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The UL violations are so effing transparent.. Makes you believe a whole hell of a lot more went on there (ie drop top Benz). But even so, you'd think that supplying sex parties on the regular to recruits and already rostered players would be enough grounds to vacate the seasons in which these impermissible and criminal activities were going on. But then again, we are dealing with the NCAA where they are gonna do whatever the hell they want.
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Not sure what's better, the fact that this is happening and UL is F'D or that there is still more to come.

If Pitino wasn't a money hungry POS he'd walk away as fast as possible and claim he didn't have a clue and bury UL even further by turning McGee and whoever else loose to bury these bastards. As is they are still under his thumb and he is fighting to keep UL on the hook for his paycheck.
What is Pitino's buyout if they fire him?

Montrez did deny any knowledge of this kinda thing happening. Guess we better add his rape to the charges against Katina.
Anybody else think Ramsey and Tomma are just crossing the T's and dotting the I's on how to get rid of Rick?
As soon as Smrt's report comes back showing shenanigans, Pitino resigns or gets shit canned. IMO.
Ramsey has his own issues and Jurich is probably worried about saving his own skin at this point. When does the new BoT meet?
Their problem right now is that they'd have to go the interim route for 2015-16 and with Willard out they don't actually have anyone else on staff who is really qualified to do the damned job.
Their problem right now is that they'd have to go the interim route for 2015-16 and with Willard out they don't actually have anyone else on staff who is really qualified to do the damned job.
That is a qualm but it has to be a matter of time. Her lawyers were in today I assume showing their evidence so they know the scope. If he starts the season I'd think he'll make it. Maybe if they give him the season he'll agree to retire.
lets see if our friend advises on what he preaches...from the Claude Bassett case in an OTL transcript.....

Farrey - Bassett left a long paper trail. It's precisely the kind of evidence the NCAA needs to make a big case, a rarity in recent years.

In the four years leading up to the Kentucky case, the NCAA found what it considered major violations in just six Division A football programs, the lowest total for any four year period in its history.

Smrt - The enforcement staff is as good as the information it gets. The more direct information you get, the better off you are.

Farrey - Former NCAA investigator Chuck Smrt says cheaters have gotten more sophisticated over the years.

Smrt - ATM is a great potential way for a violation, because you never have to interact with the athlete. Money is put into an account, the athlete has an ATM card, and the athlete never sees the person. It has a limit, can't go back all the time, because there's only $300 or $400 or $800 or $1,000, whatever, going in each month. So, it eliminates some of the interaction.

That's an example of the information. If we don't -- if the athlete doesn't tell us, we're never going to get that.

There was this myth that somehow we had -- we were the Gestapo or the Starr Chamber, and I think we're more of a paper tiger.
Also I would assume Vinny Goodtimes is not sleeping well. If HOFCRP asks the guy to watch the door while he bangs a huer on a restaurant table, surely others ask him to do some other huerish things. Seems like a nice guy but tough times on Floyd.
Those Texas A&M super cool helmets that light up when light flashes on them that is supposed to create a cool effect under the lights... yeah they kickoff at 11 AM now
Crawford still carrying the torch. Nothing new on Tuesday. TV media effect. No tough questions. No timeline. No concrete evidence. 6 reasons Rick didn't know. Manardi Hall. Rick and Tomma have clean slates. Ricks the man for the job. Recruits were peer pressured. He's still waiting to see because Duke Lacrosse. Lol.
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When I read @darylfoust4 timeline, all I picture is Jessie Spano Drug scene screaming and finally breaking down crying
It's pretty easy to see who Pitino's "boys" are if you have paid any attention to this story at all. Forde. O'Neil. Crawford. Those idiots with the fan sites, blogs and shitty local radio show no one listens to don't count. They're just "Louisville Men" who have drank the Kool-Aid so long it has killed every last brain cell. The other three are legitimate journalists who are actively protecting Rick Pitino. Two of them have co-authored books with Pitino.
Crawford continuing to compare this case with the Duke lacrosse deal is absurd and - frankly - offensive. You have at least five players corroborating most (if not all) of Powell's story. I'm pretty damn sure the Duke case didn't have that. His head is so far up Pitino's ass he can't see straight, and the fact that he wrote a book with him means you simply can't trust his perspective.
Ramsey, in his defense, said on the air yesterday that this is not what he signed up for. Admitted as much that he was just a fanboy on the radio talking about his favorite team.

Crawford comparing this to the Duke Lacrosse situation is laughable. The 2 situations are nothing alike.
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Listened to Forde's podcast this morning. Apparently, Louisville's fanbase has, and I quote, "less of a lunatic fringe' than most. [laughing]
Crawford with the best TSK article ever...

On one hand, these allegations could be true. And if so, Louisville is in deep trouble.
On the other hand, these allegations could be embellished quite a bit. TV has a way of making things seem bigger than they are.
So time will tell. They could be guilty. They might not be guilty. The truth could be in the middle.
Also, Duke Lacrosse.
need actual evidence.

if there isn't a video that bbdk has wracked off to on tube8, it didn't happen.
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