When times are tough for UK basketball, I longingly look back at that magical Kansas/Kentucky matchup in January 2005. Standing in the cold still drunk from the night before, trying to scrounge for any food we can get while staying huddled around each other, commiserating with other college kids trying to stay amped up for the game, when one brave soul cleared the air to make a bold proclamation: we must create a new chant for UK. And wouldn't you know it, the same hungry firestarter had already cooked one up. From his lips, or some say from the lips of the gods, these sweet, inspiratory words filled the air outside of Rupp:
Beam and makers
Beam and makers
Who are we?
We're Kentucky
We're Kentucky
Go Tubby!
And suddenly, it was if a call to arms was sounded. Our huddled masses gelled as one blue and white army, storming the doors to Rupp, and spilling into the student section ready for blood. Another brother-at-arms yelled out "Kansas Sucks! Kansas Suck!" And they did. But so did we. We scored 59 points shooting 30% from the field in one of the fugliest basketball games I've ever watched and I don't think I've recovered in life since. Some part of me continues to wander lost after that one.