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The Louisville Men sure are fond of the phrase "take our medicine". I think they're expecting it to be like a capful of dimetapp though when it's gonna be more like a colonoscopy.
@JohnRamseyUofL Tom Jurich is 1000% behind Coach Pitino. No resignation. No termination of contract.
It really is amazing. The GD governor in so many words yesterday said time to clean house yet they are still with their middle fingers in the air on floyd.
Well, it's a circle the wagons mentality. I really do wonder if a new BoT might take a look at things differently.
I doubt turtleneck actually physically said those words to Captain Suntan. Just his halfassed opinion, or the opinion given to him by others who he knows are smarter than him.

Jurich has since the beginning been the only one smart enough to keep his head down & his mouth shut.
-From research that's actually not even close to the high end models. Sit in the thing 40-50 hours a week and the staples model I've had for 8 years is in rough shape. Treat yo self. Just knew that Joey would have the down low on the best models. Going to buy MCF's cheap ass one as well. He's not amused at the purchase.

-Deener was as fair as I've heard him. I think it's a reasonable opinion to wait on firing Pitino until the University presents it's findings. He told them to STFU about it. Said it has nothing to do with Cal or UK so stop with that. Said it was embarrassing. Tried to swim away from the Sypher+Petrino stuff but ultimately agreed. for the most part they've set into resignation.
if you personally assemble your own office furniture with inferior instructions and an allen wrench, you can get pumped.

real leather
office chair snob
well you know who hasn't set themselves into resignation and acceptance? HOFCRP, that's who.

and you know who can make this a messy firing situation assuming UL doesn't want to be on the hook for their contract? HOFCRP, that's who.
Pitino's going nowhere unless it's proven that he knew what was going on. As long as you win, Jurich is behind you 100% (see Pitino, Petrino v.2, Kragthorpe), morality be damned. I would be stunned if Pitino's not coaching at the start of this season. The more likely scenario, imo, is for Pitino to make a deal with Jurich that if he can coach one more season, he'll retire at the end of it.
I doubt turtleneck actually physically said those words to Captain Suntan. Just his halfassed opinion, or the opinion given to him by others who he knows are smarter than him.

Jurich has since the beginning been the only one smart enough to keep his head down & his mouth shut.
Big Tomma and Captain Suntan were crushing brews together on Sunday at Hubers Winery.

And Captain is as magnificent in person as in photos. Surprised he is not shilling the hair plug folks at Rod and Parsley.
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didn't even notice the office chair thread. pretty amusing though...

step 1: wow, that's a lot for an office chair!!

** two minutes later **

step 2: just bought one very excited about to order them for the whole family!!


I've never understood why those ergonomic things are so outrageous. spend all that loot on r and d i suppose?? mine just looks cool. way more sensible.
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IIRC didn't Jurich/UL basically throw double birds at the NCAA re: Clint Hurt, basically saying "yeah, thx we don't believe you, Hurt's our guy k bye"? If they dig in on an asst. football coach, what do they do with a HOFMBBC?

And then what does the NCAA do when it's hammer time?

I have to think at some point someone with some sense at the school is going to step in, but then again it hasn't happened yet.
I imagine Coolcat covered this in the super long post I'm not going to read - but if you were accused of a crime - and your co-conspirator had completely confessed, turned states evidence on you - then provided verified texts where you opemnly discussed the crime, then the prosecution called 5 separate witnesses who confirmed the crime - even though they didn't want to admit it, then they had a wire transfer from you, paying for one of the crimes, and you were basically pleading the 5th - well - 99.9% of the juries in the US court system would convict you.

We are well beyond a reasonable doubt for the question of "Did Andre McGee pay strippers/hookers to service UL players/recruits". He did. No question. Only issue is who else was involved. And as far as Pitino goes - it doesn't matter. His ship, his fault. He should have been let go yesterday (or before). The fact that he hasn't only proves what a POS program they have - and ANY fan making excuses or downplaying it or denying it is a POS. Period.
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What do all of these peoples significant others say when they get home from TJ to Klein to assistants to fan boy radios, I mean YEAH HONEY KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT L1C4!

Surely there is some reason in some of these UL households.
didn't even notice the office chair thread. pretty amusing though...

step 1: wow, that's a lot for an office chair!!

** two minutes later **

step 2: just bought one very excited about to order them for the whole family!!


I've never understood why those ergonomic things are so outrageous. spend all that loot on r and d i suppose?? mine just looks cool. way more sensible.
Christ man. Buy something you can post with that doesn't make you look like strikingthegold. Two posts today and I can barely understand wtf you're saying.
What do all of these peoples significant others say when they get home from TJ to Klein to assistants to fan boy radios, I mean YEAH HONEY KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT L1C4!

Surely there is some reason in some of these UL households.

And surely you've picked up on the amount of weight women's opinions carry in #L1C4 country.

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Steak & Shake has removed the Pepper Sauce from the tables. This is a national outrage.

Was able to have Tia retrieve one "from the back", but was unable to confirm if they are completely doing away with them, or if you just have to request it.
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The similarities between Montrezzl and Pitino are interesting.

Both cheated on their girlfriends and wives with skanks.

Both lied and tried to cover it up.

Both cum too quick.
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I mean, not to sound hokey but it's actually embarrassing the city at this point (nationally). It really is.
They're absolutely a punchline for the next 50 years. I mean I still hear Emory 30 years later and that takes a savvy fan to remember. This is outside of the realm of cheating into mainstream interests. that USAT chick nailed it.
Yep, and the evidence in the Emory case was flimsy at best. "Oh, I don't know, this package just popped open on its own and all this money came pouring out with a note from Dwayne Casey. What are the odds??" [eyeroll]
If the student section doesn't repeatedly chant, "ALSO, WHORES. ALSO, WHORES. ALSO, WHORES," at the UK-UL game this year, I will sever all ties with the university.
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It really can't be understated, the absolute magnitude of bringing Katina out for the Y at the UL game...Pitino may literally explode.
Yeah the only downside being she's an admitted prostitute, human trafficker, and pimper of her own daughters- who were probably underaged or cutting it reeaaallllyyyy close- at some point.

But by all means, bring her out at Rupp lol walsh is gay walsh is gay
While we are at it let's bring out Kim Davis to dance with the pom squad and the Wildcat will come out remove the mask and reveal Karen Sypher. All in :100points:
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I realize(hope) Doc is joking but are there people out there that believe UK would even consider the idea of her being the Y?
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