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*Really impressed with the new Buc-ee's. Phenomenal snack options. An Icee machine with a dozen flavors and all of them actually work, the ability to eat a hotdog and/or a bbq sandwich while you shop around. Its beautiful and just what central Alabama needed

*We dont have ice trucks here and nobody carries those melting pellets so when we get our freeze for a few days every 3-4 years the whole place really goes bonkers. They put sand on the roads, and as far as I can tell that does nothing but make cause people slip around on a mixture of sand and ice. Its bonkers.

*The theory of The Booms continues to gain momentum.

*Made the mistake of working with some others on a research project involving teachers' unions, unrelated to what's even gone on with Covid, and if we are being honest- they make mob union influence look like child's play..

I dont know who needs to hear this but we havent turned any corners, because at this point when this team is so far gone- there are no corners to turn. Everything has been over and done with for months, aside from just the showing up and getting the last couple of games over with. There isnt anything left to play for, and allowing yourself to think that there is a chance that: a) there even is an SEC Tourney and b) UK can win it, is being willfully ignorant.

Speaking of willfully ignorant, lets check in on how things are going in New York

I dont care about pitchers and catchers reporting to another spring preparing for empty baseball stadiums. I'll try again in 2023ish when maybe we'll be past all this.

If you have Apple TV and really want to ruin your entire day- watch a couple of episodes of The Servant

1. Breaking Bad
2. West Wing
3. The Crown
4. Justified

Havent watched the Wire. Like the Sopranos, but there were some periods of the show that were pretty meh and honestly AJ was so bad it made me dislike every scene he was in.
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Started the West Wing and really enjoyed it but man, it’s tough to wrap my mind around 150 hours of a show.
It's because your generation is too demanding of instant gratification, wcc. You all dont want to take the long road and actually work for something.

If there’s one thing that pisses me off, it’s people who generalize about generations of people. Won’t stand for it. I will cancel your ass, ribs.
We should all be so lucky to have crucified liberal idiots daily featured in our obits.

Still can't believe that guy received a presidential medal of freedom 😂
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-knew his stuff. Basically created a new media format. Absolutely was a force to be reckoned with.

^if you agreed with his politics you loved him. If not you hated him. Shocking, i know.
Anyone that says he wasn't a power player in many circles of life isn't being rational. The fact so many are dancing on his grave only proves this point.
Duke Edinburgh isnt even his real name.

The headlines a few years ago when Philip smoked through traffic in his Land Rover, injuring multiple while flipping it over, were often hilarious.

"Prince Philip's car crash sparks questions as to why the 97-year-old is still actually driving"
I have a general rule of not celebrating anyone's death, regardless of what I thought of them.

-bullshit. Dont you realize were *supposed* to be at each others throats over *everything* so as to distract us from the fact that politicians/big tech/the chinese are ****ing us *all* raw...regardless of party affiliation?
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Royal Knight of the Garter, ladies and gentlemen.

When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife.

We don't come to Canada for our health. We can think of other ways of enjoying ourselves.

I don't think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing.
Man, the graduating high school class of ‘39 is going to be deep with GYERO progeny.
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Rush has a weird legacy. He obviously advanced conservatism (or at least his version of it) and its societal influence. But you could also argue that no one did more to coarsen political discourse in this country over the last quarter-century. I would also argue that - long term - he may have damaged the conservative cause as much as he helped it. To a lot of people - myself included - he was an awful, hateful man. I’m not sure his being the de facto face of the Republican Party did a whole lot to expand its ranks. JMO.
Yea, that dude is one of the most elitist, narcissistic blowhards to ever live.

He served Washington’s agenda very well.
- Season 1-3 of Sopranos is fantastic 4 is good, but from there it’s average at best.

I thought Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad carried through from beginning to end a lot better.

- We have been blessed with schedules and having kids. For the oldest two the wife worked 16 hour shifts Sat/Sun and got paid for 40 allowing her to be home all week. Of course I worked all week doubling up Thursday/Friday bartending.

- Finally met the owners at Checks BBQ/Cafe. Should be a nice local restaurant relationship for barrel picks as they are solid dudes. That brisket sandwich for $10 is outstanding.

- Having to show up onsite for a few jobs today really reminded me how much I hate this snow. I’m typically the guy that loves snow and getting outside and making a mess of it, but it’s so cold I don’t want to. So being forced for work is just annoying.

- UK big tonight. Bigger bets placed.

- LA vs Brooklyn tomorrow ::fire::
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I didn't have HBO when it aired, and I'd kind of forgotten it existed, but I've just recently started Entourage. Kind of ridiculous I hadn't seen it yet. I'll probably be finished with it in a week. Good stuff so far. I assume it goes without saying that Ari is by far the best character.
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