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Not that anyone really cares, but Owensboro's riverfront has changed drastically, for the better, over the last several years. It went from a total shithole to being a legitimately nice/cool place to be. Pretty surprising it was able to happen here, to be honest.
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It's not the basketball off-season in GYERO until the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Lexington factions spend a day or two telling each other their cities are pure shit.
Out of the paint game. Took some time off and going to get back to the grind soon.


Lol, so what exactly do you do every day...for the past year or so? I can only imagine...

I Can Only Imagine is on my workout playlist, btw. What a jam, although I get a little emotional and always think of Mr. Bill when it pops up.
The foundations around Fort Washington Way (or whatever it's called - the "dug out" parts) between Second and 3rd were designed to support future buildings over the interstate.

Nobody ever touts that!
Lol, so what exactly do you do every day...for the past year or so? I can only imagine...

I Can Only Imagine is on my workout playlist, btw. What a jam, although I get a little emotional and always think of Mr. Bill when it pops up.
Not gonna lie, I was beat down and depressed. I've finally busted out of that I believe. Feeling much better anyway.

Mainly I've helped out with my nieces and nephew. They are all involved in sports and practices all the time so I shuttle them back and forth. Even help coach some. There is a game of some kind seemingly every night. And I've got a nice resort style pool 75 feet I've got a lot of reading done.
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Owensboro is a really weird place.

But they have brand new hospital, and the aforementioned talent.

Think the lack of a decent sized university makes it feel empty.
Owensboro is a good place. Lassy is from there.

Mostly good country folk. Huge farming community. Their downtown waterfront area has really improved over the years. They tore down the old Executive Inn and built a new Hampton Inn right near their waterfront park.

Back in the early stages of when we dated she took me to the Boro for a wedding. Never really spent any time in the place and didn't know what to expect. Was blown away by the talent strutting around for such a small town.
They're offering LARGE sums of money for doctors to relocate there to fill out their hospital and office park.

And of course their anesthesia group just got bought out by a notoriously terrible and cheap management company. Not that it was ever really on the destination list, but most certainly off now.
WTF is up with 5th grade graduations and the accompanying gifts and parties? Yes, it's a big step, but come on. Did we even have 5th grade graduations back in the day? I remember thinking my 8th grade graduation was overkill. The tweonz have their graduation ceremony tonight, which is fine I guess, but their friends are getting iPhones, PS4s, etc. Seriously? Pump that. You for damn sure BETTER graduate touchin' elementary school! Not sure why that's an occasion for lavish gifts and parties. And what's even more insane is that this is their SECOND graduation, because they had a pre-school graduation as well. [eyeroll]

I can't wait to watch the Schembaris navigate this madness. :popcorn:
Great to hear Chief.

Just came from our twins 5th grade "graduation" and they aren't gettin shat except a beatdown in Mortal Kombat,on the 360, after work.
WTF is up with 5th grade graduations and the accompanying gifts and parties? Yes, it's a big step, but come on. Did we even have 5th grade graduations back in the day? I remember thinking my 8th grade graduation was overkill. The tweonz have their graduation ceremony tonight, which is fine I guess, but their friends are getting iPhones, PS4s, etc. Seriously? Pump that. You for damn sure BETTER graduate touchin' elementary school! Not sure why that's an occasion for lavish gifts and parties. And what's even more insane is that this is their SECOND graduation, because they had a pre-school graduation as well. [eyeroll]

Maybe it's more like a right of passage . . . like a bat mitzvah or something?
I disrespect any *parent* that actively participates in turning their child into a pussy. "Oh, you came in 9th place in the league? Here's a trophy." "Oh, you hacked the obstacle-strewn gauntlet called 'elementary school?' Here's a $300 phone. Love you. :smiley:[thumb2]:100points:"

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We had a pre-school graduation from the Pink Daycare on Dixie Highway. It mainly consisted of a talent show where I was Loretta Lynn and lip sanc to "Coal Miner's Daughter". I don't remember any gifts, but the whole thing is on VHS if you all would ever like to watch it.

I'm pretty sure we had 5th grade graduation from Carter, but I don't particularly remember anything about it and there were certainly no gifts.

8th grade from JCTMS and we went to 5th Quarter for some prime rib afterwards. I got my picture with Travis Ford (who was really nice). And this wasn't a gift, this was just because he happened to be at 5th Quarter at the same time.

So I don't think graduations are new, but maybe the over the top shit is new.
"Graduated" 5th grade at Sanders Elementary and the folks took us to Cincinnati for the weekend. The Kings Island special and a Sunday Reds game.

No prize, presents, or anything real special but a good time as a kid. Of course it didn't pay off when I hit middle school and spent half my time in ISAP, always hated Conway Middle.
[laughing] Fifth Quarter. Forgot about that place. There was the ghetto location over off Preston, and the more upscale location on Shelbyville. I think it's a Z Salon now.

The worst part about parenting is other parents. Everything is taken to the extreme. 5th graders with iPhones, 10 year olds with $400 composite bats, etc. It's insane.
As in all things, I blame Facebook.

It's one think to take your kid out to dinner or something for their last day of school. "yay, school's out, let's get pizza". But when you start advertising it, you only encourage the inherent competitive drive of Facebook Parent to one up. "Oh look, MaxPowerrr took his kids out for ice cream after their last day of school, well ol' UCL took his kids out for frozen yogurt and mix-ins... ON A BLIMP!" This leads to groups getting together and making big productions out of the mundane.

Meanwhile some magnificent bastard is making a killing off it all. If I could do it all over again, I'd skip law school and start up "MaxPowerrr's Travel Sports Teams and Elementary School Graduation, Inc.".
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You know I debated that I was spelling this wrong when I typed. it. (/old laughing face smilie)

Also, we went to the 5th Quarter off Preston. The East End was way too fancy for us.
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