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i’m afraid to cross talk again so - just know that SOME of you ...are saying wonderful things

Middlesboro bows out to LCA 58-0
what - the actual- fiddle fk was THAT?

is LCA loaded with D1 and olympic talent or something???

Loved the physical humiliation of louisville

stumbled into a skunk last night around 4am - little bastard was RUNNING at me ...i thought it was a friendly cat — i freakin screamed — he sprayed

great night for all

also learned that Opossums are our friends
they eat ticks and scare off snakes and revenuers

my oldest girl is going through a japanese street race car phase

i’m about to stop work and START The Woodford

y’all be good and shit
i swear i love ya
Feel like every Audrey I've ever seen or met looks like an Audrey. There are several names like this for me, so I googled it, and apparently it's a thing.

A quick google reveals there are actually studies and science proving it true.

(among several others)

A few others for me: Tabitha, Miranda, Beth.
You know who doesn’t look like their name? Minkah Fitzpatrick. I feel like someone with the name Minkah should be on the cover of the SI Swimsuit issue back in the early 90’s (aka before they started employing trannys and fat chicks) as opposed to being the baddest free safety in football.
If I want an item, and it can only be found made in Communist China, I am looking on ebay and Craigslist. Good used doesn't feed their military.

Not gonna pay for the bullets or microorganisms to kill me or my descendants. Unless, of course, our friends in DC fund it with our tax dollars.

Chuck Fina 🤬🤬🤬
- right or wrong, anyone posting political shit here can GFts

- Brady/Huber, how does the NIL payouts work? Lump sum or payments throughout the year. Also what happens if player transfers?
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Lol... well if you boys don't like political stuff, just wait and see if the rightwing part of the SC goes along with this current abortion case. Meltdown mode by the usual suspects has already kicked off and we're just on the first day of hearings.
The US outsources mostly terrible slave labor jobs to 3rd world countries and we overall become more rich.

I’m totally cool with this, btw.
Trillions in debt. Hehe

Remember the scary days when we were billions in debt.

When we become decillion in debt, then we will tal..

Actually, still LOL from this guy!
The US debt per the clock is 29 trillion...

Wait, 32 Trillion.

US has that laying between the couch cushions.
If it makes you feel any better, total assets of the US are estimated at $225 Trillion. And only $7 Trillion of that debt is owned by foreigners or foreign governments.
—I have a customer willing to pay me 4 grand to move two, quite expensive, wall clocks from Paris, TN to the upper peninsula of Michigan. Looks like I’m headed North.

—how big was that win Saturday for Stoops? Going into the GA game we were riding high, Sugar Bowl dreams, talk about him getting other offers, etc. Lose that and the next two and everything seemed to change. Beat two nobodies and dominate our rival and all of a sudden it’s a new ballgame. Good for him. Give the man what he wants.

—other than the Duke game I haven’t watched an entire basketball game so far this year, for various reasons. But from what I have seen I do like our makeup. Looks like we are capable of making a deep run. Get there and let the chips fall where they may.

—haven’t had a Hot Brown in 30 or so years. Made some this last week with leftover thanksgiving turkey. Thick cut bacon, smoked turkey, Roma’s, homemade cheese sauce and some thick sliced toasted bread....nice way to rid the fridge of the leftovers.

—would like to see Citrus but won’t be disappointed with Outback. Best friend lives in Tampa and will be getting tix through UKAA. Probably getting tix to Orlando too so whatever.
Japan should still be our largest creditor.

Yes, that Japan who was going to own us back in the 80's.
Japan is still our biggest creditor. More importantly than the debt is that 305B of the 2022 budget is interest payments on said debt.

By 2024 that interest is estimated to be 450B, and by then most of if not all financially sound minds are predicting we will be in the middle of a recession.

Also predicting a great chance to not be able to pay toward that big of a nut if the recession is even close to 2008.

But we hood rich, bitch! And I’m stupid!
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Japan is still our biggest creditor. More importantly than the debt is that 305B of the 2022 budget is interest payments on said debt.

By 2024 that interest is estimated to be 450B, and by then most of if not all financially sound minds are predicting we will be in the middle of a recession.

Also predicting a great chance to not be able to pay toward that big of a nut if the recession is even close to 2008.

But we hood rich, bitch! And I’m stupid!
You're forgetting that the debt is backed in US dollars which we can create out of paper and ink.
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Japan is still our biggest creditor. More importantly than the debt is that 305B of the 2022 budget is interest payments on said debt.

By 2024 that interest is estimated to be 450B, and by then most of if not all financially sound minds are predicting we will be in the middle of a recession.

Also predicting a great chance to not be able to pay toward that big of a nut if the recession is even close to 2008.

But we hood rich, bitch! And I’m stupid!
Thanks wiki
Oh, yes, that’s so smart! Wish I had known that.

Everything is good now, thanks Wayne!
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