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In this age of offensive football, the defense has played their asses off the last two weeks. Giving up 21 and then 17 this week. 7 of which came directly from the fumble is impressive considering the offensive ineptitude today.
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Still not as bad as the 07 Thursday nighter in the driving rain storm when Eric Norwood tried to win the Heisman by killing Woodson.
It was a one possession game but UK never had the ball with a chance to tie or take the lead. Got it to within 31-23 and USC scored very next possession
That team ended up 6-6.

And I'm not talking about effort. Talking about how I felt leaving Brice Williams. That game hurt a lot more than this one does.
Well, Bowden is the new quarterback. I believe a little more in him since he took the glove off his throwing hand.
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A week too late to make the best decision, IMO.

The issue with Sawyer was after MSU every unit lost faith. We are better than we showed the last 2 weeks, but the whole team doesn’t believe in Sawyer, and to be honest Sawyer doesn’t believe in himself.

Just like in high school the ball belongs in the best players hands in a situation like this. He isn’t going to be perfect so I’m sure Hank and Chase will be shitting all over the kid the first chance they get but the team will believe in him and his ability to make plays and they will play for him.

Overall that will make us better.

I’ve never bet so much against my cats in my life, but [cheers]

Not sure if you were still watching but Bowden/Piglet had a nice conversation before he got full blown QB duties in what had to be Bowden telling coach the move has to be made. Then after a TD he threw his hands up at the bench like “see I told you”.
Worst UK QB performance since...? I mean, it was bad enough that we walked out of that game with Lynn Bowden as the clear-cut best option.
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Distinctly remember telling a friend at halftime of the Florida game I was worried about Stoops leaving for FSU if the job opened up.

Turns out I was right but for totally different reasons.
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