
You're just in a pissy mood bc your boy Donnie got annihilated last night.
The type of guy probably writing those AB tweets.

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Big boss from Atlanta is flying in to see me tomorrow. I reckon my scorched-Earth self evaluation and performance review sent some shockwaves. If I get shitcanned, at least my newly secured bottle of Russell’s Reserve 15 will be there to be enjoyed for introspection.

Also -If they do FIRE me, I may have two large residential projects they don’t know about…StudioKook, LLC. Keep it in GYERO.

Solo Stove SZN. Deck plants getting second fall bonus blooms going… don’t hate it one bit.

Big boy expects me to come in to Lex for Auburn game and cook for his crew and girlfriend… so guess I’m gonna be in. …onto menu items and prep. Gonna tater-out and try to get some good bourbs in Bardstown as well as enjoy the ponies.

If anyone is coming in town for the Ohio State @msg BBall game, NJ extrav. Lemme know.

Some random thoughts:
  • Lots of talk about restaurants going under. My unpopular take is that there were way to many restaurants to begin with especially when you compare the cost-benefit analysis to cooking something at home. I'm kind of in shock now when I go to a casual restaurant like Drake's with my family and the bill is $140. For $140 I can basically replicate going to a high end steakhouse with a simple trip to Costco. And I can make my kids do the dishes so it's not putting my wife out. Sympathies to the business owners losing out, but everybody should probably eat out a little less given the cost.
  • Speaking of restaurants... as you all know I'm a simple man. My favorite meal is a bacon cheeseburger paired with a heavy pour from a 2019 Cliff Lede "Poetry" Stag's Leap District Cabernet. But I get it, a lot of you like to flex on us peons with the restaurants you've gone to and the exotic meals you've eaten. So here's my question: you know how back in the day lobsters were known as a food for lower income folks and then slowly became a delicacy? Well what would happen if hotdogs and mustard had been invented like 3 months ago? Would Anth get on here bragging about his trip to French Laundry where he had this insane dish called a "corn dog"? I mean I've eaten some nice meals, but for the $ a corn dog stacks up pretty damn well.
  • Speaking of being a simple man, I ain't voting for Kamala or nothing but I really don't care about her wanting to tax unrealized gains. The purpose of taxes are to fund the government. Yeah, I would argue we overspend and spend on some stupid crap, but I'd also argue there are things we should be funding and are not. But how the F can anybody argue that we should tax income (aka men and women working for a living) but not tax investment income until it's realized? I mean HO LEE FUK, the US military, FBI and CIA are being paid for by taking 15 cents on the dollar of a man working in a warehouse to protect the growing wealth of billionaires. Wayne D does NOT approve. And I'll fight a conservative pundit or any of you mofos simping for billionaires on this matter.
  • 40+ years of being a fan of Kentucky has taught me that when it comes to the only college sports that matter (football and basketball for you clowns who care about anything else), being a basketball school is 100X better than being a football school. Doesn't matter the day, I can watch a random college football game (even the ACC) and enjoy it thoroughly. But college basketball? Not since the early 2000's had I had any real interest in other games outside of when Kentucky is playing save some tournament action. My point is, thankfully UK matters there cause Jan and Feb are long.
  • I know we hate Ohio. But have y'all been to the nice parts of rural Ohio in the summer? I ain't talking about where Haitians are eating ducks, but the farm land up there is as pretty a sight as these eyes have ever seen. Granted, I've also been there in December where the crops are cut down and everything is brown. But summer and fall... beautiful. Score one for the Buckeye state.
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I’m no Warren Buffett but won’t taxing unrealized gains do more harm to your smaller investors, IE not billionaires?

If you have 100,000 and you have URG on the year of 10,000 you pay taxes on that. The next year your account loses 20,000. The 3rd year URG’s are 10,000 so you once again pay taxes on that. Now you are really getting the screws. Of course I really don’t have any idea what I’m talking about.
It's never going to happen but simping for a tax on unrealized gains is about the dumbest thing I've heard. That's Henson>Davis levels of stupidity.
I agree on the unrealized gains tax being dumb. The other side wants to raise tariffs 10-20% on top of what they are now. That isn’t passed on to the country of origin. That passes directly to the consumer. They’re both ridiculous.

MONKEY 🙈 ‘24
“Got A Better Choice?”
I agree corn dogs are delicious.

Taxes in general are theft. When I see congress and senators going in making 130,000 a year and turning themselves into multimillionaires I might think different.
Tariffs are more of a threat to American companies as well as others doing business in China that we will tax the shit out of you. Bring your business and assets back to the US where we will cut corporate taxes as your incentive to come back home.

"Making the rich pay their fair share" is nothing more than raising taxes on the middle class. Taxes are just an overhead expense for large companies. They incorporate those percentage increases into their goods and services. Who buys those? Middleclass families. Those tax increases caused the cost to go up. We pay the inflated prices as well as the sales taxes on the higher prices. American consumers vote in their own victim rape with these silly slogans.

Business should be incenentivised and especially individually owned and other small businesses who take the risk. One time government subsidies for new business start ups is just that, one time. Cutting your taxes instead can be spread out forever.

Business shouldn't be punished by ppl who have never worked in the private sector who then become millionaires off of your success.