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- Catholic Back really cut Rogue to the . . . core.

- Maybe Aaron Rogers is the douche? Alienates his parents/brother. Gets the front office to fire his old coach. Avoids revealing if he and his new coach have a good relationship. Thinks he's funnier than he really is. Terrible facial hair that he tries to pass off as ironic. Just saying, there's a whole lotta Taylor Swift in that dude.

- Strokin_Bandit Appreciation Day tomorrow at my house. It will be the first Saturday in the last month and a half where the family and I have not had plans to be somewhere and do something. It would be awesome if a grandparent (natural, adoptive, foster, etc.) would take my kids off my hands, but whatever. Lots of grilling and relaxing on deck for tomorrow.

- New Body Armor drinks are legit.

- Has anyone tried Vita Coco or whatever for the morning sickness? Just a thought.

- I watched the NFL football contest last night. 2 pretty scary head to head hits. One was the first actual play of the game. The other was the next to last live play of the game. Whoever said taking helmets away from these dudes may be on to something. At least it might prevent dudes from launching themselves like missles, head-first, into other players.

- This Sperber dude on twitter is a goldmine. I can easily spend an hour scrolling through his feed.
Good Lord.

Chads is a reference to a category of men that incels simultaneously admire and hate for their ability to attract women. Stacys are the category of women that incels find attractive and are often depicted as the girlfriends of Chads.
wcc likes this (obvs)
Before you make any derogatory Chad jokes, just remember that two HOFers here have that name. Put respect on it.
Since I get to see on a daily basis the disgusting, fat, and overall awful state of health the average person is in...I'm actually just in favor of anyone who attempts to work out or eat well. Don't care what they do, how they do it, if they brag about it, whatever. Just making an effort is enough in my book.

Unless it's Rogue trying to act like a badass for squatting 315 twice.
Yeah...can’t say I was too happy with Rascal Flatts. Win some, lose some.

Luke Combs is legit. Gotta credit the wife on this one. Had never heard of him, but she pushed it and I’m a fan now.

Fingers crossed it’s him Tuesday.
-would rather see eurythmics than any of this other pop country bullshit.

-uofl and bellarmine visits today. Thought more of Uavel than i thought i would...bellarmine was nice.

-coles for dinner, nice fillet and a grilled romaine salad...wife had their take on bulgogi and lobster bisque. Food solid as was slow AF, they paid for the first course.
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These “secret” concerts would be a great opportunity to troll a lot of dumb people.

Congrats! You just blindly paid $200 to see.....Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics!
Better than Luke Combs, whoever the fück he is.
Candy, of any kinda sucks, I don’t like sweet stuff. If I were trick or treating these days I’d hope for a Italian sandwich or something.

I've never really "gotten" the "how much can you bench" type guys. Does it really matter, at all? As long as you're personally progressing who gives a shit.
So someone can say, “yeah was super touched up at anth and slots and drank out of the wrong cup and accidentally fell asleep in their homo bed”, but if you say I squated’re a loser.
Okay, my bad.

My bench/squat/deadlift has slowly regressed over the last 10 years, but I eat much healthier and look better than ever. As I approach 40 my main goal is to not hurt myself when I hit the gym.
Totally agree. Just put some effort in and that’s alright. Glad you’re getting after it. I try not to lift heavy anymore either as I approach 40.

I have been to 76 concerts the last 9 years...don't talk to me about ticket sales.
Goddamn you live up to your internet persona like no one else.
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