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With Learys injuries the backup may be the most important player on our roster next year it's not a popular opinion I'm sure but I didn't see anything today that made me feel good about that issue.

Excited about next year. Stoops and crew crushed the portal. Let's reset and see what happens. Go Cats.
That might have been the worst football game I have ever watched, and as a CATS and Bengals fan, that’s saying something.

Don’t get the bitching for Sharon, or whoever. He is not the guy either. The fact is, one, we need a backup for next year, and two, maybe it would be cool for Stoops to actually develop a starting qb in our system for the first time….ever. Wade obviously was well thought of, top 300 guy, might as well find out. And…I guess we found out, but maybe there are some tools there? I guess what I’m saying is we’re f**ked if Timothy Leary goes down.

Weird starting 2022 by playing Iowa, and finishing 2022 by playing Iowa. Have we ever played the same team twice in the same year? 2022 kind of sucked, to be honest, so bookending it with games against goddamned Iowa seems appropriate.
-Interesting day for UK sports. You all saw it, no need to beat either dead horse.

-Did the last 5k of the year this morning. Finished in 26:30 which is 3 minutes faster than the first one I did earlier in the year. Next up: 10k

-Logged 1304.7 miles, 341 workouts, 313 hours 47 minutes & 21 seconds since May 2nd. The most I’ve ever worked out in my life. 3rd best decision I made this year

-Stopped drinking May 2nd (other than a few at HS reunion & 2 old Fashioned’ son my birthday”. Stopped smoking September 18th. 1st and 2nd best decisions, in that order.

-Overall ‘22 wasn’t that bad. Nothing extremely bad happened, made another trip around the sun and rediscovered some old passions that I had long neglected. Knock on wood.

-Happy New Years and here is to an even better 2023 for all of my fellow GYERO’ers. Better tell ya now because no way in hell I’ll be awake anywhere close to midnight.
Level of Incompetence by Stoops today was high even for him. He must have taken the last 3 weeks off. 6-6 / 7-5 next city.
They were all rooting against us in 2015. Go Sherman on these slow-talking Protestants. How many Top 2 classes do you need to stack, Kirby?
Lesser of 2 evils. SEC being the dominant conference is a big deal for us. I hate UGA. Also hate OSU and their trash fan base... like you.

I get the argument. Used to feel that way too. My point of view has just adjusted over the past decade.
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