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Would love to have you all again...but the vet move would be to forget about Thursday and take Monday (or half of) off and stay for the Sunday leaders to finish.

You want to do the cabin, let's get the boys together (young and old) and have a fishing weekend.
That's y'alls thing. Unless it's you or BBdk winning I couldn't care any less who wins. Only thing I want to do on Sunday is go out early as possible and gtf home. Are there AirBNBs on Country Club Ln?
Seeing Patterson and Haslem mentioned, $44mill and $60+ mill in contracts. Great money but just shocked never got the crazy contract that would be included in a salary dump trade. Thought they would have made a little more.
Typical L-Dub, downplaying the cabin. Probably the best part of the whole trip. I swear this guy could F up a wet dream.

We’re doing the cabin in ‘22. Leave the wives and kids at home. Mark me down. Call the newspaper. And find me some clubs to borrow.
Perhaps get 73 back in so he can throw a tantrum, chuck some clubs and call his wife to pick him up immediately.
NYC is still a far cry away from normal. The place is still a ghost town, overrun by drug-riddled zombies. I work next to the Garden and walked outside to grab lunch. Nearly every restaurant is shut down and empty. Not good. Will be years before that place is “back”. TMFS.

Did just purchase Marcus King Band tix, however. Blues guitarist prodigy.

going to beach this weekend. Glad to see Portnoy recognize Jersey shore towns are fire🔥🔥🔥. No shit, really?

Virtual whiskey tasting with friends in Louisville, Dallas, Indy and Boca Raton. We all sent 1 sample to the rest. Should be a cask-strength fiasco.

My doggie’s stitches removed. She looks good, but cancer😬.

With Michigan under sexual assault spotlight, I predict Wisconsin is next... because EFF those Kurd-eating pasty bastards.
Bo Schembechler hasn’t been the coach at Michigan for 1/3 of a century. Both he and the person accused of these crimes have been dead for over a decade. I’d argue the victims missed their window on this one.
**Finish up 9**

"Hey Jeremy, need anything from the clubhouse? I'm going to grab a drink and some food."
"Nope, sue is in the parking lot waiting."
"She drove 4 hours to pick you up?"

Okie Doke.

I mean, ursch was being a complete bitch that day, but still. 🤣
With three small kids, mind you. “It’s fine. It’s their nap time”. K, 73. I have no idea how Sue didn’t murder you after that one.
Gonna be funny when Sue has to drive from Cali this time to pick 73 up.

Kooky cats, I like you man but fu@k I've never heard of anything gayer than a " virtual bourbon tasting". Gtfo with zoom bourbon tasting

People laughed at me when I said this but jurich was the best AD in the business. To do what he did at that shit hole is amazing. I predicted their fall in basketball and football after he left.
@B.B.d.K. I'm so extremely sorry for your loss. I still remember the 2-3 times I went to Eli with the crew, how incredibly sweet she was to our rowdy group of knuckleheads, coming in late from a night of drinking at the clubhouse or Riddles, guys sleeping all over her house like it was a college apartment, never once acting like she was unhappy with the situation. Especially to that obnoxious, annoying, constantly coughing PTi. She was so incredibly welcoming to all of us and treated each of us like we were her own, pretty much the example of what the perfect grandmother was.

Also, true story, at your grandmother's house was the first time I had ever had Nutella in my life, and from that, I became a fan of the stuff. Guess I loved a sheltered life growing up.

In comparison, and I love and miss her dearly, my grandmother often times called my friends a bunch of drunk, womanizing frat boys who smelled like booze and feet...... to their/our faces. She wasn't nearly as kind as yours was.

I, like so many of us are here for you if you need anything bud. Love ya doggy. Stay strong.
I would argue that it's not terribly difficult to be a good AD when you can basically have an unlimited budget from a private slush fund to pay coaches, zero oversight for a decade plus and anything goes attitude from leadership and fans and a local press unwilling to challenge you or anything that happens within your program/town.

He built a castle on sand.
Bo Schembechler hasn’t been the coach at Michigan for 1/3 of a century. Both he and the person accused of these crimes have been dead for over a decade. I’d argue the victims missed their window on this one.

And I'd argue that the statute of limitations never expires on throwing some scorn at the dad who was cool with his 10-year old son being molested by a co-worker.
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And I'd argue that the statue of limitations never expires on throwing some scorn at the dad who was cool with his 10-year old son being molested by a co-worker.
I have no issue throwing scorn at Schembechler; he can rot in hell provided this is true (which it seems to be). I'm just trying to understand who the enemy (that is still alive) is here. Is anybody in a position of leadership at UMich still around?
Eli memories.
-Night at Showkiller's cabin and racing through the woods on side by sides way over the legal limit.
-Showkillers brother singing "I Was Framed" by Chris Knight 7329 times.
-Introduction to Nutella.
-73 almost wanting to fight me because i moved 2 inches in his back swing.
-PTi hitting the ball into people almost every hole, giving zero Fs about golf balls to the noggins.
-Farting in 73's backswing making him so angry that he had tears in his eyes wanting to kill me. We all laughed.
-73 missing a drive on a par 3 (7 holes after the fart in the backswing hole) and blaming it on me fart 7 holes before.
-Anth taught me the 7 iron as a putter around the fringe around green trick that I still use to this day.
-The pure mommy talent at the Madisonville Country Club Pool. Jesus.
-Mariocart gambling.
-Mexican restaurant in the country club clubhouse.
-Working hard to not be last (other than PTi) on the player scoreboard and succeeding. Someone sucked worse at golf than me!
-That burger joint in Madisonville that was fire.
-Tornado damage on the golf course.
-Longest drives back to Lex on a Sunday afternoon eva!
I have no issue throwing scorn at Schembechler; he can rot in hell provided this is true (which it seems to be). I'm just trying to understand who the enemy (that is still alive) is here. Is anybody in a position of leadership at UMich still around?
Pope Stephen VI had a previous Pope dug up, physically put on trial, and convicted of being a fraud and a liar. After the corpse was found guilty, they cut off the three fingers it used for blessings and threw it into a river.

Who cares if Schembechler is dead? It's never too late for vindictiveness if you're committed to it.
Pope Stephen VI had a previous Pope dug up, physically put on trial, and convicted of being a fraud and a liar. After the corpse was found guilty, they cut off the three fingers it used for blessings and threw it into a river.
(Untitled “Weekend at Bernie’s” Prequel)
Eli memories.
-Night at Showkiller's cabin and racing through the woods on side by sides way over the legal limit.
-Showkillers brother singing "I Was Framed" by Chris Knight 7329 times.
-Introduction to Nutella.
-73 almost wanting to fight me because i moved 2 inches in his back swing.
-PTi hitting the ball into people almost every hole, giving zero Fs about golf balls to the noggins.
-Farting in 73's backswing making him so angry that he had tears in his eyes wanting to kill me. We all laughed.
-73 missing a drive on a par 3 (7 holes after the fart in the backswing hole) and blaming it on me fart 7 holes before.
-Anth taught me the 7 iron as a putter around the fringe around green trick that I still use to this day.
-The pure mommy talent at the Madisonville Country Club Pool. Jesus.
-Mariocart gambling.
-Mexican restaurant in the country club clubhouse.
-Working hard to not be last (other than PTi) on the player scoreboard and succeeding. Someone sucked worse at golf than me!
-That burger joint in Madisonville that was fire.
-Tornado damage on the golf course.
-Longest drives back to Lex on a Sunday afternoon eva!
I mean, we had a local beat writer follow us around and do a front page article on our Eli Barron crew and the shenanigans that followed.
The craziest, BY FAR, was first year. Huber, 73 and I on the back nine. IIIRC 14 par 3 over water. Huber and I are already in the water, shit we should've just throw a couple range balls in and walked to the drop. 73 hits a burner that skips about 8 times and never even gets more than 3' off the pond surface. Instantly launches his iron, it hits a power line about 20' away and wraps around that thing about 5 times before falling. It was a Final Destination like experience. Thought for sure the transformer was going to blow us all over the pond.
abh ghosting during the Saturday night cocktail party, then 20 minutes later texting a selfie of him on the commode: “this is me taking a s***.”

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I would argue that it's not terribly difficult to be a good AD when you can basically have an unlimited budget from a private slush fund to pay coaches, zero oversight for a decade plus and anything goes attitude from leadership and fans and a local press unwilling to challenge you or anything that happens within your program/town.

He built a castle on sand.

He had Petrino, Pitino and McDonald there at the same time. Tell me a school with a better coaching staff than those 3 , for the big 3of basketball, football and baseball? Bet you can't do it. And that was at sh!tty ass UL.

This was the first year in the last 11 years UL didn't make the NCAA in baseball, UK has never made it.
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