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You’re just so obtuse it’s entertaining. You give other democrats a bad name. You’re like the Donald Trump of the Democratic Party. GGP, Bozo.

I’d like to hear this - how exactly am I obtuse, giving Democrats a bad name and like Donald Trump? In fact, how was my post political at all?

I’m legitimately happy for you and Huber but I don’t want to hear a baseball card millionaire whining about taxes.
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-unless you've had "skin in the game" as a business owner(with employees/overhead), it's hard to understand.*

-taxes are a necessary thing. But we have a spending problem(both varying degrees) not a revenue problem. Take some time to discover how much you pay in taxes...income/property/fuel/all the little deductions on your pay stub/all the stuff on utility/cell phone bills. Everything you buy has been taxed on multiple levels in every way imaginable before you touch it.

*Nice way of saying: you don't know what you're talking about, hush.
In Florida or at least the Keys, something like 90%!of PPPs had to be given to employees to work or it wasn’t forgiven. That’s what I heard/read anyway.
Brady’s point of view is that he is a self made man who made it all from the ground up and probably doesn’t enjoy feeling like he’s way overpaying in federal taxes. Either he doesn’t trust the federal government and or doesn’t feel like they will allocate the monies appropriately.

Penalizing someone for financial successes, especially if they’re self made, is a silly point of view. He probably feels like he can make a better difference through employment opportunities that can teach like skills, community outreach programs or other ideas instead of over contributing to government subsidized programs that create a vicious cycle of over dependence on the government.
Are business owners arguing that they should be taxed the same overall amount as say a day laborer? Or are you saying it should be the same percentage?
I’m legitimately happy for you and Huber but I don’t want to hear a baseball card millionaire whining about taxes.

-why? That seems punitive.

-it may not be a "traditional" business and seem silly to Brady has put his ass on the line, if the bottom drops out he'll get drilled just like a restauranteur/contractor.
if the bottom drops out he'll get drilled
You sure did extrapolate a lot of info out of one post.
That’s because he’s a friend and correct. Nice to have a more eloquent friend. I said all the other things just to stir Chad up.

If you put Chad and myself in a room and let us decide what to do with that money it would be far more powerful than what our wasteful government and career politicians use it for.
Are business owners arguing that they should be taxed the same overall amount as say a day laborer? Or are you saying it should be the same percentage?
I'm saying people should be taxed a flat rate on their earnings, and on their non-essential expenditures. At the end of the day, taxation is the same thing as extortion.
-why? That seems punitive.

-it may not be a "traditional" business and seem silly to Brady has put his ass on the line, if the bottom drops out he'll get drilled just like a restauranteur/contractor.

Frankly, I don’t want to hear anyone well-to-do whining about anything money related. I also think this baseball card thing is ridiculous- same with the bourbon craze, but whatever on that. As I said, happy for him.

But I do find it pretty off-putting bragging or humblebragging about how much money you have.

Figured an old school gentleman like you would agree with such a point of view, but who knows because I am a liberal which apparently puts all of you F’ers on the defensive about everything.
I'm saying people should be taxed a flat rate on their earnings, and on their non-essential expenditures.

Agree completely… as long as everyone is actually paying the same flat rate (which means getting rid of deductions/exemptions/credits/etc that very few people, whether R or D or employer or employee have any interest in seeing go away).
-i understand, Chad. In Brady's defense...gyero is kind of a safe space for flexing and iirc some folks may have derided his entry into the baseball card game as folly.

-my view is no matter how attained (presume legally)...your* money is your money and none of my concern.

-People that were born on 3rd and act like they hit a triple** are literally the *worst* humanity has to offer. Sadly humility is often *hard earned*, I know that first hand.

*In the royal sense.

**I think most of the fortunate folks in this thread are aware of their advantages.
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Happy for everyone, I hope everyone wins. But baseball card and bourbon craze cracks me up too. Spend your money on whatever you like. Personally, I want more property and things like boats, I’ve never had anyone ask if they could look at my bourbon or baseball card collection but they definitely want to get on the water.
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Does anyone else’s wife (significant other) fill up their yeti when getting into the car at the very lip of the cup? My wife does this every freakin time we go somewhere and every time it is spilling all over the place. I’ve tried several approaches to get her to stop 1) telling her to pour less since she never drinks it all; 2) actually holding her cup while I drive so it doesn’t spill; 3) now I just move my stuff and let it spill everywhere. Nothing works... a 16oz yeti with 15.9999oz of water/coffee, let’s hit the road!
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-"You hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains. ' Think about that for a while."

^After a lot of thought, I believe that is my favorite baseball movie quote of all time. It's just perfect. And probably is enough to put BD in 2nd of my all time baseball movies.

-The American Dream. Succeed and get penalized and now recently criticized. Fantastic stuff.

-Going to be really tough to compliment WCC this morning. So instead I'll compliment his beautiful daughter in those recent social media pictures.

-Brooks is still spitting mad at me. We'll be besties again soon. He can't quit me. He knows it. I love him too much.

-Trading cards being this hot is wild. Congrats. Guess having the majority of parents coming through the trading card boom in the late 80-90's is really driving it. Plus, lots of extry money floating around right now. Enjoy it, save some though.

-Bonz and I were talking about it. Name an artist or group that really had outstanding stuff being released for more than decade. Jay-Z was the first I could come up with. Gets tough after that. Tons that have performed for a long time but how many had really strong albums released after a decade?

-Pitino camp used to be the hottest week of June. Baking on the blue courts or those over behind Memorial. Then one year it rained, just like this week, and was overcast. Played most of our games in what I think was Alumni and Memorial. Amazing for a 7th grader. Easily my favorite year.
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Does anyone else’s wife (significant other) fill up their yeti when getting into the car at the very lip of the cup? My wife does this every freakin time we go somewhere and every time it is spilling all over the place. I’ve tried several approaches to get her to stop 1) telling her to pour less since she never drinks it all; 2) actually holding her cup while I drive so it doesn’t spill; 3) now I just move my stuff and let it spill everywhere. Nothing works... a 16oz yeti with 15.9999oz of water/coffee, let’s hit the road!
Do you want us to come over there and shoot her?
Pretty good earner, professional sales all of my career. I've paid a pretty good amount of taxes in my life, some years knocking me down a few pegs depending upon circumstances. But, I don't know shit about them and should hush because I work for someone else.

EAD, rudd. You assclowns act like you're talking to a bunch of cat owning old women living on SS.
Pretty good earner, professional sales all of my career. I've paid a pretty good amount of taxes in my life, some years knocking me down a few pegs depending upon circumstances. But, I don't know shit about them and should hush because I work for someone else.

EAD, rudd. You assclowns act like you're talking to a bunch of cat owning old women living on SS.

-im beginning to rethink my mayoral endorsement.
I feel like Brady is in a pretty good spot even when the baseball card boom ends. Doesn’t sound like he’s out there relying on Gregg Jefferies rated rookie cards to get him by.
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-currently work for someone else. My tax planning/burden/rigamarole is much different than it was when I was owner/operator. That is all I'm saying, man. Nothing personal.
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