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Still convincing myself upsides:

1. Probably defends BLOB plays.
2. Won't have every ref hating his guts before the game starts.
3. Won't scream like a maniac.
4. Won't treat BBN like we're just lucky to have him and should STFU.
5. Won't sit 2 potential lottery picks in lieu of generational wealth.
6. Walks dogs with leashes.

Cal really f'd us up. We'll be fine. If nothing else, Pope makes the post-Cal transition of turning us back into a program instead of a pit stop.
If you had told me a week ago we could trade Cal for Pope and 3.5 million I would have accepted. I’m just exhausted from him as a person/coach.

100% understand the frustration but that’s about how this was handled.

If Pope loves UK. He was tired of Cal’s shit too. He will bring us back or die trying. I can live with that.

I’m in the raft.
My biggest worry is that he has to crush it in recruiting and the biggest draw to Kentucky is our legacy. Problem is all high school kids know is the Cal portion of the legacy. High school freshmen weren’t even born yet when Cal was hired here so our biggest selling point to high school kids is at another school.
Went to bed early last night seeing lots of posts, did we get Donovan??

- Just happy it’s not Cal, big risk big reward hire that won’t bankrupt us like Cal was. University saved 50 million that it can put towards NIL.

- He runs a great offense, something we haven’t seen since 1998, might as well enjoy some fun optimism.

-like a newly divorced guy, let’s bang this chick and see what happens, it doesn’t work out on to the next but at least we’re away from our awful whore ex that slowly zapped our life away

-No worse than Hubert Davis or John Scheyer is it?
It’s an experiment. Give him 3-4 years and if it’s not working then make a move.

If it works out, you have a coach for 10-15 years.

He isn’t bouncing to the NBA (more than likely) and he isn’t getting lured to another school.

Make the announcement, win the press conference, and solidify the roster.
For those that say Hubert is successful because of continuity within, let’s not forget or deny the Matt Doherty era of history.

That said, to complain now is like the old man yelling at the clouds…. Get behind the Pope. Pontificate and whatnot. It will be nice change to know your coach is the smartest guy in the room… and not a condescending douchebag with a douchebag son.

Golden was my 5th choice because he’s a smart and modern coach. Pope is similar.

Eff the raft…. Get in the Popemobile.
We were taken out in '92 by a man named Christian. We suffered a dagger 3 by another Christian 20 years later. Then one of the apostles crushed our souls 10 years after that.

Now we have the Pope. Feels good to get God back on our side.
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I want to know the story on Donovan…seems to be conflicting reports on his interest/our pursuit.


Guess Mitch didn't want to take a chance on achieving a hat trick for failed attempts to hire the same guy.
^Agree but just seems to be conflicting reports all over the place about what did/didn’t happen.
You mean like every idiot throwing every touching nugget of bs rumor against the wall and reacting like it was set in stone and throwing an internet tantrum at 58 years old? Yeah that was fun, let’s start that back up about Donovan.

I mean I want to know too but I’ll wait a few weeks as not to flip out like a child.
Yeah, I think we all overestimated the candidates. Mitch likely didn't consider Pearl, Miller, Beard, Oats (?), Pitino, etc. because of their history. Went for Drew first because he's as straight as an arrow. Hurley, though no baggage, was second because he wasn't as milquetoast as Drew was. Probably forced to consider Hurley but who knows. Didn't want to wait on Donovan. Then? Went down to Pope. I'm not mad about Pope, I'm on board. Hope like hell he'll do great here. I just feel like Mitch's personal values and standards were the driver in this search rather than what would best put UK in a position to succeed.

There's some gray area there and of course we don't know how it really went down, but the handling of this coaching search is questionable at best. Not mad about where it ended, just questioning how we got there.
Yeah, I think we all overestimated the candidates. Mitch likely didn't consider Pearl, Miller, Beard, Oats (?), Pitino, etc. because of their history. Went for Drew first because he's as straight as an arrow. Hurley, though no baggage, was second because he wasn't as milquetoast as Drew was. Probably forced to consider Hurley but who knows. Didn't want to wait on Donovan. Then? Went down to Pope. I'm not mad about Pope, I'm on board. Hope like hell he'll do great here. I just feel like Mitch's personal values and standards were the driver in this search rather than what would best put UK in a position to succeed.

There's some gray area there and of course we don't know how it really went down, but the handling of this coaching search is questionable at best. Not mad about where it ended, just questioning how we got there.

The fact that his (alleged) top two choices were Drew and Pope would support that narrative.
Congrats on a solid hire. What he may not have in roster talent immediately will be offset by the way his players give 110% for him. That was obvious watching his BYU teams. Throw in his love for the name on the jersey (something I am sure he will instill on his players here) and he will do well. Hopefully he gets the support of the blue hairs and those w/ deep pockets.

Great guy and I am pulling for him.
The hire is similar to Pat Kelsey at U of L. Seems underwhelming at first but then you see that the guy has very good midmajor credentials. Issue with both is no true glimpses of "greatness" (no tournament wins/runs). U of L fans seem very happy with Kelsey a few weeks in and UK fans will probably be very happy with Pope too.

Will take a mindset change to not be salivating over 18 year olds and their draft stock.
I thought maybe Cal just needed a fresh start and would get his fastball back at Arkansas. But seeing his demeanor at his presser and getting off the plane, I realized that may not be the case. Now this. He's never changing.

Pope will be such a welcome change of pace. Just win.
If Cal proved anything during his time at UK is that it's mostly about Jimmy's and Joes than X's and O's. Even when we were rolling under Cal, it was almost entirely due to an incredible roster more than great coaching.

It's all about roster construction. Does Pope have the tools to attract transfers and some high level high school talent?

I'll reserve my thoughts until we get into June and July.
If Cal proved anything during his time at UK is that it's mostly about Jimmy's and Joes than X's and O's. Even when we were rolling under Cal, it was almost entirely due to an incredible roster more than great coaching.

It's all about roster construction. Does Pope have the tools to attract transfers and some high level high school talent?

I'll reserve my thoughts until we get into June and July.

That was true from 2012-2020. We were absolutely one of, if not the, most talented team last year. UCONN, Alabama, NC State, and Purdue weren’t filled with 5 stars. They had older transfers, and teams that were well coached. I truly think the formula nowadays is roster construction and running a good coaching system. No clue if Pope was the answer but it sure wasn’t whatever the hell Cal was running.
If Cal proved anything during his time at UK is that it's mostly about Jimmy's and Joes than X's and O's. Even when we were rolling under Cal, it was almost entirely due to an incredible roster more than great coaching.

It's all about roster construction. Does Pope have the tools to attract transfers and some high level high school talent?

I'll reserve my thoughts until we get into June and July.

Just imagine how good we could have been, with all of the Jimmy’s s & Joe’s, if we had any semblance of X’s & O’s. I don’t think Pope will need 7 First Round draft picks to do well. Cal had to have all of that talent for a reason.

I’m just so glad that the bum is gone that I’m not upset about Pope at all. We needed a palate cleanse and we got it. If he isn’t successful here I’m pretty sure it won’t be because he didn’t give us 110%.
- I’m sick of the “you could of had him anytime” and should’ve waited.

Guess what Billy lovers, he could have went ahead and told us he’d accept too! Ever think of that? Why do we need to wait?!?

- Rivals laughing, National guys treating it like WTF, KSR pre show crapping on it and my inner libra is kicking in for some balance here.

How about this we’re f’ing UK so remember this day and all the hate! Bring it on because we are about to shed all the pussy ass fans that can’t get over themselves and we’ll see soon enough.

- Sometimes I’m to wordy and specific, but please get Rondo on this bench as a GA with the idea of adding him as soon as you can.

Please. He can recruit and he is on the AAU circuits and will shut down Cal’s smear campaign.

- I’m all in and agree if Reed and Z can be won over to come back then next year we’ll be fine!
Listen, I heard we are in on Dominique Ferguson and Dakota euton is a name to write down.

Hopefully we get liggins because I really don't want to stoop to GJ Vilarino but it's not a bad backup option to have.

We are coping again gang.

Edit : Eff it, after reading all the former players getting hyped and gassing him up Im ready to huff the copium. Let's build a team and see what we got.
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