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My girl Katina has shared Rodni's video and is requesting that people share and like it so that Rodni wins #forthedickchallenge...

...and Katina is the most credible Louisville figure out there.

Oh, Louisville.
My guess would be Pitino is currently negotiating the terms of his resignation. Probably walk away with a million dollar severance package just to keep it clean, no mudslinging, no protracted legal battle. Pitino gets to resign, saves a little face by insisting his hands are clean (like he does in the statement), and UL accomplishes getting rid of Rick.

But Rick didn't build the cesspool, he just bathed in it. Jurich is the architect. Jurich needs to be fired outright.
these goons don't know if this rises to the level of possibly losing a season.

And they may not fall under repeat offender statute because this is actually concurrent with the previous violations, so they'll probably just roll it in with that [laughing]

They actually want "Tom" to stay. To guide the department out of this mess. Such a good night
Per local apartment renting radio personality, the University may want to do the right thing and let him go, but will be forced to keep him due to massive buyout.

:joy: Actually- it wouldn't be that surprising if Louisville didn't put ethics clauses in their contracts.
Pitino and Tom are taking the hits for the actions of a few bad actors. Pretty pathetic how Louisville is getting in trouble just for using hundreds of thousands of dollars to break NCAA rules while just receiving punishment for forcing underage recruits to **** hookers. Pretty sad how Louisville is being unfairly treated
Go ahead and try to keep Pitino and slimeball Jurich then see how the NCAA views that from an institutional standpoint.
At what point does UL finally play the "moral clause" or "detrimental to the university" part of his contract so as not to pay the buyout? Absolutely ridiculous

If UL keeps Rick, and/orJurich, then screw them, they have what's coming. It's absolutely disgraceful.
Per the apartment renter, UL is on the hook for about $19M so you see why he will go kicking and screaming. And they have to give him 10 days notice.
At what point does UL finally play the "moral clause" or "detrimental to the university" part of his contract so as not to pay the buyout? Absolutely ridiculous

If UL keeps Rick, and/orJurich, then screw them, they have what's coming. It's absolutely disgraceful.

Because they gave Pitino a raise and a new contract after he had a federal trial for nailing a cooze and then doubled down when the university paid for whores for recruits in Minardi Hall.

Morality clause.


If I'm Pitino's lawyer that has absolutely no bargaining power. I'd tell them to f*** off if they even mentioned it.
UL Lawyer: Your honor, Plaintiff, University of Louisville is moving for summary judgment based on Defendant's breach of subsection blah blah blah of the contract between Mr. Pitino and the University wherein Mr. Pitino engaged in conduct detrimental to the reputation of the University.

Pitino's Lawyer: *walks in without pants, blows an airhorn, unfurls a lifesize picture of Bobby Petrino in a neck brace after putting his mistress on the University of Arkansas payroll* and then just says "Ha! The defense rests!"

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Per the apartment renter, UL is on the hook for about $19M so you see why he will go kicking and screaming. And they have to give him 10 days notice.
If history means anything, I don't believe Pitino is going to try to gouge UofL on his way out. He didn't when he resigned from the Celtics. He's gotta know it's time to walk away.
My favorite part of the day is that UofL fan is on their second round of the five stages of grief. At some point today, acceptance kicked in and they realized that Pitino and Jurich are gone, along with their NCAA-T banner, and potentially the death penalty (or sanctions pretty much amounting to the death penalty)

Now, they're back to the bargaining stage, hoping that this FBI/USAO investigation sweeps so broadly that it takes down the whole NCAA and all its members so they're not alone.

Me on the outside ----> :popcorn:

Me on the inside ----> [banana][cheers] :cool2:
Listened to the 680 dorks on my way to the gym, favorite comment when comparing themselves to SMU is that the biggest difference is that SMU was a repeat offender and UofL is a concurrent one so 0% chance they get the death penalty.
This all really does seem too good to be true. I'm savoring every moment but fully expect to wake up from some glorious schaudenfreud-fueled dream any moment now.
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