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* Busch Light and Natty Light were my cheap beers of choice as a poor college student.

I think Pliny the Elder is overrated. Don't @ me.

* One of my soccer killer's Dad gave me a bottle of Col. Taylor small batch after practice yesterday.

Looks like little Matilda just earned some more playing time.

* As the week is progressing, I am feeling better and better about our game against the screaming chickens.

I don't know why I do it to myself, but I do.

* Marty's last game tomorrow. Gonna listen here at work. End of an era.

* Mother-in-law's family Oktoberfest this weekend. I'm making reuben egg rolls and goetta sliders.

* Caught in the act by our 7 yr old yesterday. I heard something and looked over and there she was just standing next to our bed. Mortifying.

We had the covers on and I think she is still clueless about that sort of thing, but it was still an instant of pure panic. She was just standing there patiently waiting for one of us to look up. (we had just had a talk with her about waking us up by asking questions or blasting the tv in the other room)

"Is it too early to turn on the TV in the living room?"

"Go right ahead sweetie, but shut the door."
-At this point, anyone with anything to lose that hasn't scrubbed their twitter account is asking to get Milkshake Duck'd.

-Second season of Making a Murderer or second season of True Detective, which was a bigger fall off?

- It's at least starting to feel a bit crisp in the mornings. We've gotta be getting close.

-New boot season. Rudd, any recs?

-You know that sound of a late July night, where there's almost never a second of silence not filled by crickets or other noises? My classroom is that, but with sniffles and throat clears. Flu season soon come.

-KU having no one with poaching is the real evidence of trouble brewing. The longer that lingers, the better, no matter the punishment. We saw it with UNC, even Louisville. Some might say waiting is the hardest part.

-Anybody bought one of these SEGA Genesis Minis? Think I'm grabbing one this weekend.
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-it happens, willy. Under the covers? Are you Mormon?

-work: redwing is hard to beat...and a lot are made in US. Currently sporting redwing weekender chelsea boots. Love my blundstones...but the price has increased and they're made in china now. Rather spend $50 more and buy American.

-helm makes nice boots. Pricey but occasionally on sale.
Speaking on Marty Brennaman...Mags played some old Cawood clips on last Friday’s show. Obviously his voice was radio gold but what made Cawood a pro’s pro was tha he called the game like he saw it. He didn’t sugarcoat a thing and when the Cats were playing poorly he would let you know and tell you why . Brennaman had the same approach. The game within the game.

So much superior than whatever it is that Tom Leach brings to the table where you can go minutes in a basketball game without knowing the score and when it comes to football Marcus have John Short in the booth calling the game.
Have a pair of Helm chukkas that I bought probably 6-7 years ago after college that are holding up nicely, but something about the eyes wears out shoestrings every couple months.

Anyone ever try Taft? I see ads all the time, and they have some really interesting looking boots, but I'd rather know they don't fall apart instantly.
- Chad doesn't get enough grief on here for being a basketball wildcat fan only.

- speaking of Cawood, I remember planning on going to his funeral, and 9/11 happened. He deserved to be celebrated better.
* College kid is on Gameday with his Venmo account to buy more Busch Light.
* Kid ends up getting a large amount of money and says he's actually going to donate it to a children's hospital.
* Busch and Venmo agree to match the money he donates.
* Reporter at newspaper does a "background check" and finds racist jokes on Twitter from when the kid was 16.
* Kid comes out and apologizes once informed of what they found.
* Newspaper publishes article.
* Busch cuts ties with kid.
* Turns out reporter who found the tweets tweeted the ni**** and fa***** a bunch when he was younger.

Hey, that's what you get for...raising money for a children's hospital. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Busch comes off the worst in this imo. They sold t-shirts with the proceeds going to the hospital and got rid of them after the article came out.

At least this kid's tweets were found via extensive background check and didn't resurface like the sentient tweets of Donte DiVincenzo and Kyler Murray. Props to the newspaper for doing their due diligence on this...guy raising money for a children's hospital.
Yeah, I’m a basketball fan only. Been watching UK football for 35 years because it’s been such a fun and rewarding experience.
SAE, walked by Memorial on my lunch break and there’s still plenty of spots. I doubt you’d run into a client there, you could even wear a t-shirt.
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