What is Donato's connection to UK because it seems like the spend a lot of money on the basketball team. I don't think they're based out of Kentucky are they? Is the local franchisee a big donor?
- I had to drive to Paducah yesterday. This Commonwealth is a beautiful state, and I love the varied landscapes you see as you pass through different regions, so road trips for work are always a little like a field trip for me. There's the rolling beauty of the Bluegrass, the wildness of the Daniel Boone, the views in Cumberland, the Riverfront, the Bourbon Trail, etc. etc. Pretty much wherever you go, you've got something pretty to look at while you drive.

...except the endless miles of NOTHING on the Western Kentucky Parkway. There is just nathan to see on the road between the turnoff from 65 until you get to Lake Barkley. I know plenty of fine people from that part of the state (including my grandpa's family) but goddamn. Unless someone can teleport me out to McCracken County, since it seems alright, I'd rather drive to Pikeville and back six times. I wanted to dive off the highway and put myself at the mercy of the inmates at Eddyville to avoid more driving.

- On a related note, the first "forbidden" consumable I want after I deliver this baby is a Monster. Or a Celsius. Or a Rockstar. Or a C4. I would have committed a felony for one yesterday.
Having lived here all my life, I tend to take it for granted. However, my wife's brother moved out to LA in the 80s, raised his kids there.

They fly in 2-3 times per year and always marvel about how green and beautiful it is.

Having lived here all my life, I tend to take it for granted. However, my wife's brother moved out to LA in the 80s, raised his kids there.

They fly in 2-3 times per year and always marvel about how green and beautiful it is.

It’s alright. I like that it’s kind of a secret that we’re fortunate enough to live in God’s country.
Having lived here all my life, I tend to take it for granted. However, my wife's brother moved out to LA in the 80s, raised his kids there.

They fly in 2-3 times per year and always marvel about how green and beautiful it is.


When I fly back to KY in May/June, I marvel at how green it is. When I fly back every year around Christmas, I marvel at how dreary and grey it is.
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Just found out a good friend committed suicide.
Great guy, always giving too much of himself and everything else to women and then gets crushed because they take advantage of him.

Has been happening for years and he actually has everything a woman could ask for. We’ve tried talking to him but he’s just so nice and upbeat he just gets over it then does it again.
Finally found a lady that was approved of by everyone that had watched him go through so much! We were all so happy he found someone and he was so proud.

He found out yesterday she had been lying to him and had been seeing someone else for the last few months. Told several of us today that it happened again but he was going to be ok. Said he would just chill out and keep looking. Tried to get him to just come chill with us but he said he was fine and just wanted to be alone.

Found out an hour later that I’ll be burying a good friend and a great person. Just no words to describe how much he gave to have always been devastated in the end. Life truly is unfair!

Never take advantage of someone’s love and kindness. You don’t know how hard it was for them to get the courage to give it to you.

God Bless, Brother!🙏

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