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-Late night randoms:
-Decided to watch Parks and Rec. What a great show. I had no idea that Rashida Jones was Quincy Jones'. Mercy she is cute.

-Eastbound & Down Katy Mixon

Katy Mixon today


-Barry's Cheesesteaks opening up around the corner from the office.
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Saw Katy Mixon in the airport with Paula Dean’s son. There was no way she was going to stay thin
I thought I said it. Who else would try to ruin his AA reception? Would have to be someone pissed. Nebraska obviously didn't and at the same time this broke Wandale is on camera saying, "I'm signing with UK and actively recruiting our class." So assuming he didn't want it out either. I certainly have no info either way just seems obvious.
Great recruiting strategy to try and ruin your top commits AA ceremony, that's why we pay Marrow the big bucks.
Great recruiting strategy to try and ruin your top commits AA ceremony, that's why we pay Marrow the big bucks.
Didn't comment on the strategy. Hell I have no idea. I was just wondering why it would be released while he was getting that honor. Seemed odd.

Maybe they're pissed because they think he used them for the Mr Football awards.
What's the track record on kids who don't have elaborate Hype Williams produced commitment videos and months of scuttlebutt being leaked about which way they're leaning flipping their commitment and creating all kinds of drama?

Probably no connection whatsoever tho tbh
Kids flip all the time in football recruiting, it’s stupid the way the system is but it’s just the way it goes.

But committing to an in-state school, getting Mr. Football, and decommitting the day you made comments about enrolling early...well that’s pretty cold blooded even by college football recruiting standards.

Don’t read your mentions, Wandale.
I don’t want to tell you no so I’ll tell you yes, lie for a month, and leave you hanging a few days before I’m supposed to enroll.

I’m actually interested in what makes football recruiting the way it is with the decommitments, flips, stringing along, lying, constant waffling, etc.
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Money and attention whoring are probably 99% of it.

And, while not true in every case, a lot of the time the father either isn't there or is only in it for the meal ticket. No one to step in when it gets too goofy and sit the kid/coaches down for a decent ass chewing.
Probably need to work on that staff, as they’ll want a Weddnesfield, Thurrsdafield, and a Friddafield around to keep up with the alliteration games.
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I don't think Mr. Kentucky has anything at all to do with Robinson's decision. There have been 32 Kentucky Mr. Footballs. Only 11 of them committed to UK.

And, by the way, they haven't announced this year's winner yet. The one announced last weekend was a new sportswriter's Mr. Football. First one ever. The one we are used to will be announced later this month.
I have a hard time fathoming going to Nebraska for anything. Marcus Welby label that place and most of the midwest "WGAF" on the map as far as I'm concerned.
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