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* actually the protests started over a year ago while Obama was in office

* actually history would show us that Winston Churchill enjoyed tea and crumpets
Show me where the nationwide oppression exists and general lack of opportunities for minorities and I will support you. Did this plight start January 1st of this year? Or perhaps the voice is stronger now because the protesters had to be careful as to not offend the chosen one the last 8 years? Guess what big guy...whatever issues exist right now were in full effect the last 8 years and longer.

News flash for you...racism towards ALL of humanity has existed forever, and it will continue. Can we make it better and is it better...of course. But according to the NFL, Lebron, and a slew of "the left" people, we have reverted back to the 60's and George Wallace is leading the country.

Protest...fine. Do it constructively. Hold community meetings, run for office, or even get a group of players and go talk to the current administration and communicate exactly what you are protesting instead of continuing to alienate those who revere the flag and the anthem.

Could Trump have been more PC in his comments...definitely. But he isn't wrong and thankfully we have a true leader who wants to defend this country. He may not be Churchill, but he isn't going to stand idly by with tea and crumpets and apologize for wanting to defend us.

Your entire post was written with a smirk, nothing more. You openly admitted you are happy because the right is upset. You offered as much to combat the issue as those taking a knee....nothing. But that is typical of the left these days...they offer nothing constructive, but would prefer to be destructive in fighting for the cause they believe in.
The more you post, the more I understand why the GYERO regulars have such little respect for you.
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- I'm shocked Trump has been such a disaster. Who saw this coming?

- I would have been more likely to vote for The Rock before "Ballers" which makes "Entourage" look like Shakespeare.

- As it always is in September, recruiting is getting interesting. Cal either hates the bigs in this class or is pretty confident in a upperclassmen SKJ/Wynyard combo along with a couple freshmen frontcourt returnees.
Let's be honest. The real reason so many took a knee this weekend was because Trump called them SOB's and said they should be fired.

NFL player and owners are not the the type of people who just roll over to that.
The fact that everyone is able to be engaged, distracted, and passionate about something so fundamentally unimportant that effects the daily lives of literally not a single person in this entire country but we can't get people to actually care, discuss, or become knowledgeable about things like our current healthcare disaster, corruption with pharmaceutical companies, or the growing disaster with unregulated campaign financing on both sides of the aisle is the lock of the century.

Just pander to the lowest common denominator stupid f*cks of the country and watch everyone get distracted about a GD football player take a knee, while we actually get completely taken advantage of by both parties behind our back. God I hate politics and the current media so bad.
- I'm shocked Trump has been such a disaster.

Insightful, given the state of the country. Economy rolling, consumer confidence highest in years, illegal immigration lowest in 17 years, job market excellent, defense strong, etc, etc, etc.

You're effing brilliant, little man.
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-trump, obama or bush2 could cure cancer and 1/2ish of the country would bitch about it.

-political arguments have always been presented in a dumbed down/easy to digest way for lcd folks feed upon. That said over the last 16 years it has devolved into a shitshow. Us v. Them. My guy is a paragon of virtue and yours is a russian puppet/secret muslim is the mentality. Keeps regular folk at each others throats...whilst they all bend us over without lube.

-the last guy tacked too far left too quickly. The current guy is a *direct* result of that leftward push/identity politics. You cant spend years shaming/blaming people for things they have little to no control over and expect them to come back for more.

- go cats...or whatever.
People did die to give them their rights... and they'd like to see those rights come to full fruition. That's literally the whole point.
Is it?

Or is the point to spite our loudmouth president who would rather strut like a banty rooster than engage in any civil discourse? Or is it to martyr a subpar QB who read one book at Berekely that his social warrior girlfriend gave him and decided he was now Malcolm X? Or is it for social injustice or first amendment rights or...

Nobody knows, that's why this all sucks, the protest, the response and on and on. All it does is separate people and make each side dig in their heals a little more.

It's effective at getting attention but the wrong type of attention, imo.
Hey what does everyone think about the current FCC attitude towards net neutrality that could potentially shape the way we use internet, get information, start new businesses, and pioneer industry going forward? Oh nobody knows what that even means? Did you hear Laveon Bell didn't come out for the national anthem holy crap !!!
Hey what does everyone think about the current FCC attitude towards net neutrality that could potentially shape the way we use internet, get information, start new businesses, and pioneer industry going forward? Oh nobody knows what that even means? Did you hear Laveon Bell didn't come out for the national anthem holy crap !!!
I also like minor league soccer.
I watched a little bit of the Monday Night Football game last night and realized just how little I care about the NFL these days. The whole "protest" deal has nothing to do with it. The product is bad; the owners are all money-hungry scumbags who would rather uproot a team and dump them in a half-empty soccer stadium where no one cares than pass up some profit; and - frankly - I'm losing the ability to enjoy watching people give themselves permanent brain damage for fun.
I watched a little bit of the Monday Night Football game last night and realized just how little I care about the NFL these days. The whole "protest" deal has nothing to do with it. The product is bad; the owners are all money-hungry scumbags who would rather uproot a team and dump them in a half-empty soccer stadium where no one cares than pass up some profit; and - frankly - I'm losing the ability to enjoy watching people give themselves permanent brain damage for fun.


I *literally* (yes, I'm properly using that word) haven't watched a minute of the NFL this season, and I'm so much happier for it. It has nothing to do with anything related to protests, politics, or anything of the sort. It's a shitty product, and the team I grew up following is an embarrassment so I've washed my hands of it.

College football is awesome and the NFL is for rednecks.
-trump, obama or bush2 could cure cancer and 1/2ish of the country would bitch about it.

-political arguments have always been presented in a dumbed down/easy to digest way for lcd folks feed upon. That said over the last 16 years it has devolved into a shitshow. Us v. Them. My guy is a paragon of virtue and yours is a russian puppet/secret muslim is the mentality. Keeps regular folk at each others throats...whilst they all bend us over without lube.

-the last guy tacked too far left too quickly. The current guy is a *direct* result of that leftward push/identity politics. You cant spend years shaming/blaming people for things they have little to no control over and expect them to come back for more.

- go cats...or whatever.

Putting Obama and Bush in the same sentence with Trump is ridiculous. Agree or disagree with them, those guys were doing what they thought was best for the country. This dipshit is a carnival barker who only cares about himself, and I mean only.

You think he gives two shits about the anthem or the protest? No- he's tossing more redmeat to his base and the fringe.

He's a POS and he's never even tried to hide it.

I just hope he doesn't really get us in trouble.
While I love College Football more than anything I still see no issue of setting up shop on the couch with a cooler full of Miller's, wings and 6 hours of no commercial NFL Red Zone. No reason at all to watch a full NFL game unless it is playoff related.

They have adapted to the fan in SOME favorable ways.

A lot worse ways to handle a Sunday IMO
The NFL sucks in large part because a) the rule changes and reviews kill the flow of the game (this is creeping into college btw) and b) the lack of good QBs since college has moved to spread offenses which would get people killed in the NFL.
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