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LOL at all the stupids who haven't gotten their shots yet. Now natural selection can rid our herd of lesser humans and allow us higher quality people to have shorter lines at the DMV, etc...
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I probably shouldn't mention here this but the reals have had the Chinese antidote shipped in for at least 9 months. One shot and you're completely immune, just like the CCP designed it.

That's why I wear a cashmere neck gaiter and horse bit loafers.
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Half of GYERO was also insinuating the virus was overblown if not a hoax, too.

Just find it fascinating so many 40 year old dudes are getting it before the elderly. Not judging a soul. Don’t blame them one bit. Stupid people deserve it too. If we are talking about the hoax crowd.

and Pretzel why don’t you GGP you f’n know it all nag.
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I told my parents (they got theirs) and last living granparent, who would prefer death to getting another shot apparently.

The quicker we can get half if this nation is immunized the better for all of us. Waiting for the slow gazelle puts the whole herd in danger.
I think you're all going to be very happy with the Johnson & Johnson shot. Obviously not as happy as I am with the Pfizer gold standard, but happy.

But hey, enjoy your completely new technology from a dick pill manufacturer. Assuming you're eager to jam that autoimmune destroying juice in your arm because it's from Germany. Sieg Heil!! I guess, at least it wasn't Moderna, right? Lol, what fool would willing inject that stuff? I'm sure those nasty 2nd dose reactions are just normal as can be. We see that in all our vaccinations.. don't we?

I'll wait for the tried and true technology, from a an actual pharmaceutical company, that has delivered goods before. No guessing what the long term side effects will be for this guy. 100% effective in preventing hospitilization or death, and only 1 shot. Yes, please.
Oh man who in the hell would want to get a vaccine using the latest medical advancements, that’s crazy! Give me the technology used from 1918. You never know, maybe in 10 years I’ll go blind, YOU NEVER KNOW. Doctors and scientists are so stupid now and understand so much less than they did 120 years ago!
Worried about anth tbh. And judging from the texts I receive, I am not alone.
No reason to be. Halfway through. 14 days left and ol' Anth starts the revolution. Couldn't be better over here.

I'm just glad you came to terms with your selfish vaccination tendencies. That long winded explanation post, really was my best moment of '21, and maybe in GYERO history.

For reals though, the story of how we got mRNA is pretty amazing. University of Penn with the big L in this one. Ignore the part where it talks about the early attempts killing all the lab rats, I'm sure they worked that part out.

If it makes you all feel better my kid destroyed two sleds yesterday right before SNOWMAGEDDON. Pretty sure ‘rona vax is easier to get right now than a couple of plastic disc sleds.
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A snow shovel makes a great sled.

A piece of cardboard is really good for 2-3 runs.

Frying pans can be great, but it will piss off your mom when she finds out.
Our best sled as kids was a car hood. So, Dad up, and innovate.

I thought they were only used by countryfolk, not city slicking mooks. Those things were deathtraps -- which made them AWESOME!

My dad one time hooked our sleds up to the back of his truck during a big snow storm and dragged us out in the country at what felt like 60 mph. This too was awesome and as dangerous as it was for us, it was absolutely more dangerous for him when my mom found out and almost murdered him.

Child protective services would have removed every single poster here in the 80s if they had the current rules back then.
Inner tube, lake towable, kiddie pool, oversized plastic tubs, if it’ll slide someone will try it out.
Saw a five year old girl on an inner tube go head first into a tree at Cherokee Park. Had her head been sticking outside of the inner tube she would have been killed. Instead it popped her up three feet in the air. Still gives me chills.
If you weren’t careening down a hill, top speed, with 6 dudes stacked on a Flexible Flyer headed toward a giant ramp... you were doing the early 80’s wrong.
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Saw a five year old girl on an inner tube go head first into a tree at Cherokee Park. Had her head been sticking outside of the inner tube she would have been killed. Instead it popped her up three feet in the air. Still gives me chills.

- Best of all worlds sledding. Went to cherokee and Iroquois often as a kid. This is the biggest difference that I can see from being an only child to us having 4. Age gaps really screw our big boys out of a lot of things.

- tell me about king cake? I picked one up today at the bakery and never had it. Is this the one you guys request from the local Cajun queen that post here?

- Because of the weather this feels like a Saturday. I’m not even preparing for work tomorrow, and have no plans of answering a phone either.
A few times in high school and college we would sled down the grass part of Wolf Creek Dam. The terraced part acted like a rampand you felt like you were flying 20 feet in the air. It was so hard to get back up you were done after a couple runs though.

Also the Corps frowns upon it highly.

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