Heard it was a Jones Fracture. If so, I've had one. That's about 8 weeks minimum with most of that being on a scooter or in a boot. Not something that's easy to bounce back from.
59. And I know that probably gave off bit of a “get off my lawn” vibe. But this is Gyero and a simple “not a big fan of lol” just will not do.How old are you, FTB?
Will Pope see him or nah?
Holy shit, what? 40 WAR now gets you into the HoF?Good to see Dave Parker get elected to the HoF. Young me was a big fan of his when he was with the Reds in the 80s.
Welp, Butler is going to have to back off a touch on the gambling on defense. We need him as many minutes as he can possibly play every single night.
Need at least 5-10 serviceable minutes out of Perry, and Robinson to needs to avoid foul trouble as well.
About 12:30.What time did the UK game end last night? I feel like we had a Kentucky Double today but I’m not qualified to announce it.
Pino laid it down on bass. Still does.Paul Young had some ‘80’s bangers
Sumrall staying put at Tulane is the Howard Schnellenberger moment that UKFB history needs to NOT repeat. This is a poker tell, smoke signal, warning flare and life saver that will be needed after the impending 2025 disaster we are about to watch.
For those that think NYC is a Yankees town, think again.
wrongNot even close to accurate. Yanks popularity doubles that of the Metropolitans.
Xmas shopping is about 98% complete. Mostly baseball equipment for the older 2. That stuff is crazy. I hear hockey is worse, but baseball can’t be too far behind. It’s the accessories that get ya!!