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No secret, but incredibly unique how comfortable & unrushed UVA is Under 5 seconds on the shot clock, when for most teams it’s wild chuck time. That’s when they get all their looks, it’s like clockwork.
From an x/o standpoint, this has been an intriguing game. A definite chess match taking place. Beard going to the pick and roll with the dive to the rim was a great adjustment. They’ve made UVA get beat baseline on a couple of close outs, which is a big no-no for packline basics.

UVA running their “blocker/mover” offense to free up Guy on baseline and Jerome at the key. Good stuff.
Time has come to stop classifying UCLA as a "blueblood". Yes, they had the most dominant coach ever in the NCAAT. Then they won a one-off 20 years later.

No historic consistency. Rotating clown car carousel of coaches. No grassroots fan support. Probably the 5th most popular attraction in their own town, excluding restaurants, tourist attractions and amusement parks.

At this point, they might as well be IU if Branch McCracken had won 10. Their most recent is only 8 years later than IU's.

Not relevant.
UCLA is gonna pursue Bennett and/or Beard next.
If they get turned down by both, they'll look even worse than they do now.
If they snag one of them, they'll look brilliant.
If UCLA pursued Rick Barnes over Bennett, not only should their AD be fired, he should be shot and his body defiled in the streets.

Virginia’s style is aesthetically atrocious, but there is no denying how good they are.
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I think they wanted to talk to UVa's Bennett a couple of weeks ago but were told he wouldn't talk to anybody while his team was still playing.

They didn't want to wait any longer (they'd already been without a coach for 3 months), so they pursued others during the tourney.

Now that they've been turned down by others and the tourney is ending, Bennett and/or Beard may be willing to listen to them.
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