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When did I say that Mitch handled this search well?

I'm just trying to look for positives, because there isn't a GD thing we can do about it now. And, in spite of some emotional overreacton, there ARE some positives to the hire.
For BYU personnel wise, two of their top 4 leading scorers are seniors. One of which is projected to be a second rounder. I’m unsure if the seniors might be able to transfer.

They have one scrub in the portal and no one committed to them there. One three star recruit signed for next year.
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You idiots think it's 2012. Cal won because he got the best players back then. He was a savant at recruiting. His skill is being diminished because you can just pay players now. So the important thing is to have the budget to get players and a coach who can do the X's and O's. This contract with Pope gives us the opportunity for both.
For BYU personnel wise, two of their top 4 leading scorers are seniors. One of which is projected to be a second rounder. I’m unsure if the seniors might be able to transfer.

They have one scrub in the portal and no one committed to them there. One three star for next year.
No shit... it's BYU. It makes what Pope did even more impressive.
When did I say that Mitch handled this search well?

I'm just trying to look for positives, because there isn't a GD thing we can do about it now. And, in spite of some emotional overreacton, there ARE some positives to the hire.
We just hired a guy who has one three star coming in next year. I don’t mean with some four stars and five stars. I mean one player that’s a three star.

While Nate Oates wanted the job according to someone at the ringer.

If this is true about Oats. We should ride at dawn. He stuck his nose up at Billy D. and Nate. For a guy that can’t bring a player with him?
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It's not the hire that everyone is pissed about. It's the cluster**** that The University of Kentucky Basketball has become. 50% of that is on Cal, I'm over the moon he's gone, and 50% is on Mitch who has now shown he just doesn't have the ability to deal with the big sports.

His Hall of Fame Basketball coach hated him. His football coach is looking for anyway out. They're all fighting in public. They're fighting with the biggest UK media personality. They're all fighting with the boosters. Cal is likely out letting everyone that will listen know its a circus because it is. Every person involved, other than the washed up loser assistant, want to run from that program the second they have an opportunity. It's ridiculous. So no fu*king wonder a candudate with a great gig didn't want to walk into a pressure cooker situation, following Cal, with a 3 ring circus leading the charge. Easiest no, ever. You know why dumbass Hubert is doing well? Because they had continuity. Everyone in the same page. No staff turnover. Not because he can coach his way out of paper bag. Starts at the very top.

As I said earlier, I'm ready to move on, no matter the coach. I gave Mitch the benefit of understanding the gravity of the situation and making a great hire. Even if Mark succeeds, and I hope he does, this has been flat embarrassing. I was in a restaurant full of people when it broke. It looked like a funeral. He's set the guy up for failure. Sure hope he proves us wrong but the outcome, timing, and way the search was handled is inexcusable. It just is and you can only blame Cal for so much before you're the asshole.

Get your Fuc*ing house in order, mitch. I'm an idiot for taking up for him.
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I wish there was a GYERO Twitter space. I mean, I wouldn’t talk because no one understands me anyway but I need to hear a lot of you vent for me.

Don’t have anything to add that hasn’t already been posted. While I don’t think we had to hire Pope on Day 3, I’m not going to crap on a former player and I hope he kills it. On to…I don’t know; whatever the next thing is.
We just hired a guy who has one three star coming in next year. I don’t mean with some four stars and five stars. I mean one player that’s a three star.

While Nate Oates wanted the job according to someone at the ringer.

If this is true about Oats. We should ride at dawn. He stuck his nose up at Billy D. and Nate. For a guy that can’t bring a player with him?
I don't know what to tell you boss. I never said that Mitch ran this search with alacrity (which was the question), I said that now that it's done, there are some positives to consider. However, if you want to go white hood, ride at dawn, storm MB's house, and solidify our image as insane zealots (which, BTW, chased off a lot of candidates over the years), then well, do what you gotta do I guess?
I don't understand how you get to be an AD at like Kentucky and you don't use all the resources at your disposal. You have an alum in Pat Riley who is the greatest basketball minds of all-time in coaching and administration and you don't call him to lean on him for advice, maybe make a couple of calls to the top candidates? You panic and go rogue? You don't consult with anyone when you're just 72 hours into the search?
So, over the last 5 years it stands at:

Calipari - 1 (at Kentucky, with future NBA playes all over the place)

Pope - 0 (with zero D League players, much less NBA players, and Pope still managed to whip Calipari's ass in the Kenpom rankings)
Was it too much to ask too give it a day or so? I mean... we woke up this morning certain Scott Drew is our coach. At lunch we felt good about the largest contract offer in college sports for Danny Hurley. Next, national guys are all saying wait for Donovan. By dinner we've hired our 8th choice.

Like maybe a day or so to wrap our head around it. That's a helluva 12 hour cycle.
If the boosters won’t support with NIL funding you can’t go through with this. Period.

Talk about cal leaving like a thief in the night, this is a snake move leaving everyone scrambling and nothing to do about it.

Tomorrow his bench better also be announced, NIL funding in place and players committing.

Reed and McNeely as well as Portal guys.

I feel so bad for Pope. Terrible to be in that spot but he should want to know he has support before accepting.
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I think if Pope gets players, he’ll be fine (duh). That’s what it boils down to. The last guy could get them, but forgot what to do with them. He also needs to win the press conference and immediately get a big player decision - keeping Reed, getting a transfer, etc.

This is an incredibly big swing. It’s interesting if nothing else.
Was it too much to ask too give it a day or so? I mean... we woke up this morning certain Scott Drew is our coach. At lunch we felt good about the largest contract offer in college sports for Danny Hurley. Next, national guys are all saying wait for Donovan. By dinner we've hired our 8th choice.

Like maybe a day or so to wrap our head around it. That's a helluva 12 hour cycle.
Absolutely not. I get this part of the argument. But some of us have known for years, that when it comes to major college sports hires, Barnhart sucks. He has NO feel for it. This isn't the surprise that some are making it out to be. The dude has a dismal track record when it comes to the Big TWO sports.
I think if Pope gets players, he’ll be fine (duh). That’s what it boils down to. The last guy could get them, but forgot what to do with them. He also needs to win the press conference and immediately get a big player decision - keeping Reed, getting a transfer, etc.

This is an incredibly big swing. It’s interesting if nothing else.
He didn't have "players" the last few years, and still out-performed Calipari.
-all the gripes about mitch/the search are valid.

-I'd rather have had pearl for 4-5 years (he's old)... let pope develop more at byu.

^that said I'm tired of ukbb being a source of meh at best... usually misery, glad as hell that dickhead is no longer our coach... and most importantly it's done, so I've got no choice but to get behind Mark pope.
My 12yo actually texted me and broke the news about pope. He obviously has zero idea who tf mark pope is and was throughly distraught that Kentucky hired some dude from BYU. I was pretty pissed at first, but then I realized it doesn’t matter. None of this matters. This is all just a temporary escape and at the end of the day this too is just a part of the vapor that makes up our meaningless lives. Once you really start to accept the nothingness that is existence, you can have a little fun with it. Get it, I said he “pegged” him. That’s something Mormons do instead of having real sex, I think. Maybe I’m wrong. Idk. Doesn’t matter.
One thing Pope does NOT do, is clog the middle with big men. He basically spreads all 5 players out, runs "rubs" and picks, moves the ball around, and bounce pass to cutters, once the defense is extended.

IOW - modern basketball...

How refreshing THAT will be.

Bonus, his second NCAA tourney win will double what Cal had in the last 5 years.
I thought it was just MP/UCL that was a nihilist…guess he dragged Rax into that pit also.
At least he played with Shep. So maybe we have a chance at keeping Reed. Priority 1,2,3…if he does that he’ll win over everyone.
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It's not the hire that everyone is pissed about. It's the cluster**** that The University of Kentucky Basketball has become. 50% of that is on Cal, I'm over the moon he's gone, and 50% is on Mitch who has now shown he just doesn't have the ability to deal with the big sports.

His Hall of Fame Basketball coach hated him. His football coach is looking for anyway out. They're all fighting in public. They're fighting with the biggest UK media personality. They're all fighting with the boosters. Cal is likely out letting everyone that will listen know its a circus because it is. Every person involved, other than the washed up loser assistant, want to run from that program the second they have an opportunity. It's ridiculous. So no fu*king wonder a candudate with a great gig didn't want to walk into a pressure cooker situation, following Cal, with a 3 ring circus leading the charge. Easiest no, ever. You know why dumbass Hubert is doing well? Because they had continuity. Everyone in the same page. No staff turnover. Not because he can coach his way out of paper bag. Starts at the very top.

As I said earlier, I'm ready to move on, no matter the coach. I gave Mitch the benefit of understanding the gravity of the situation and making a great hire. Even if Mark succeeds, and I hope he does, this has been flat embarrassing. I was in a restaurant full of people when it broke. It looked like a funeral. He's set the guy up for failure. Sure hope he proves us wrong but the outcome, timing, and way the search was handled is inexcusable. It just is and you can only blame Cal for so much before you're the asshole.

Get your Fuc*ing house in order, mitch. I'm an idiot for taking up for him.

Stoops is the longest tenured coach in the SEC and Cal - who landed in trouble wherever else he went - stayed here for 14 years. What am I missing here?
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