-Who says that? Poor service…you’re probably just an asshole and they’d rather take the loss in tip, give you bad service so you just leave and reset the table. I, for one, don’t blame those servers. Happens all the time.
You’re probably right though pti. UKO is a bitch so they definitely allow female dogs in there.
>-< this close to being that guy and slapping a Service Animal vest on my dude. That shit is such a joke but hey, means your pup can hangout with you. As long as it’s not barking the whole time I don’t care.
Anyone have experience flying with a dog? I would HATE to put him in the cargo hold but he’s done it before when he flew from the Bahamas to Florida. I want to fly him to KY once a year or so and not have to spend 2-4 days driving on vacation so he can come.
Probably bringing him back for Xmas to show him cold weather and hopefully a touch of snow.
Regarding the service dog collar and harness, did that very thing for my Mastiff / Rhodesian Ridgeback. It was a cool $60, came thru the mail, certified and all. The nicest hotel and condos, he rolls right in with me. BUT, he is a very obedient dog, and NEVER barks. You can take a late with a steak on it, sit in on a end table, he will never touch it. If I tell him to sit, he will until I say "Good Boy." He will literally sit for 30 minutes. I will shot a MFer over him, he is my special boy, my 4th son so to speak. When the day comes (he is 8), It will seriously be very hard on me, I will have to take off a few days from work.
Mannnn, F some cord cutting, MFers on here bragging about spending One-Fitty on a bottle of bourbon, but jump on here gloating about saving $9.42 by not having cable. LOL, MAYBE buy the $50 bottle and have the best of both worlds. Not like you can tell the difference in taste. Even save $90.58. That is savings.
"The Bounty Hunter" intro song runs thru my head every time is see a post about Dog.
Not playing Missouri, but this week is "Show Me" time for UK football. Show me you belong in the conversation and deserved to sit at the big boy table. If you get blown out, brush it off, win the games you are suppose to and enjoy that Belk Bowl / Music City Bowl or occasional Gator Bowl / Outback Bowl. No half stepping, time to prove if you are a contender or a pretender. Stoops Troops need to get shit right. Beat Florida and LSU, I would CONSIDER doing some terrible favors if he was to ask, LOL. (Not serious for you idiots who like to troll)
Whew, need a break, a 9 day stretch (16th-25th) of 13, some 14 hour days has me wore TF out. Over $2 Million in loans, a ton of them subprime. No letting up, time to get the loans cashed and in the bank. With these dumbasses, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING can and does happen. Here is to hoping none of them quit their jobs, go to jail, get separated from spouse, wreck the car, or provided false information and I get them all cashed.