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Ive provided plenty of insightful discussion here tonight, and stand by what Ive said. Fund the teachers pensions. Pretty simple, really. There are ways to F’n do it, but the born again christian in the Governor’s Mansion won’t entertain the thought. The rest of you snake handlers who agree with his dumbass can get pumped 6 ways to Sunday.

First Governor in 30+ years to fund teachers pensions. But he doesn't have a D in front of his name so he is bad. Dumbass sheep
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I'm also pissed that neither party has passed gaming or legalized marijuana. No excuse in my opinion.
But the pension is 30+ billion in the hole, gaming and marijuana might be a couple hundred million. It ain't fixing the pension.
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Pretty simple.

The Democratic Party of Kentucky has blood on its hands from basically stealing from the teacher’s pensions for decades meanwhile playing to their union leadership for votes.

Our GOV! sees the issue financially but is too stubborn to his ideology to even compromise on new sources of revenue to fix or help fix the problem.

So we plug holes in the dam and name call and protest.

Why ITF would the teachers wear red, the traditional color of Floyd Street and the Republican Party? No one cares if it rhymes with "ed." Clean it up.

I'm with the teachers for a variety of reasons, but they have to get better at messaging ATKOT to stand any chance in the current political environment.
Minus the externalities of introducing on-demand, on-site gambling and weed to the hilljacks of the state.

So minus zero, then.

Hell, I'd rather see most of those momos high as kites on weed while paying taxes rather than scoring laced heroin and blowing local municipal budgets on narcan, getting their kids taken from them and CPS and foster care costs going through the roof, or getting drunk on Friday (in addition to their daily fix) and beating the shit out of each other and filing EPOs.

And if they're paying taxes while betting on the ponies rather than chicken fights, that's a win for the Commonwealth, too.
Teachers are over-estimating their intellectual capitol.

Guess what? Pretty much everyone, that doesn't punch a clock, works extra/unpaid hours.

I'd like to see the turnout of these protests if they occurred during their off days in the Summer break...
I'm also pissed that neither party has passed gaming or legalized marijuana. No excuse in my opinion.
But the pension is 30+ billion in the hole, gaming and marijuana might be a couple hundred million. It ain't fixing the pension.
Chron and gambol should be passed without question and it’s egregious that it hasn’t.

THAT SAID you’re exactly right, those two don’t get in the same hemisphere as paying for a $30 effing billion liability. Then you get into the whole thing of why should teachers pension get 100% of two new lucrative revenue streams.....there are plenty of needy state departments that have the right to an equal chance to mishandle those monies too...
I think GYERO tried to solve this years ago when telling everyone to DIAF.

Well... not exactly, but that retirement system was created when average life spans were 10-15 years less than what they are now. The whole thing has indeed been underfunded at times and shady politicians of all parties have done some shady things with that amount of money. Nobody trusts anyone to bargain in good faith and Bevin's rhetoric hasn't helped that.

That said, I do wish the "just find the $" folks could acknowledge that it's a bit unrealistic to find enough money to allow people to pay into a system for ~ 27 years and receive payments for at least that long or longer.
No shit, because the woman I swore to have sex with exclusively for the rest of my life requested it. Good analogy for the teachers, really. Plenty else to actually concern yourself with beyond Mrs. Betty Johnson in Harrison County getting a pittance for providing the public with 20+ years of service in the classroom.

Spiteful assholes.

Let’m know, SAE.[thumb2]
- :joy: GYERO is at its best when there are 2-3 passionate unrelated GFY arguments going on at the same time.

- I mean, hello spring. Ran to Ohio last night, then walked my dog to the neighborhood dog park.

Speaking of- I cannot deal with the dog park. It’s like watching your son getting beat up and awkwardly trying to have sex right out in front of everyone. I can’t handle it.
Speaking of- I cannot deal with the dog park. It’s like watching your son getting beat up and awkwardly trying to have sex right out in front of everyone. I can’t handle it.

You're a GYEROMAN. Send the mutt to doggy daycare twice a week and let someone else clean up his shit and watch him hump.
I feel bad for my dog, ever since we had a kid he's been knocked down several pegs on the priority list. Came home last night after work at 8:30, little guy seemed restless and was whimpering, asked my wife if she fed him "Fed who?"
"The dog"
"Oh. No I didn't"

It'll be fine here in a year or so when my daughter will give him more attention and dropped food then he can handle but the first couple years with a kid has been rough on him, what was once my wife's "little boy" is basically an afterthought to her now.
I feel bad for my dog, ever since we had a kid he's been knocked down several pegs on the priority list. Came home last night after work at 8:30, little guy seemed restless and was whimpering, asked my wife if she fed him "Fed who?"
"The dog"
"Oh. No I didn't"

It'll be fine here in a year or so when my daughter will give him more attention and dropped food then he can handle but the first couple years with a kid has been rough on him, what was once my wife's "little boy" is basically an afterthought to her now.
Yeah because it’s a DOG
Plenty else to actually concern yourself with beyond Mrs. Betty Johnson in Harrison County getting a pittance for providing the public with 20+ years of service in the classroom

She was the worst. Hope she doesn't get a dime.

No- from Houston via Africa. Came to Louisville to attend some made up high school. You won’t see a legit program touch him.

From Africa via Houston. As bad as Houston might be, I don't think anyone is willingly moving to a third-world country to get away from the place.
Ben Simmons and Joel Embiid have been like a throwback to the 80’s when a guy like Magic walks in as a rookie and you suddenly win 55 games and possibly steal a championship. Probably not happening with the Rockets, Warriors, and Playoff LeBron, but it’s nice to see. Hate Philly though. That town sucks ass. Only place I’ve been where the zoo has a sign that they’re not responsible for gunshots.

I’m still not convinced that injuries don’t derail Embiid, but I can see the east being Simmons playground in a few years a la present LeBron.
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-The government is so great at handling things I'd love to give them more. For instance our medical care would be a great start. The same people that can't make a profit off taking an envelope from one person to the next should absolutely be in charge of cancer patients.
-Weather next week :sunglasses: Just get through Sun-Mon and it looks [banana]

-Finally finished Enlightenment Now. Shew, that was a chore for me. Typically I'm only reading something with a story line. First 350 pages are fantastic and I highly suggest. The last he gets a little pompous and preachy. Time for some light reading this time around.

-ABH trying to tempt me into a couple hours at Keeneland this afternoon and my wife will be out there. Maybe I'll go grab G early from school and head out.
I dont like that we've seemingly moved on to trying to solve other issues without definitively figuring out who was better between Richards or SKJ. Feel like that needs some closure.
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Sir do you have a question?

Yes I have a question. How do you guys shave in the morning without cutting your throats?

Ok let's move on to a real question.

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