I don't pretend to know what it must be like to coach at an elite level, nor am I a psychologist, but I have this gut feeling that Cal's "ending generational poverty" maxim is partly a crutch to his insecurities as an in-game coach.
He knows what his criticisms are. He knows what the headlines will be if he loses to some of these jackwagons. He's a competitive sonofabitch just like anyone in his position is. He knows he has to win big and he wants to. He knows how he'll be judged and it must eat at him when he falls short. Regardless of what he says, being judged all the time, especially in this spotlight, has to affect his confidence/overall psyche. So why not build in some excuses to take a little bit of heat away? Hence the, "We're young." "It's not always about winning a championship. It's about ending generational poverty." and stuff like that. He's trying to find a silver lining, moreso for himself than the fanbase, maybe.
It is honorable that he cares about these players and their futures. And it is genuine, no doubt about it. But at the end of the day, these guys are ending generational poverty on their own merits, not Cal's. If they went to Grand Canyon and played for Majerle, they'd still wind up in the League. Let's be honest.
I don't know. I'm full of crap probably. Thinking out loud, wandering through the mall all confused, yet determined because I smell Cinnabon off in the distance.