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Anthony should combine hobbies, imo

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If you don’t want to golf or don’t like it, that’s fine. But I won’t be taking anyone seriously in here that acts like it’s too expensive or they’re too busy.
I don't like the golfers in this thread. That's for sure. And yes, the time commitment is 100% the reason I don't play. 5-6 hours away from the family several times a week is incredibly selfish.
I mean, I’m off next week and will probably play a round or two. Holla

Gonna make an effort to play 9 after work this year. Wife wants to get into it as well. These country club type places seem to have activities for churrins too.
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If you don’t want to golf or don’t like it, that’s fine. But I won’t be taking anyone seriously in here that acts like it’s too expensive or they’re too busy.

Get married to a working woman and/or have children then get back to us, k?

5-6 hours away multiple times per week :joy: Says the guy who rides a bicycle 10-15 hours per week in season, and risks death & family heartbreak for vanity.

You don’t play Bc you’re not allowed.

We’ll give the tiebreaker to Killa; married man, father of 3, and long the moral compass of our group. What say you?
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I know all the golfballs in here weren’t big fans when I brought up top golf a couple months ago but I’m going with my wife tomorrow. We have a spot reserved for an hour and a half during our daughters nap time. We’ll also be getting lunch and I’ll have some beers while doing it. I know it probably sucks for people who actually play golf but it’s pretty fun for me and my wife who don’t play at all and a way to get into it when we have some more free time. I’m also probably biased because it’s 3 miles from my house.
I know all the golfballs in here weren’t big fans when I brought up top golf a couple months ago but I’m going with my wife tomorrow. We have a spot reserved for an hour and a half during our daughters nap time. We’ll also be getting lunch and I’ll have some beers while doing it. I know it probably sucks for people who actually play golf but it’s pretty fun for me and my wife who don’t play at all and a way to get into it when we have some more free time. I’m also probably biased because it’s 3 miles from my house.

Top Golf is fantastic. If you go there for “real golf” you’re a loser.
Recruiting balls... What’s the deal with Keion Brooks? Why isn’t he ranked higher or a McD’s AA? I watched some of his play last night and dude looks like a legit top 15 prospect .
Recruiting balls... What’s the deal with Keion Brooks? Why isn’t he ranked higher or a McD’s AA? I watched some of his play last night and dude looks like a legit top 15 prospect .

Probably not much difference between your Top 15 guys (ie. Keldon Johnson) and Top 35 guys (ie.Tyler Herro). Versatile dude with good athleticism that needs to tighten up his handle to become a star. I’m really happy with the dudes we have coming in.
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PJ @ 7? McIntyre is high.

Sounds crazy until you look at who’s behind him. Washington has a pretty high floor. Little chance he’ll bust. Will definitely be a solid rotation guy and possible starter. Needs to tighten his handle but good shooter, good passer, good rebounder, good defender and great length.

Only guys I definitely like more behind him are Hachimura, Williams and maybe Johnson.
We’ll give the tiebreaker to Killa; married man, father of 3, and long the moral compass of our group. What say you?
To each his own...the suggestion that golf is an unmanageable hobby with a working wife and kids is bogus. Learn how to adult better. If you just don’t like it and don’t want to deal with it, I get that.
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