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-Paid attention to the Reds over the weekend, but only because A)they were playing my Tribe, and B)it's been great watching the Twitter meltdown during this losing streak. I don't actively root for them to lose, but when they do, the ensuing entertainment is great. Daughter bought a Reds shirt over the weekend out of the blue and wants to hit up a game. Always happy to enjoy baseball with the kids.

-Been sleeping on mushrooms for basically my whole life until a few weeks ago. Not sure why I never really tried them, just looked/sounded disgusting. Finally tried some roasted the other night and now I feel like an idiot for never giving them a chance.

-Same with "Parks and Rec". Whoever said it was right up my alley is correct. DVR is full of them, and even the *worst* episodes I've seen so far have been decent.

-Good friend of mine died in his sleep last weekend. 41 years old, father of two boys, just never woke up. Was a big part of our church, too. Easily the toughest week I've ever had. Had to help tell the kids, preached the funeral, help with the family, etc. The whole thing was just brutal. Lots of tears shed, lots of tough conversations with the kids. Glad last week's over.
-I think a few even hinted at that off the record, UCL.

-Because it sucked. The seal was broken so it wouldn't stay closed and constantly freezing/thawing everything out. It was full of disgusting old beers, old food, mold, etc. Used a ton of electric. Had broken bottles about every other tailgate. Basically a menace for the people that lived there. With coolers we can trash the old stuff and wash them out.
My dad HATES Summer Shandy, like even mentioning it gets one of these look from him-> o_O. Cracks me up. According to him, it's "sissy beer." Can't say I disagree, although it has its place- pools, lakes, beaches and boats.
Chad and Willy:

Heading up Sunday, thinking about catching a reds game before the 3rd Eye Blind concert. Holla
We finally upgraded from a cell phone app + Fan to a nice Sleep Machine. Sound is so much deeper/ $100 you could spend if you're looking to improve your sleeping conditions - the difference is palpable.

-No guest fridge, no guest coolers, no chairs to sit in -- sounds like Anth is prepping for an entire cleansing of friends. You throw away the authentic Vegas-style craps setup, too? :cry:
Once there was a "VERY SPECIAL EPISODE" of Punky Brewster where a kid almost died after hiding in a refrigerator. Apparently there was a national epidemic of refrigerator-related deaths that needed addressing.
Yeah, you can get into deep shit if you sit one out with the doors still on but we just KU come pick it up for free. Must of happened to a few white kids back in the 80's.

-The clean up is centered around the arrival of baby G but getting rid of that fridge has been a long time coming. Hated that thing.

-KL, I was the one who said P&R is right up your alley. I still watch reruns all the time.
Those very special episodes kinda stopped airing after the Adam Walsh movie aired and all of our parents got a healthy dose of perspective on what to really be worried about.
-Always been a big fan of commencement speeches. While graduation ceremonies are insufferable, I am fine waiting patiently for the "keynote" to address the congregation assuming it's someone of interest. Generally uplifting, relatively light, but also typically involve some type of charge to "do better." Good stuff, IMO.

-Took her pretty easy this weekend. Only drank Sunday night and even then I was in bed by midnight. Enjoyed some hangover free time with my daughter at the pool Saturday & Sunday and then around the house yesterday.

-Unfortunately I did not win the Powerball this weekend. I bought 7 tickets after seeing the huge total on a bus the other day. Probably the first time in 5+ years I have done so. It was fun to daydream for 24 hours about winning. Worth $14, IMO.

-15 SPF for old SAE. Pretty consistent there. Best balance of color and protection for the northern European descendant.

-The Friday event for this Atlanta Bachelor Party is Six Flags over Georgia. Prayers for a rainout appreciated.

-5 year wedding anniversary booked for Beaumont Inn. Dinner. Drinks. Should be nice. A little concerned about privacy in the hotel room, however.

-Big Data's "Dangerous" is a fun little track.

-The Friday event for this Atlanta Bachelor Party is Six Flags over Georgia. Prayers for a rainout appreciated.

Lol. Who is this guy? Atlanta, 6 hitting the Zoo or Coca Cola tour or nah?

<------- hit St. Matt's Farmers market for the first time on Saturday b/c I was too hungover to golf. Was aware of it the entire time, but feel pretty foolish for not ever hitting that one up now that I've been. It's unreal.
Punky Brewster had the darkest premise that a sitcom has ever had. A kid gets abandoned by her mom at a store, lives in abandoned buildings for a bit, gets rescued by an old man, and then faces constant efforts to rip her away from him and to place her in foster care. This was for kids! It had a laugh track!
Lass actually wants to go to the KY Kingdom waterpark. I mean, I pretty much *worship* waterslides (Wet'nWild ftw), but I can only imagine the clientele in that place. It's one of the 3 options given to me for how she'd like to spend one Saturday this summer, with Mammoth Cave & Mega Cavern being the other 2. Getting drunk and playing on waterslides for a few hours with rednecks & obnoxious churrin seems like the easy choice to me.

Doesn't King's Island have a wodie one?
- The early 80s kind of creep me out, which is why I didn't enjoy The Americans as much as everyone else. What a bizarre time.

- Love hipster buzz words like artisan...or now "small batch" to sell things. There's a new "small batch" popsicle place in OTR. Get pumped.

- Headed up to Lake Erie to fish for my best buddy's bachelor party in August.

- Always lose a little respect for "Groom who allows his fiance to dissuade him from having strippers at his bachelor party" Guy. My best friend is one of those pussies. But when I really think about it, I guess it's not worth the fight. Nice little precedent to set, though, pussy.

- Boat, there are few things I'd rather NOT do than go to a Reds game hungover on a Sunday, but thanks for the offer.

- Unsurprisingly, I love "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt." Had me in tears Sunday night.

- Love hipster buzz words like artisan...or now "small batch" to sell things. There's a new "small batch" popsicle place in OTR. Get pumped.


[laughing] That's taking it to a new level.

How genius of a marketing ploy is 'flatbread'? I mean, pretty much ANYTHING sans a full loaf is flatbread, no? 'Pizza' or 'Sandwich' just isn't artisan enough anymore, I guess. Flatbread or bust for this guy.
Lass actually wants to go to the KY Kingdom waterpark. I mean, I pretty much *worship* waterslides (Wet'nWild ftw), but I can only imagine the clientele in that place. It's one of the 3 options given to me for how she'd like to spend one Saturday this summer, with Mammoth Cave & Mega Cavern being the other 2. Getting drunk and playing on waterslides for a few hours with rednecks & obnoxious churrin seems like the easy choice to me.

Doesn't King's Island have a wodie one?

Yeah, Kings Island has a big water park inside.

Have always wanted to check out Mammoth Cave.
Not much for water parks anymore, but I'd love to try that giant slide/ramp that throws you way up in the air over a large pool like I saw on that randomly shared facebook video.

Got my bearings back on the high dive this weekend, thankfully. Goal this summer is to get a gaynor (gainer? gainor?) down again. Used to crush those into a perfect can-opener back in my younger days. Chicks worshiped.
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-Think I might give Kimmy Schmidt another run. Gave up after the first 2 episodes.

-Not having strippers>>>>>>not really having a bachelor party. Had 2 of the main 4-5 college buddies pull that move. Really only one of us left and I have high hopes from him but I have a feeling I may be let down due to his brother being the best man/planner. Regardless, both are WACK.

-Small batch pop-sickles :joy:. I can see the scowl on WCC's face now.

-Can you drink at the water park? I haven't been since I was in high school. I had a pretty damn good time last year at Atlantis for a couple quick trips over with the crew to do lazy river or the slides. Mixed up the day and helped put a pause on our infinite bar tab.

-Big Data opened for Fitz at Mercury when we went. They were weird but pretty solid. Set almost reminded me of the group Zooey Deschanel had in "Yes, Man."
Mammoth Cave is amazing, per my memories of decades ago...but doesn't really excite me at this stage. Throw in 3+ hr RT to BG/Cave City, and I can do without that waste of a Saturday. JMO
[laughing] That's taking it to a new level.

How genius of a marketing ploy is 'flatbread'? I mean, pretty much ANYTHING sans a full loaf is flatbread, no? 'Pizza' or 'Sandwich' just isn't artisan enough anymore, I guess. Flatbread or bust for this guy.

"Organic" is the biggest racket going. Lasses like my girl pay 2x+ for everything just because it's labeled organic.

The other day she was PUMPED because Fresh Market had a deal- two frozen pizzas for $20! I looked at her like she had a dick growing out of her forehead. Umm, we could get a Papa Johns for $6.99. Yeah, but the $10 FM pizzas are organic. Ohhhhh, gotcha. Didn't consider that.
-Felt bad about Dudley getting diddled. For obvious reasons, but also because that pretty much ruined Arthur Carlson("Big Guy") for me forever. How dare he mess with Arnold's BFF. And it all started with them watching cartoons, too.

-Wodie, they say Holiday World has a pretty sweet waterpark. Some nice roller coasters, smaller(cheaper) clean park, not too bad a drive for you.

Lass actually wants to go to the KY Kingdom waterpark. I mean, I pretty much *worship* waterslides (Wet'nWild ftw), but I can only imagine the clientele in that place. It's one of the 3 options given to me for how she'd like to spend one Saturday this summer, with Mammoth Cave & Mega Cavern being the other 2. Getting drunk and playing on waterslides for a few hours with rednecks & obnoxious churrin seems like the easy choice to me.

Krazykats thinks the KY Kingdom waterpark is honestly the greatest water park he has ever been to.
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Tuscany + KY Kingdom could arguably be the best KY Saturday of all time, imo

We went to Holiday World a few summers ago. Lines were so awful/obnoxious we left after an hour. Plus, I got a ticket on the way there. Touch that place (and state).
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I'd do the Cavern, personally. Should be able to knock that out in a few hours then pop right into the Nation as it's pretty much right over top of it. All the other plans are full day expensive excursions.
-Think I might give Kimmy Schmidt another run. Gave up after the first 2 episodes.

-Not having strippers>>>>>>not really having a bachelor party. Had 2 of the main 4-5 college buddies pull that move. Really only one of us left and I have high hopes from him but I have a feeling I may be let down due to his brother being the best man/planner. Regardless, both are WACK.

-Small batch pop-sickles :joy:. I can see the scowl on WCC's face now.

- I think it's hilarious in typical Tina Fey form. She's not for everyone but she is for me.

- I'm not even a stripper guy, but GD, it's a bachelor party. It's an American tradition. It's your symbolic last day as a single man. You need some titties in yo' face (TM: Dr. Boat). I just think any woman who is that insecure about something like that needs to get checked.

- OTR is a hoot. Trendy restaurants. Small batch popcicle joints. Juiceries. Yoga/Pure Bare/CrossFit studios. Civic pride T-shirt shops. Cocktail bars. Coffee shops. Artisan pretzel places. Etc. Etc.

- BTW, anyone else over this Americana kitsch revolution- most pronounced on Memorial Day and July 4?
OTR is awesome...can't believe Chad hangs out there so much, honestly. I realize that's the 'hot spot', but the entire place is pretty much everything he's against with regards to Food & Drink, except for that one shithole bar that's his favorite.
Hit the high dive this weekend for the first time all summer. I don't care if it looks goofy as hell, something refreshing, even at 39, about jumping off a high dive into the pool. #noshame

Got all of the yardwork, mulching, cleaning, trimming, knocked out on Saturday after spending about 5 hours at the pool. That first beer while you're grilling right after getting your yard put together might be the finest collide there is. Almost fell asleep onto the burning hot coals though.

OTR does crack me up. Probably because I remember it when the only thing down there was Have a Nice Day, a lot of police, and The Warehouse for late late late nights. Now you bring your kids down there during the day, have a nice dinner at night. Probably head down there in a couple weekends, want to try something new. Been to Senate, Eagle, Anchor, and Zula. Will take recs for something else GO.
Punky Brewster had the darkest premise that a sitcom has ever had. A kid gets abandoned by her mom at a store, lives in abandoned buildings for a bit, gets rescued by an old man, and then faces constant efforts to rip her away from him and to place her in foster care. This was for kids! It had a laugh track!

Don't foget:

Full House: DJ has an eating disorder

Saved By the Bell: Jessie is a pill popper

Mr. Belvedere: Wesley is fondled by a camp counseler

Mr. Belvedere: Wesley's adorable little friend Danny has AIDS

The Facts of Life: Blair wishes she had cerebral palsy

The Cosby Show: Theo is dyslexic

Growing Pains: Mike and Boner are offered cocaine.
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