
Stoops needs to win a couple upset games (Tennessee) and not shit the bed against powers (just have a respectable showing). Wins and clean football will be the impetus for cash upgrades.

Mizzou game last year was an abomination.

Show me something.
Mid expectations, dates a 25 yr old? $8-10m a year, unilimited Rubys budget parks on curb wherever he goes. Takes conf job and we forgive immediately. Sounds awful.

If Sumrall has a respectable 2 year run at Tulane I mean it would be a good transition if stoops is serious about being washed. The positive energy alone would be refreshing. Im sure NIL is a pain in the ass but come the eff on Mark. There has been no better UK football run in our lifetimes and I am thankful but everything has a expiry.

Speaking of negative bboys I think this year will really put some some pressure on him. Generational talent at WR and on D with question marks at QB and what I am most concerned about RB. Traynum is obviously an exciting start but we need approx 50-75 more carries in a stoops offense. Schedule you cant do anything about but at this point getting punked by a punk at uscjr is not acceptable. Game 2 is a pivotal point for him again mid expectation. Of course im ALL IN even as they pull my parking pass.
Can’t walk that kind of comment back.

Better show out this year and that’s all there is to it or maybe it will finally be time for a change.

Give em hell piglet!
I can only imagine the "pressure" Stoops would be under if he had got the A&M job. No trophy case or not, they have had several top 5 classes and football is a pretty big deal there. He thinks NIL is tough at UK, where he is held to minimum standards, A&M would break him down like a shotgun inside a year. GTFO, he is also pre-staging his exit for another job saying shit like that.
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Whether or not we like the content of the message it’s calculated. He wants and UK football needs better NIL infrastructure if we are going to keep up with our SEC peers (S Carolina, Missouri, Florida, Miss St) and have any shot at taking the next step and beating UT more than once every 5 years and possibly pull off an upset against UGA.

Barnhart truly is a great AD in many respects but he’s always slow and methodical on cutting edge stuff. Our football program is in better place than 2 years ago in regards to NIL but is still way behind most SEC schools.

Stoops has to deal with a lot of the day to day minutiae NIL stuff that other SEC head coaches are so far removed from.
The truth is Stoops is paid more than any coach in the HISTORY of college football per win of his career that had more of a 5 year tenure.

Brooks had us respectable playing a much tougher UT, UF and UL. We went to like five bowls in a row with a much tougher situation.

Has Stoops earned his $? Probably, but he is 2-28 against SEC teams with a winning record(a pulse).

It took an open records request to expose Fayette county schools was paying speaker $26,000. Then public and teachers spoke out against it. Now that Fayette County school board and administration/superintendent got exposed, they have decided to cancel their back to school gathering at Rupp.
The truth is Stoops is paid more than any coach in the HISTORY of college football per win of his career that had more of a 5 year tenure.

Brooks had us respectable playing a much tougher UT, UF and UL. We went to like five bowls in a row with a much tougher situation.

Has Stoops earned his $? Probably, but he is 2-28 against SEC teams with a winning record(a pulse).

We’ve been more than respectable under Mark Stoops. We are legit SEC threat, built on strong defense, and running the ball at will.

2 time Citrus Bowl Champ.

8 straight bowls - if that’s what you care about.

I still don’t believe it, tbh, and I doubt it will ever be replicated here.
Nobody here cares. How have you not figured that out yet, especially in light of being told multiple times? Go back to your separate thread for that nonsense.
Was that for me? (The Formula 1 post) or the FCPS post?

Also, Russell was disqualified for his car being 2 1/2 kilos underweight.

(I thought there were a few F1 fans on GYERO.)
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And on that FCPS thing, it wasn't JUST the 26,000 dollars, FCPS was buying a copy of that guy's book for every teacher and administrator in Fayette Co. (smells like a kickback), so it was in excess of 100 THOUSAND dollars. Which actually SHOULD be of concern to any GYERO parents with kids in FCPS.
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I’m no soccer ball, but I find myself watching more and more of it. I think the uninterrupted play for 45 minutes is what is so refreshing. I believe watching football and basketball on ESPN/network television is responsible for half of America having ADHD.

I also will say - the American women look good this year. They straight murked Germany, whom I presume is probably usually good at soccer. I love it when America murks. Soccer girls are so fit too.
I’m no soccer ball, but I find myself watching more and more of it. I think the uninterrupted play for 45 minutes is what is so refreshing. I believe watching football and basketball on ESPN/network television is responsible for half of America having ADHD.
You're growing. Yeah, you're growing.

Saturday/Sunday mornings, coffee, laptop to read news, EPL on as background noise getting me to the noon football opener. Easy way to escape from wife/kids saying you have a game on.