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I’ve been apart of enough remodels in there to know he absolutely fits in! Hell he has been there from the beginning.

When I first started Down Home I was told he’d be a great person for a bourbon review and was given his contact from the guy that runs Seelbachs online.

The response he gave was gold:


Good luck with your venture. I’d love to taste your product so leave it at (enter address) and make sure it’s a media bottle at no cost, and leave a $250 check paid to (Fred minnick) for the review.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Just a complete douchebag as one would expect after just one look at the guy.
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Being upset about the bourbon selection in Prague is next level. Maybe you should’ve asked for fireball? Who gives a shit about bourbon when you’re in Prague?

“I went to Thailand and the pad Thai was garbage…” yeah because it’s an American product, silly goose.

I’ve seen Gyero wives and they’re hotter than average for sure. That said not many 8-10 wives, they’re 6-8s which is still way better than what most dudes are working with. Most wives are a casual 5-6.

And that’s okay, they’ve given up and have kids.

You know you’re old when you and your dad take naps at the same time.
Being upset about the bourbon selection in Prague is next level. Maybe you should’ve asked for fireball? Who gives a shit about bourbon when you’re in Prague?

“I went to Thailand and the pad Thai was garbage…” yeah because it’s an American product, silly goose.

I’ve seen Gyero wives and they’re hotter than average for sure. That said not many 8-10 wives, they’re 6-8s which is still way better than what most dudes are working with. Most wives are a casual 5-6.

And that’s okay, they’ve given up and have kids.

You know you’re old when you and your dad take naps at the same time.

Dude, there is playing around and there's just being mean and a dick about things. Coming from Captain Asshole here, stop being an asshole.
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Come on gang, obviously kidding and pushing buttons. There’s not a person on here i dislike or think poorly of, you all are the best.

And all the wives I’ve met on here are way better than I could do.
Maybe these assholes have a 2014-type run in them. Who knows? Anyhow, it’s now Wednesday night, and that’s what I’ve talked myself into.

And here’s the thing - these guys plainly have the ability to do it. It can be done.

Remember catpaw, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
Would love to see the Gyero wives’ collective driver license glamour shots. My little Ukrainian princess looks adorable in hers.

Mine is almost expired, but what do I care? I am a well to do, clean cut, middle aged professional white male. I’m sure as hell not getting pulled over. The first-world was built to cater to me. I may never renew that cocksucker.

We spend plenty of time bitching about our executives and the legislative branches, and rightfully so, but let me tell you. The judicial branch in this state is one of the most hopelessly broken, gone institutions that there could ever be. It’s sort of county dependent - there are exceptions. But by and large, it is god awful. Hoping none of you business titans of the Commonwealth ever have a significant dispute in Kenton County, because Justice will not be found (or even ruled upon - just indefinitely passed to future motion dockets). If I didn’t hate the law, I would run for judge.

This hot 27 year old associate I supervise didn’t wear a bra to her monthly review meeting today. Giant headlight nipples just staring right at me. And she’s every bit of 5-10, fit, blonde, pretty face, and with generally good German genes. Also very profitable. Mercy.

I’ve taken to buying all my jeans at Ace. Carhart. Only jeans I’ve found that (a) fit well, (b) look normal, and (c) last. I wear them to the office and don’t give a f**k. Sometimes I wish I had been a hiking guide / bartender bum in some mountain town. But then other times I like my multiple six figure earnings. I don’t know - pass the snus.
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