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All shitposting aside, Brian was right, Eddie is calling a hell of a game. Good mix of pass/run. Just don't want to see Bowden in the wildcat anymore. Maybe Smoke or sometimes Rose, but not our best offensive player please.
A chance the score and get the ball back to blow it open. Seems like Stoops first 4 years were full of that happening to us.
Well that was a buzzkill.

Get a first down with a minute left at the 50 and just give up to play safe?
Lot of good things 1st half.

Sawyer is legit. Poised, getting great protection and makes solid decisions.

Smoke needs 20-25 carries.

Blitzing Franks is a great strategy. Having the defense to do it still feels weird being against Florida.

Wouldn't change a thing. Just protect the ball and trust your QB.
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I’ll take it. Should have capitalized at the end there, but the incompletion and stuffed run put us in a bad spot.

A pocket passing QB is what Gran is comfortable with. If this kid keeps this up and this Oline stays healthy we are trouble for every team we play.
Really like Sawyer's legs. He's not as fast as Terry but he's much better at using movement to get open and create more time for himself. Extremely efficient with the balance between running and buying time to throw.
The only really good thing Florida did in the 1sr half is not drop an easy TD pass. Just keep putting pressure on Franks. I'll take my chances vs his 10 cent head all day.
Chicken shit playcalling to end the half.

1:17 and two timeouts...absolutely absurd that we didn’t at least play for a field goal.
It is so damn weird seeing a QB hitting guys in stride for UK with consistency. Excellent play Smith.

In the First Half Levy said “and Franks is going to the sidelines”, followed by Greise saying “they took a T.O. Steve”.
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