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Contracts are a mere formality, in case anyone hadn’t figured that out yet. But hey, if this song and dance makes people happy, then great.
Just talked to BBdK. He called his 90 year old grandmother today and told her he got arrested for raping a jar of peanut butter, knocked up his dog, has stage 5 colon cancer, and he’s currently battling anorexia.

April Fools!!!

I was banned from pranks when I told called my grandma (RIP) 5 minutes from her condo and that I accidentally drove off the Howard Frankland bring going into St. Pete. Before I could even tell her I was kidding, she had hung up and the line was busy when I called back because she was calling the police to go help me. They called me back, I told them it was a horrible misunderstanding and by that time I had arrived at her condo. So doubling down, I told them she was off her meds and that was the first time she cussed in front of me when she screamed "bullshit!" and ripped the phone from my hands and told the cops I'm an asshole grandson.

She was right. I felt terrible. But, I totally got her.
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Cal isn't leaving KY for UCLA, but if he did all it tells me is that he is not cut out for this job anymore. As Cal says, KY is not for everyone.
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Cal can get out of his contract and operate with a Memorandum of Understanding for all I care as long as he stays.
We can bitch about Cal all we want, but the fact remains he gets us in position almost every single year. Not many other coaches can do that, and certainly no guarantees with one we could hire to replace him.

Cal can eat shit after every tournament loss, but I absolutely want him here as long as possible, and anyone who believes otherwise is a moron.
You can say what you want about Cal, but at the end of the day, here's what the situation is:
  • He could turn UCLA (or any major program) around in about three weeks
  • There are probably none out there currently available who are nearly as good (not to mention better)
Cal knows this; Mitch knows this. Hell, even @SAECATFAN knows this.
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Making up after a near breakup always feels so good. Glad to have this all behind us. Now we can start counting down to draft night.

What’s everyone wearing to Keenland?
Jerry Stackhouse to Vandy? Didn't see that one coming. I guess the student athletes needed a break from the classroom.
Izzo is trying to get his 2nd championship 19 years after his first and people think he is 10 times the coach Cal is.
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I guess all Im saying is give me at least 48 hours after our coach allows another darnell dodson NCAA flameout before rewarding him with a LIFETIME CONTRACT. Its whatever go cats go krogering
-Didn't even know Jerry Stackhouse coached basketball.

-Speaking of comedies, new season of Catastrophe just came out on amazon prime. I don't see it discussed much, but is :100points:. Dark humor.
[QUOTE="Century Cat, post: 7865874, member: 1506
-Speaking of comedies, new season of Catastrophe just came out on amazon prime. I don't see it discussed much, but is :100points:. Dark humor.[/QUOTE]

I’ve actually enjoyed the Marvelous Mrs Maisel. Much funnier than I expected.
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Down side is it's a little harder to tell him he needs to sh*t can Barbee and the math wizard now. In five years the entire coaching staff will be Cal, his golfing buddies, and Brad.
[QUOTE="Century Cat, post: 7865874, member: 1506
-Speaking of comedies, new season of Catastrophe just came out on amazon prime. I don't see it discussed much, but is :100points:. Dark humor.

I’ve actually enjoyed the Marvelous Mrs Maisel. Much funnier than I expected.[/QUOTE]

My wife loves it, will have to check that out. Next weekend just got freed up.
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Stack worked his way up. Coaching circles say he's legit.

Might be a really nice hire.

He did? He started his coaching career as an NBA assistant just four years ago, then coached a D-league team, then back to another NBA team as an assistant.

Not exactly my idea of working his way up.
Nasir Little to the draft. Gotta be disappointing for Ol' Roy who probably figured he could strong arm the kid into a three year career.
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