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There should be no taxes at all. The private sector finds a way to take care of all goods and services.

Can you imagine the utopia of a country with no taxes? Dream about it all the time. I’m pretty sure we are stuck in the short run but zero tax at all is going to come in the long run. It has to.
We sure are getting our moneys worth for what we pay. Anyone should be happy to write the United States government a check for more money. Also apply that to the highly decorated and proven Kentucky government.
You clearly know more on details than I and I defer to your knowledge even if I wouldn’t agree on specific points

You say there is a better way to tax this and distilleries aren’t opposed to a tax and how it is applied. I have no reason not to take you at face value…but if that were the case, why didn’t the propose an alternative tax as part of this and do it to coincide with the repeal of this one?

Forgive me if I don’t believe that after the repeal of this, they won’t fight like hell to oppose “new taxes on Kentucky industry.” I think it would be naive to assume otherwise
Naturally just like everyone fights taxes.

But in this instance you have 11M barrels in this state aging. However you have every distillery adding millions if not billions to increase production(for example I think when Buffalo Trace finishes expansion they will be able to produce 65,000 barrels a week). It’s thought that production in the state will triple, so the way taxes hit now this currently generates 350,000 for small town Lebanon Junction and if this tax goes away they have stated they will lose their fire dept.

Ok fine, but if the tax triples do to production tripling it’s now a 1M line item so what comes from that?

Also, if small town Lebanon Junction can’t afford a fire dept how is a fire dept around MGP who doesn’t pay a barrel tax afforded?

The argument could go on and on so trying to convince you otherwise or make you see the light is pointless.

But the fear mongering that is being used to make people think communities will lose fire dept or OMG these roads won’t be fixed anymore is manipulation of voters at the least.

Beshear will veto this regardless and then the negotiation will continue!
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Midrange pull ups, winter like weather and the inevitable redass that’s coming whenever the Cats get bounced highlighting the 3rd underachieving year in a row.

All we need now is for MilqueToast to announce that someone was way over served at the UK vs IU baseball game last night and cold beer will not be served to the general public at any UK athletic events for the foreseeable future.

So sick of this. Can’t get nothin’.
This was the most shocking fact to me: “In the last 5 years and 7 of the last 9, Kentucky has ranked 220th or lower in frequency of shots at the rim.” Surely to goodness that can’t be right, but it would explain a lot.

Think I saw where we take something like a 1/3 of our shots from each level (rim, midrange, 3), where a modern efficient offense is more like 45/10/45.

Cal likes to "take what the defense gives us". Well, no shit they're going to give you midrange. It's a garbage shot. Excellent coaching, playing RIGHT into our opponent's game plan...

"We don't need to worry about anyone else...we just need to be the best version of ourselves" - coach who's too lazy to actually scout and implement opponent-specific game plans.
This was the most shocking fact to me: “In the last 5 years and 7 of the last 9, Kentucky has ranked 220th or lower in frequency of shots at the rim.” Surely to goodness that can’t be right, but it would explain a lot.
Doesn't surprise me at all, we have a coach that gives zero thought to spacing and plays players out of position making it difficult to beat their man off the bounce.
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Sports Gambling is out of committee per Mag. Is it actually going to pass or is it half hearted attempt to say "hey we tried"?
This should make everyone feel better. Turns out, our offensive philosophy makes even less sense than you thought!

And it is essentially Oscar's unreal offensive rebounding that creates what efficiency we do have.

That should be pretty easy to recreate next year.
This notion that the bourbon industry is flourishing so it needs to pay more taxes is a little misguided. With their growth they are paying more taxes just like any other business that grows, has higher profits and employs more people.
They are paying more property tax due to growth, more payroll taxes, more net income tax. They are employing more people who are buying homes in the area, spending money in the community, paying local taxes etc. They haven't objected to any of that. They just object to being the only industry in American history who pays taxes on inventory for decades before they sell it.

This times 1000.

While the bourbon industry, much like Kentucky's equine industry have been over taxed for years, I've always maintained that additional taxes should be levied on Sports Bars.
People drink too much at them, then get in auto accidents that require community resources like police, ambulances, and firefighters, why shouldn't they pay more of their fair share? If it weren't for sports bars and the hell they create by over serving people, we would be able to reduce our tax rate by not needing so many first responders.

Furthermore, with the amount of cash that flows through sports bars, the IRS should put them through annual IRS audits to ensure ownership isn't stealing tax revenue from "the people" and all money is going to where it should be going, TAXES.

Furthermore, I always felt like radio stations and radio personalities should be taxed more.
No real reason, other than I just think they should. 😎

Also book publishers and especially book authors should be taxed more. Like ALOT more. DO you have any idea what authors and their books are doing to our national tree canopy? Killing trees for books that raises our overall climate temperature, and creating global warming. Now those are the folks who should be paying alot more taxes. They simply are destroying the future of our Earth and making it unhealthy for our children! Tax the $hit out of em.

Lilly is the most overrated “it” chick of this era. Good grief. A Marginally cute chick with sneaky big Boobs? Lol. OMG! Countless gyero wives have the same, and are hotter.
-I'd put GYERO wives against any collective group of message board wives. There is not a finer collection of absolute ladies who just so happen to be smokeshows.

With that said......... Boobies. That ain't a bad thang. AT&T chick can do a commercial with me any day of the week.
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One big ding on the Czech Republic, 99% of the time when asking for a bourbon list, the only options are Jim Beam, and like 6 different types of Jack Daniels which is listed under bourbons.

I saw Makers and Woodford once. Every liquor store, every restaurant, Jim Beam & Jack Daniels. That's it.

Do better Czech Republic. Do better.
Czech beer --> every bar/restaurant seems to have their own house pilsner. Barman pours one up, then uses a little scraper to wipe the overflow suds away. Serves it with a perfectly foamy head.

Best gd beer I've ever had in my life over there. Prague is amazing.
Czech beer --> every bar/restaurant seems to have their own house pilsner. Barman pours one up, then uses a little scraper to wipe the overflow suds away. Serves it with a perfectly foamy head.

Best gd beer I've ever had in my life over there. Prague is amazing.

Agreed. And while not only freaking amazing, it seemed no matter how much I drank, I never did get a hangover.

While the Pilsner Urquell seemed to be on tap everywhere and is pretty damn good, I fell in love with the Staropramen. Just incredible beer, and to your point the perfect foamy head (That's what she said) in every pour.
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Update on crazy neighbor no one asked for:

Last week I'm sitting upstairs and notice it's foggy outside. Nope. Just the neighbor burning leaves in the backyard. He had about a dozen different piles around his trees and near the house. I and several others called it in and about 20 mins later, the fire chief was dressing him down and making him put the fires out.

On Sat, the wife calls my wife to ask if we have a generator. He had the power shut off. I'm mowing the lawn and the tech comes out and shuts off the water. Next day the gas guy shut off the gas. We drop them a electrical cord.

Yesterday the wife shows back up and asks my wife to help her with something. Wife said he had created barricades in the house. Turns out one of the cop visits was them having to draw weapons to remove him from the house. Now he's got an injunction on him that he can't be within 500'.

She also finds out he wasn't just burning leaves, he was trying to burn his house down to collect insurance on it. He had placed several 5 gallons gas can around the house. Now I'm getting livid because the nutjob would have likely burned our house down and the one on the other side since we're so close to each other.

So the guy has lost his job, wife filed for divorce, 2 kids won't talk to him, declared himself indigent and is really bad at arson (thankfully). Welcome to Florida Man, man.
I'd tell the Bourbon Industry we're going to double their taxes and if they threaten to leave again we'll burn their racks down and piss on the ashes. Gotta play offense with these slapdicks.

Oh, and Fred Minnick is a fat douche bag. Oh, you're good at tasting Bourbon and dressing like an asshole? That's not a job. Can you imagine caring what this guy thinks?

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