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Place has come a long way, but if you look at his photo I took earlier this summer on my yearly ABH visit, it clearly has a long way to go to reach the greenspace Louisville's riverfront provides. Pretty much a concrete jungle.

Head First is gonzo.

It might be reopened as Kitty's Bar & Grill or something like that, but I won't go. Too heartbroken.

Geese, The Banks is pretty damn awesome right next to GABP. Lots of places to choose from. I'd go to Yard House or Moerlein Lager House.

Holy Grail is good, but too crowded for pre game.
When's the last time you went to a Reds game?

A couple years ago when I was still dating my wife, bub.

Cincinnati Reds games aren't typically must-see events for me. Never been to a Bengals game. And being as the last time downtown in a social setting I witnessed a shooting? K.

Anyway, do they sell sunflower seeds at MLB venues, too? Or do I need to bring a bag? /chase
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*goat jumps on poor person's boat and does flip*
*Boat's yacht runs over poor person's boat*
*cigar is lit*
I taught swim lessons for 4 years and still have a life jacket at least nearby when I'm in the lake. I don't know what possesses someone who can't swim to go out with out one.
Granted, I've swimmed my whole life, but I still don't understand how a human being with an ounce of survival instincts can drown in a still body of water.

Feel like I'd just yell "float!" or "keep your head and mouth above the water line!" if I ever saw a person struggling a lake or pool. Would think that'd be enough. I don't know.
Yeah, it's hard to fathom. People that can't swim panic, and apparently don't even understand the concept of floating, and that all you have to do is lay there, really.

It's obviously a real thing, but very hard to "imagine" as someone who's swimmed.
A lot of the people that die on lakes around here are also drunk off their ass.
It's hard to imagine how someone who can swim would drown in a still body of water, but I think it's pretty damn obvious how a non-swimmer would drown. Survival instincts be damned. Actually, I think your survival instincts might make you drown faster. Fight or Flight adrenaline is about the last thing you need to keep your head above water.
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A lot of the people that die on lakes around here are also drunk off their ass.

Not sure that has much to do with it unless they fall, hit their head, and fall into the water unconscious or something.

I can count on one hand how many times I've been in water SOBER in the past decade. You can either swim, or you can't....doesn't seem to be much gray area there.

-Chase nailed it. The 'survival instinct' is what causes them to panic & drown...flailing around to exhaustion or filling themselves up with water.
Cumberland isn't a lake to go play around the banks on unless you know how to swim. It goes from 4 feet to 20 feet in a hiccup around most of the lake. Add in some hard drinking and stupidity on boats and it's amazing there aren't more drownings there.
You tell me. You ever see an adult that doesn't know how to swim just suddenly learn how to stay afloat because of survival instincts?
Actually babies tend to float/swim instinctively. Once a child is old enough to understand parents typically lose their mind anytime a kid goes near water and they start to fear it.
Lake is way different than Crab Island. I could see people there not knowing how to swim and being fine there, it's waist deep. Yesterday the cove I dropped anchor in was 75ft deep. Water is up so high right now there is no shore. Literally just cliffs and rock.

I really don't even get in the water without some kind of flotation device. Could see how easy it would be for some drunk person to pass out, fall off boat, dunzo.

Wonder if I should start making people sign a waiver.

Love this marina so far. Harbor restaurant is nice and they deliver to your boat. Fat.

Cracking first collide of the day. Cheers wildcat friends
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