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My accountant is a diehard Louisville fan. God I love to call him with some inane accounting question and then just start cackling about Louisville.

"I can pay up to $600 to a temporary employee before having to deal with withholding, right. OHBYTHEWAY DID YOU SEE THAT LOUISVILLE GOT FEDERALLY INDICTED FOR CORRUPTION?!?!?! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

And I pay him so he has to answer.

I think both are gone withing the next few weeks. Even with their standards this is too much considering recent issues.

Plus, I honestly believe the only reason Pitino was kept before was due to him being too close to all the shady shit Ramsey and Jurich were doing.
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Honestly, the entire university needs to be gutted and that's only partially my homerism talking. With what went on with the foundation, the Yum! deal, the massive secrecy, etc. an alum worth their salt would demand accountability

On a serious note, as a citizen of a broke state with a pension system that is all but unfunded and multiple financial problems, the pilfering that people have done from public funds through the University of Louisville is disgusting.

I am seriously surprised that wasn't the subject of a federal indictment. It might only be a matter of time.
On a serious note, as a citizen of a broke state with a pension system that is all but unfunded and multiple financial problems, the pilfering that people have done from public funds through the University of Louisville is disgusting.

I am seriously surprised that wasn't the subject of a federal indictment. It might only be a matter of time.
Yeah I doubt the door is closed on that.
UofL is committed to ethical behavior and adherence to NCAA rules; any violations will not be tolerated. So if you sleep with one of the whores we paid for to lure you to our university, we WILL ban you from campus. Got it?
The US Attorney mentioned several things that made me warm inside. We have no interest in regulating college basketball, but when you commit fraud, bribery and wire fraud, we will prosecute you.
And, we feel very strongly in our evidence.
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Is this real life?

Their 2018 commits will be jumping ship soon. Not sure about the timing, but I'd think it is certainly possible some current players ask for a release. And then players like Bowen who obviously will never see the floor.

UL might as well go ahead and cancel this upcoming season.
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I don't know the exact situation with the YUM Center contracts, etc, but if I were the mayor of Louisville, I'd be pretty tempted to inform the University of Louisville that the YUM Center contract is void and that the city will be doing whatever the hell it wants with the arena that will make a dime and if they don't like it then we'll see you in court because I've got to mitigate damages.
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