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Black Mamba’s relentlessness is growing on me, the Patrick sparks of GYERO, if you will.

My next door neighbors are moving and using a service called “Black Tie Moving” which is supposed to be a full service boutique moving company I guess. I know this because it has an incredibly gay semi truck sized photo of the rascal flats singer caked in makeup surrounded by 4 muscular moving men. “Started by the lead singer of rascal Flats” it says in big bold letters. That’s all I know about him or Rascal Flats. I’ll keep everyone updated.
So they’re really trying to convince you the movers are anything but a bunch of delinquent child non supporter heroin addicted ex cons?

Ha. That’s a good one.

BTW — Skin (Sarabeth) ftmfw
The next secret show looks to be Garth, so that’s kinda cool.

7 number 1’s
Over 1 million tickets sold.
Over 1 billion streams of HIS music.
- I tell what a good country name is - Dale. With a name like Dale, you could be a bull rider, NASCAR driver, country music singer, owner of a BBQ, coach of the hometown football team, sheriff, person that makes marinade, . . .

- Probably will ruffle some feathers here, but give me the 80's version of GATORADE gum over all other gum brands. Sure, it may not have the curb appeal of Big League Chew, but I'll go with flavor every single time. The drawback? It has the flavor-life of Fruit Stripes.

- If Garth couldn't sing, he'd be a socially awkward dork. For real.

- Kyle Tucker gets a pass from me on this one. I can't believe how much content he's been able to put out while going through the stuff he and his young family have had to go through.

- Cats 27 Dogs 23
Top 5 Country Names in Order:

1. Wade
2. Buck
3. Jesse
4. Dale
5. Wes
I have pretty much stopped using Twitter (other than some random stuff I do for my kids' teams) and it's one of the best things I've ever done. It's a complete and utter shithole. So I get it, Kyle Tucker.
Was waaaaaaaay out in front of this. Twitter is awful, as is Facebook. IG is slowly crawling toward the same demise.

Politics and people’s misguided perception of the importance of their personal opinion has basically ruined social media and drained most of the fun out of it. They all started out as cool ideas that were really fun but they all end up catering to as many people as possible which is of course the lowest common denominator of people.

That and the fact these platforms use algorithms to show you stuff that purposely pisses you off so you interact more (aka spend more time on their app)with other people and the app, I just don’t get the allure or how they make you happier or your life better. I peruse and like stuff here and there, that’s about it besides a photo or two on occasion.

-Pool, pizza, gym, trivia, sleep. Days off during “slow” season are the best. It’s been slow enough to where you actually want to get out and do stuff on your days off instead of high season where you want to close your doors or go to the few beach/pool spots the public doesn’t know about and stay away from the extra 25-50,000 people in town as much as possible.

-Developed a bunion, those things suck. Mom had one on the same foot, thanks genes. No surgery for now at least.

-Nash is a family name that if I ever have a son, he’ll likely get. Big fan of Hank too.

-Preworkout poops, anyone else get those? I wait for at least 30 minutes before I go to the gym to get it out of the way.

-Need a book recommendation. I always mean to write them down from here but always fail to do so.

-The way my schedule works out I’m off from this Thursday til next Friday. :eyes: Not sure what to do with all that time. May go home for a few days, may just read and soak up the sun before October starts things back up.
Earl Thomas Conley . I don’t know any of his songs but my redneck uncle would wear a shirt with his name on it to a dive bar in Shively.

First night of obedience school for the pup. If this doesn’t work, then he is getting shipped off for boarding school.
Joey have one of the fridges that has the door that lets you see what’s inside* or nah?


* actually everyone’s fridge has a door that lets you see what’s inside of you open it #lifehack
Not yet. We replaced a dishwasher in the Spring and I did some real bargaining to NOT replace our normal, dumb, functional fridge as well. Did the Regan bit, the whole 9.
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Waffle makers have been 'smart' for 20 years.
That oven sounds pathetic btw
Not as smart as this guy: “Breville’s Smart Waffle is hands down the fanciest, smartest, most finely-tuned waffle maker I have every personally had the privilege to use. If you want to make car analogies, it’s right up there with the Ferraris and the Teslas. It’s a beautiful machine. It performs one job, and it does that job perfectly.”

I hate oven/stove cooking: the smells, the time, the danger (little kids), the setup, the cleanup. So I don’t mind having a self contained lil’ guy. So far, the meal kits aren’t bad. They’re pricey but worth it, IMO. Disposing of freezer goo is the biggest downside.
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