- Still haven't received my Homefield order from back on the 5th. Finally got a response last night after several inquiries that it would be shipping "soon"
A clear sign you're a Mickey Mouse operation when it takes a month to ship two t-shirts at the start of football season.
- Arguing for cable is like defending cassette tapes in 1995.
And there are plenty of networks that spat with cable carriers and temporarily went dark over the years.
SPOILER: they always get resolved.
And nothing more convenient than watching anything and everything via your iPhone, wherever you are.
- Woke up to an extry $60 in my venmo from old SAECATFAN. Was confused until he reminded me of the weekly pick 'em payouts
Definitely takes an already fun weekly challenge up a notch. You jokers should have joined.
- Got a bad feeling about Saturday night. Florida is a bad matchup. Mobile QB, impressive ground game. Defense that once they got their legs under them held the Tide to 10 points in the second half and put a lid on their rushing attack.
They only got to Young twice so if our line can hold up and Levis can play within himself, may be able to keep it close and hope we catch a few breaks.