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I enjoy walking the course...but I get about 1 1/2 rounds in a week if I'm lucky. 9 holes on men's night, a full round with friends either sat or sun, hardly leaves time to get out there for a stroll on the course.

I've continued to run during my lunch break around 3 times a week, trying to get some toning on free weights at home mixed in. Clean up the diet a little, chill on the beer intake.

wtf were you thinking would happen, killa?

a mid-year least valuable exec award, calling out all of the high ranking espn brass for their various misgivings?
a trade value report of his fellow espn writers, giving the least amount of value to his most hated peers?
a 15,000-word pop culture piece, likening several of his co-workers to different hated tv and movie characters?
a weekly mailbag q&a, where he answers questions about how terrible espn is?

Anth, I took your comments about my girls as a compliment. I know you aren't a moron.

I am most def not looking forward to their teenage years.

The only person who has ever actually told me their son was going to wax my daughter one day was freaking fylm, of all people. smh.

Pope, you are an idiot. But I do like you, so what is the deal on Sunday... You are coming up to Cincy for a game? Are you going to the game alone or is your much better half going as well?

I think we have a HS graduation party for my niece on Sunday, but I'm not 100% certain of that.

ATL +7.5
ATL +4 (1st Half)
ATL +2.5 (1Q)

Not sure about the first, but I think I like the final 2, or at least the 1Q. Thoughts?

ATL +270
CLE -340

...ML on Cavs, if anything. ATL is due though, they haven't put one together yet.
We have tickets to the concert Sunday night. Figured if we were gonna drive up, marcus make a day out of it. Really no plans other than that. Would be down to visit some of the finer points of your fair city.
Fylm also called dibs on my daughter (for his son)! What the hell flym? MAKE YOUR (his) CHOICE

Edit: also thought it was fLYm
WTF are you people staying that you have to get up at 5:00a to claim your chair? Have stayed at Iberostar and Melia all-inclusives and have never had an issue and they're plenty full but finding a decent spot at 9:00a is never an issue.
Jacksonville is the epitome of dumbass Florida redneck. Cut through a parking lot on the way to the gym because traffic backs up at this light. Some fag has baskets and cones blocking the parking lot. I pull up, get out to move one of them and he runs up asking me if I'm cutting through which I of course tell him to eat a f'ing dick and back away from me. Kicked his little basket, get back in truck and he tries to jump in front of my truck which I don't stop and keep going then tries to open my door as I go by.

There's that moment where I think George Zimmerman and had I been a gun-toting asshole instead of just a regular asshole, this dude is getting shot over a few cars cutting through a parking lot after reaching to open my door.

- Dude that hit and killed the guy walking in the street didn't get charged. Turns out the guy he killed was actually a convicted child rapist. He was dumb enough to take a picture of his load on her. So even though it wasn't advisable to take any of that shit to FB, that did come out of it and seems like everything played out nicely.
JB is engaged now, and he and his fiancé informed me this weekend when they get married (I'm a groomsman), they will be changing the name of the vessel. He will be turning 35 this year too. :pimp:
Sidenote: If a guy named Johnboy with a boat named "Dirty Slut 2" is getting serious about life before you, time to reexamine things.
Jacksonville is the epitome of dumbass Florida redneck.
Based on my one brief trip there, Jacksonville seems like a really f-ing weird place. I mean, it seems like rare occurrence to find a place where no one makes any effort at all to accommodate people who are trying to spend money, but the first night we were down there for the tournament, we went to five different restaurants before we found one that would acknowledge our existence, let alone seat us, bring us food and drinks. Mind you this was St. Patrick's Day, and the only place with a crowd was the Irish place on the...I guess that's a river? How do these places stay open?

Also, WTF is the deal with the useless monorail thing that goes nowhere and is never running?
I heard Simmons has done his last work for ESPN but is still under contract a few more months, but yea seems like they muzzled him, not even doing guest radio spots. Cowherd's contract is also in negotiations and today on his radio show he said he's "lived in 7 cities in his life, and about to be 8 hint hint". Talked about how he went to Nashville last weekend right before said that.
Saw the monorail when I was down there on business back in February. Seems so out of place. Maybe it's a giant experiment by CSX since they are HQed there.
Ah, I haven't been downtown since I got back. It doesn't appear to be CSX related but only saying that because wiki says JTA runs it and it's automated. Regardless, the traffic in the city has always been really light so maybe they got swindled.

We got stuck on the opposite side of the river from the riverwalk (I think all the teams did, except Harvard, who got shipped out to the beach) and it seemed ideal, since in theory it seems to run from the hotels to the restaurants...except it doesn't run past nine (I actually never saw it running) and doesn't run at all on weekends?
We got stuck on the opposite side of the river from the riverwalk (I think all the teams did, except Harvard, who got shipped out to the beach) and it seemed ideal, since in theory it seems to run from the hotels to the restaurants...except it doesn't run past nine (I actually never saw it running) and doesn't run at all on weekends?

I thought I heard they're planning on running one to St. Augustine, which I guess would be helpful. But the one downtown, I can't figure out why it's necessary. This isn't a convention town, you pretty much go downtown to the Landing and that's about all there is to do in the city.

The Jags owner is trying to spend money redoing the shipyards and his plans are pretty sick. Live, work play and three level open air practice fields for the Jags. So you could just sit back, drink collides and watch the team practice.

I've also heard they've done a lot of designs based on what failed in Atlanta so maybe they were trying to get out in front of a population surge. Jax was the fastest growing city in Florida last year, which I found surprising, too.
Sidenote: If a guy named Johnboy with a boat named "Dirty Slut 2" is getting serious about life before you, time to reexamine things.

Well he didn't grow up an HVAC heir cruising the streets of Louisville in a Monte Carlo. He was born a poor coon ass in the bayous of Louisiana. He went straight into the Air Force from high school. Served proudly until he unfortunately got medically discharged (not from anything related to crab island.)

Based upon his time to marriage from last grade completed, I'm well under his timeline.

I've thought about the tennis club Cawood, just didn't really know if anywhere that didn't aggressively recruit Anth was worth joining.
The kid is going to look like my dad. It's science. His 3D ultrasound pics look like my oldest nephew, who is the one that looks most like my dad. George was actually throwing up the 3 googles in one of the pics, which made me proud.

I'll tell you why if you really feel like Jordan humping tomorrow, but if you were to draft ONE player in his prime to start a team it would be him (if you are a true basketball) -- it's really that simple to me.

He's the best all around basketball package I've ever seen. Period

Cruising to finals with a couple Knicks & rugby rejects. Triple double average in conf finals? No problem.
Jordan was a better shooter and more of a stone cold killer.

The current Eastern Conference is extremely weak. The Jordan EC was loaded like the West is now.

Not saying I'd pick MJ but those are factors you need to consider.
Nothing is more BS than the Jordan had more comp argument

Absolutely false

Congrats on smoking Hornacek, Kersey, Russell, Hersey Hawkins, and the boys though. Incredible Finals matchups for MJ.

Too bad John Pelphrey wasn't around to give it a go.
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The Finals = weak Western Conference team. East was a gauntlet. LeBron era is exact opposite.

If the Cavs beat the Warriors that talk will grow quiet. If they don't then.....
If you think you could replace LeBron with MJ on this garbage Cavs team and they'd be as good/better ----> you're either a college soccer ball or a Bulls/UNC fan with the typical Bron complex.
I agree there. I hated Jordan before he came back. Never have hated Bron but I still, both in their prime, would pick Jordan. It's close though.
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