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Not knocking Stoops, but let me knock Stoops with a bunch of what-ifs that you could use with any coach or program. Christ. How quickly people forget UK football and 9 months back.

Eh. After a performance as shitty as yesterday, I think a 24 hour venting is in order.

I am glad Mark Stoops is our coach and I don't want him going any where. But I also don't really want to hear any Matt Jones Smart Guy posturing either or shitting on Billy Joe Wildcat for being mad about it.

Yesterday was terrible and we got our ass whipped by an inferior team because we were ill-prepared and acted like we were too good to be there. That's trash. We are what we are. A decent team who on occasion can play over our heads because we have great line play and (usually) decent coaching. That's Good Kentucky and we were starting to think that may be the new normal.

On the other hand we can also make the same stupid mistakes we always do. Stenberg can be an All SEC lineman who makes idiotic penalties that kill his team. Bowden can be our most talented receiver since Cobb and still be an absolute bitch who doesn't come through in the clutch and whines on social media. Kash Daniel can be a solid SEC middle linebacker who is the emotional heart of our team and still do dumb stuff. Stoops can coach not to lose when he doesn't have much of a hand rather than trying to actually win the game like Fat Mr. Mackey from South Park did to us yesterday.

That's the Same Ol' Kentucky and we regressed yesterday to that normal.

It is frustrating as hell. And I really don't want to hear a bunch of excuse making about it. It sucked and we were terrible. Real programs take accountability for f*** ups and learn from them. See the Tebow letter, etc. Our bunch of jackoff jokers keep making the same mistakes and then bitch on twitter about the fans.

UK Football ought to be grateful they have ANY fans after the last half century. So spare me any nonsense or excuse-making.

Get to work on beating the Cocks and shut up and move on.
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You mean we might have lost to a Top 10 team and a possible Top 25 team without our Starting QB and after losing the majority of the heart of our team from last season?

Nope! No way! Our coaches suck, our players suck, and our fans like Hank are right!

Good point, considering they were an 8 point fav to start the week. Inferior opponents usually aren't favored.
We were underdogs against Florida, Mississippi State, South Carolina, and Penn State for certain last year.

We dropped 2 touchdowns, missed 2 relatively easy FGs, and threw a pick 6. That's 27 points. 5 plays. If just those plays go our way, no one is thinking we're the inferior team.

But keep hating on all things University of Kentucky. That shtick got tiresome 13 years ago.
You guys were nice to Krazy and let him hang around for the weird stories and bought some of his bourbon and now he thinks he's smart and can bring strong opinions. Now what.

Nice:joy: and smart[roll]

I wouldn’t call it a strong opinion as much as I would call it not being a pussy because a few things have gone against the Cats.
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We dropped 2 touchdowns, missed 2 relatively easy FGs, and threw a pick 6. That's 27 points. 5 plays. If just those plays go our way, no one is thinking we're the inferior team. left out the two Miss St turnovers in the red zone. You're cyclops viewpoint always misses seeing the big picture.

But if you want to get specific, if a UK player was never tackled, then they would have scored 87 points.
Left scratching my head a bit about Saturday. I mean, we flat were not ready to play in any phase of the game that 1st half, but seemed to at least show a pulse in the 2nd. A few breaks here or there and we may have actually overcome it, but it just wasn't happening. The disheartening part of it was just seeing our defense have zero ability to get off the field. PTSD from all of those years watching teams march at will on us... just a terrible feeling.

It's never as bad/good as it seems, though. Hopefully the experience helps us this week when we're playing another team with its back against the wall. Having our defensive unit in tact at the kick will help. Hopefully everyone (coaching staff included) wants to redeem themselves a bit. We'll see.

6 in a row over South Carolina would be pretty tasty.
Maybe the team wasn’t fired up because Kash was benched and his pre-game screaming like a fool was sorely missed.
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^ That's exactly what I concluded by the end of Saturday.

What kind of ginger haired p-word benches his defensive captain right before kickoff with no discussion, or anything about it. Just surprise! Kash sit your ass down!

That was very bs "decision", especially with regards to the "video evidence" we have. If Stoops wanted to make a statement about that nonsense, he should have pulled his pants down and told everybody to kiss his ass.
Smith and the receivers were just rarely on the same page. When he was on, they were dropping, and when they were open, he was missing them. Probably has something to do with him being our backup QB.
*That* was an old school UK loss. The glimmer of hope throughout the 2nd half ending with another missed chip shot from loser-foot felt a lot like the Jefferson Pilot days. And then having a late chance for a stop only to see a QB go 50 yards untouched on a simple keeper, blowing right by a defender that had the play blown up only to inexplicably spin around like a top and miss the ball carrier completely- that was a nice capper.

Also, in addition to my blue power-K helmet photoshop, please credit me anytime you use "Loser-Foot" from now on.
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Yep... a standard definition broadcast with Mike Patrick on the call would have been nostalgic.
* Extremely envious of your local Indiana sportsbook. Unfortunately, I live in a more deeply religious state, where you can buy alcohol 24 hours a day, openly carry booze in public, gamble on slot machines at the grocery store, gas station, or po boy shop, and take in bottomless strip joints.

* Speaking of which.....

Amazon product ASIN 0374528543
A fantastic read about gambling initially being leaglized in the state of Louisiana. Here's the synopsis: a bunch of politicians lined their pockets with under-the-table payoffs, gave licenses to their cronies, and ended up in prison. Surprising, I know.

These elected assholes only have one shot at getting rich at our expense. We won't get sports books (or weed) until the right people are properly taken care of. TS.

* Leave for Berlin Thursday. Then Prague. Then Vienna.

* Joined a new gym that my buddy co-owns. Sort of an Orange Theory type place. One of the circuits every class --> jump rope. I seriously have no clue how to do that. So it's a 45-second station of just staring at the ground, I guess.

* I just don't understand Gran and Stoops offense. We've got 3 solid backs and a brand new QB, and we throw the ball > 40 times.

* The Bengals are downright terrible. What underwhelming QB they gonna take with the #1 overall pick, a year ahead of Trevor Lawrence?

* How many people did krazykats end up owing for that ridiculous Cincinnati Reds bet?
We had a guy in our pledge class that wasnt able to perform a jumping jack. Decent athlete, too... It was remarkable. He just couldnt get his arms and legs in sync. Looked very similar to these guys
Nothing to it, PTI. Just watch this Rocky gif over and over and I think you'll have it mastered pretty quickly.

Monday Randos:

- Spent the weekend in Louisville for my gal's mom's 50th birthday at her house...picking up their dog poop and setting up tents in the backyard was more enjoyable than that game.

- The VA continues to suck with its bureaucracy, had to go in for personal reasons last week and they can't even follow basic procedures that I explained to them to return to work.

- Giant Jenga is great for parties, I'm thinking I will invest in a huge Connect 4 board for later excursions.

- Stoops has a tendency to coach like a b*tch, he has done well recruiting though.

- The struggle is real with my lass's cat and mine, I suggested just a Thunderdome with them so they can sort it has been almost a year, yet she wants to protect her "baby."

- Speaking of babies, her mom got wasted, told everyone about it, and announced that she pissed herself and then came back for more drinks.

- Also, I hate early pregnancy sickness, it is almost every day. Any recs?
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JCrow, I’m sure your wife has been told all the regular treatments for morning sickness, but one thing I discovered was that if I had any kind of clothing that was snug and pressing on my stomach, especially across the top, it made my morning sickness much worse.
- 2 people took that bet and Bristol has been paid, BBdK seems to not care about getting his payment because he is cool as a fan.

- To buy a distillery, or not to buy, is that the question? And if so, if so................
Monday Randos:

- Spent the weekend in Louisville for my gal's mom's 50th birthday at her house...picking up their dog poop and setting up tents in the backyard was more enjoyable than that game.

- The VA continues to suck with its bureaucracy, had to go in for personal reasons last week and they can't even follow basic procedures that I explained to them to return to work.

- Giant Jenga is great for parties, I'm thinking I will invest in a huge Connect 4 board for later excursions.

- Stoops has a tendency to coach like a b*tch, he has done well recruiting though.

- The struggle is real with my lass's cat and mine, I suggested just a Thunderdome with them so they can sort it has been almost a year, yet she wants to protect her "baby."

- Speaking of babies, her mom got wasted, told everyone about it, and announced that she pissed herself and then came back for more drinks.

- Also, I hate early pregnancy sickness, it is almost every day. Any recs?

Drink some pickle juice and you will be fine. the wife ? I have no clue what to do for hers.

USCjr a easier game then Missouri ? I do not know about all that.

Meh, not ready to give up on them yet. Last year we got all the breaks and balls bouncing the right way. (Missouri at the end of the game). Couple of breaks and we are 4-0. Simply put, played a strong game most of the game against Florida, shit the bed for the second half and still had a easy FG to win. Last year, we make it and are 3-0. Miss. State, started out horrible, got down big, defense held up their end until late 4th quarter, offense shot their self in the foot over and over. Convert a couple red zone opportunities, we pull it out. (Texas A&M) last year. We only beat Vandy 14-7 last year. Beat USCjr Saturday, we are back on track.
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