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Implement slap fighting in your Gyerolympics and watch grown men crumble...

-No clue why either century or richie were so upset. Just figured it had some background that a lurker wasn't privy too.

-Off work tomorrow. I'm all about starting up new holidays. werk sux lol

-Took the moneyline on ATL before the half last night. Holy shit, the 76'ers, albeit talented, are such a poorly constructed roster. Ben Simmons is garbage, and I don't care how great his defense is. If you got a guy in your backcourt that not only can't make shots but won't even take shots, you're screwed. He looks like he hates playing basketball and took 4 field goals last night. Any team that maxes him out deserves what they get.

-What's everybody getting their old man for dad's day? His bday and father's day are usually pretty simple (gift cards) but I'm going to get him a new pocket knife this year. A little more thoughtful. Haven't decided which one to get, but this one is the frontrunner atm.


-I actually really dug the looks of those gloves rudd posted, but I have zero use for anything like that. Good to see people geeking out on niche items like that, though. Makes me feel better about my own spending habits. My amazon order history is embarrassing.

-Happy Juneteenth.
- I ship Graeters to my dad for all birthdays, holidays, random occasions. He is thrilled every time, so I'm going to keep doing it until he tells me he is suddenly violently lactose intolerant or something. He would probably still eat it even then.

- I can't fight worth a damn but I would enjoy lining up to slap the Tar Heel out of anyone, not just UKO.

- "Oh, that raccoon." 🤣

The police showed up to my buddy's place and took the racoon, declaring it a public health hazard. Someone called and reported the racoon along with my picture of it to the police, which is how the police got in contact with me.
It would be pretty GYERO-like to have a headline like, "Senatorial aide, former campaign lackey, and community college baby sitter's career has ended in scandal due to , check's notes, possession of a racoon." How are you going to explain this to the kids?
ThroughBlue has only been posting here for ~ 6 months, and is already a HOF terrible poster.

Speaking of which -- is UKDallas/chiefpaduke alive? Truly worried about that guy.
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You may want to click page 1 at the top of the screen Bub which is from may 2015.

Your judging of time really brings those posted running times into question

- My ex mother-in-law passed away on Wednesday and I was honored to be asked to be a pallbearer. The hard thing was having to explain to my 6-year old daughter what that meant, she still doesn’t completely understand the finality of life and losing loved ones.

- Looking forward to basketball season, this team has the make-up of a scrappy bunch with all of the transfers trying to prove themselves. Grady looks like a top-notch scorer and Tshweibie is great ij

- I really wish companies trying to hire people would stop testing for cannabis...alcohol is much more dangerous and addicting, BUT IF YOU SMOKE THE POT you’re unfit...Draconian times I must say.

Yet with that said, I passed my screen with flying colors. Just needed a bottle of someone else’s urine, hand warmers, and some tape around the bottle which was tucked beneath balls.

(before anyone chimes in, people being hungover/drunk are the main cause of workplace accidents - not cannabis)

- UK needs a new baseball coach, we have the facilities, but Mingione has been terrible. There is no “home” atmosphere and he continues to get out recruited by Louisville.

- Watching Bojack Horseman for a second time, very underrated.

- If UK can average 200+ yards in the passing game they will upset some people even if they keep the same vanilla defense.

My biggest complaint about Stoops is that he has a very vanilla game plan. Let’s shake that up a bit with our talent and see where it gets us.
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I don’t know Century that well but always enjoyed his company.

I went overboard. That was a mistake but I’m done taking shit off people.
This was the right response. And only for one reason.

Some of you may not know this, but Century is a fraternity brother of mine. It's quite well known in our circles that when he wasn't killing it on campus as a 6' 5" blonde dude slaying everything that walked up to him, pounding kegs of Falls City beer, or killing pigs for Fraternity Alumni cookout events with his bare hands, he had a much more important, less known about identity.

CenturyCat was the one, the only, Flash Gordon.

CenturyCat was so important to humanity that the legendary Rock Band Queen wrote a song about him.
"Flash....... Ah-ah...... Saviour of the Universe!"
"Flash....... Ah-ah...... He'll save every one of us!"

Moral of the story Rich, Dont "F" with CenturyCat or Lexington, or Flash Gordon is going to come out of retirement.

SAE's club brethren JM Butler just won the 107th Kentucky State Am... with a 3 day total of -18 (67/66/65) :oops:

I don't know that the scoring record is, but that has to be up there. Fully realize Audubon doesn't quite hold up to these young dudes today, but it was still setup as tough as they could make it. They’ve hosted numerous KGA Championships, classic track. I mean, good lord.

The Paddock's @bigbluedrew finished T16 at -3... good dude, made the trek to the Eli a few years ago, unlike Fields.

Even par was good for 48th lol. Andy Roberts +1, hate to see it.

Edit: missed above post. Certainly no shame in a -14 2nd place finish for your boy, Rudd.

There are so many levels of “great” golf, man.
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The Paddock's @bigbluedrew finished T16 at -3... good dude, made the trek to the Eli a few years ago, unlike Fields.
I didn't know AS was a Paddock poster...very good dude. And a damn good player who has gotten even better in the past couple of years. I'm no longer the stick of The Paddock if he's in the mix.

Cheap shot, but fair. The South Park Invitational is a much easier sell than a three-day trip to Mad-ville. Getting golf tournaments through the approval process at the house is a...delicate task. There's only about 4 (hometown invitational, Lex City, US Am, US Mid-Am) that are understood and expected every year. Everything else is tenuous with two kids at home under five.
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