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I got blasted on here before that 2007 Louisville game for saying Stevie Johnson was going to eat up the Cards secondary.
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See, guys, this is good. This is fun. This is much better than when you pee-holes want to bring up the Wisconsin game.

Good work, GYERO.
Looking back at the results , I need to drink more during UK games moving forward. The more alcohol involved, and the bigger the party, the better the result. Fact.

Except cold ass Vandy game. That sucked.
People forget that Brohm completed a pass in the last play of that game that they caught on our like 8 yd line or something. It was a Hail Mary and we didn't bat it down. Ball was tipped and they caught it.

May or may not have slightly crapped my pants on that last play.

Yep. And this was after we inexplicably kicked the PAT after Johnson's TD put us up 5.

Losing that game as a result would've been the most Kentucky Football thing ever.
I think that just added to the vim and vigor- the disbelief of NOT losing on the last play like we had all seen UK do so many times before.
People forget that Brohm completed a pass in the last play of that game that they caught on our like 8 yd line or something. It was a Hail Mary and we didn't bat it down. Ball was tipped and they caught it.

May or may not have slightly crapped my pants on that last play.
I was convinced when we didnt go for 2 that we were going to lose that game. Took me awhile after the game was over before I could enjoy it I was so worked up.
Anyone following the missing woman case in Bardstown? Has Keith Morrison written all over it.

Boston-Miami-Hoover Alabama this week for work experienced a nice cross section of America. Boston in the summer is just perfect really. Summer big city power rankings: Chicago, Boston, New York

Avocados maybe the most versatile item in my current snackdown rotation. Good for breakfast, great on a sandwich for lunch and a grilled snack. IMO

Lots of Chris Stapleton & steele drivers in my current rotation. Wish I could go this to Forecastle for just his set and not have contact with the other awful Villians.

2012 Final Four game against UL was more of a distraction along the way to a title with one of our elite teams in program history. Just wanted it done so we could move on.

2014 Sweet 16 against UL was much more personal to me. That winter here in Jefferson County as we took our conference losses and what seemed like UL gearing up for a repeat felt like a funeral with all of the detractors jumping on Cal's grave. That week after the S Carolina loss..The sharks were circling for blood.

Dug in and became somewhat ornery. In a 2 day span got separated at Molly's for getting into a heated altercation with one of Pitino's hanger ons who was at the bar with every other wannabe Ricky chronie celebrating their RUSS & LUKE senior day demolition of UCONN right after we got our ass kicked by Florida and the next day got into it with Davenport about him telling everyone at FABD that Cal was taking the Knicks job.

Still can't believe we put together that run. Goodness, that felt good and was absolute vindication.
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I tried Taft's Key Lime Carribbean ale at Washington Park a couple of weeks ago. Was a pretty good hot afternoon crafty.

The Zen is technically a SESSION IPA so make a note of it Rhinegeist's Cougar is pretty good. I like it better than the West 6th or Country Boy blondes and they make/distribute a lot of their stuff in Erlanger (for) now so #KentuckyProud I guess.

Taft has the best logo though:


Least favorite local now is probably Moerlein. Their stuff just isn't that good, and the fact they named beers after Mike and Mike is damn inexcusable, IMO.

That logo is awesome.
Walking out of Lucas Oil the night of the Sweet 16 win laughing at Louisville fans as I strolled by half-erect...shew. What a night. [smoke]

I have never dogcussed an opposing player half as much as I did Hancock that night. After he stiffarmed his way to another 3, I thought I was literally going to die from anger. Thank God we won. [banana]
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Go away, lol? Did I interfere with your super secret satire club?

Nope. Your posts just aren't good. Objectively, you're terrible. Practice a bit and then try again in a few months. Maybe change your name so no one recognizes you. Might help. Good luck, bud!
Dug in and became somewhat ornery. In a 2 day span got separated at Molly's for getting into a heated altercation with one of Pitino's hanger ons who was at the bar with every other wannabe Ricky chronie celebrating their RUSS & LUKE senior day demolition of UCONN right after we got our ass kicked by Florida and the next day got into it with Davenport about him telling everyone at FABD that Cal was taking the Knicks job.


[roll] This is why I love this dude.
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Rough afternoon here... 4 servicemen murdered and others wounded down the street. Having to drive home through roadblocks and police tape.
Rough afternoon here... 4 servicemen murdered and others wounded down the street. Having to drive home through roadblocks and police tape.

Witnesses said a man sprayed bullets at the glass doors of a military recruiting center at a strip mall...

A guy in Owensboro did something similar to this a few months ago. Amazingly, he didn't hit anyone. He apparently sprayed a few shots into the front glass of a Japanese restaurant he previously worked at. The only thing in the front area is the cash register and a waiting area, beyond that there is a wall which separates everything else. Randomly, I was actually there about an hour or two before this happened, picking up our to-go order in the area which he later shot up.
The best thing about that Brohm Hail Mary is that it affirmed what some of us (ahem) had been saying for 3 years - the guy had a wet noodle for an arm and it would derail his NFL chances. A last-second "bomb" from midfield that came up 10 yards short of the endzone? NOT GREAT, BOB.
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-so baby poop is an interesting phenomenon. Kind of like the surprise air head flavor. No idea what may be in there when you peel back the diaper. "Where the f#ck did that come from? You've only drank milk for a week."

There is nothing that really compares to the black tar poop that a newborn baby makes. Gross in texture yet scentless. Walt until he starts eating some big boy food Anth. The explosive diarrhea that goes from half way up their back to slight near their belly button is quite amazing. Then you're in for a real treat bud.
Rumors within my crew of a private plane trip to LA on December 3rd for UK/UCLA with tix right behind UK's bench. If it comes together it will be the trip of a lifetime. Haven't been this excited for a trip in a long time..
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Silver lining is that they already have a 4-star 6'5" black QB committed in this class, so Im guessing they lose the other one at some point and that should cancel out the Pass commitment. Just hope he turns out to be a bust.
SEC media days has become a public " Ah, that's cute" from the rest of the SEC to UK and it's fans. Stoops was the only coach yesterday that didn't get a post PC interview from the panel covering for The SEC Network. Derek Manson got one the day before. Which was actually kinda comforting and reassuring. A win seemed far more likely after his interview... but that's beside the point. Why no Stoops?

Last year, Stoops' PC was the last of the 3 days, and like this year, he followed Saban. Which is the equivalent of following The Beatles at Shea. UK's presence at this thing the last 2 years has been barely noticeable. We're the fat chick in a group pic of her and her hot friends. And like the fat chick, UK fans are aware of our plight, but it still stings when outside confirmation comes along and shoves it in your face.

And btw, the devil you know is better than the devil you don't. Just sayin.
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Didn't SAE have an affair with Victor Anderson?

St. X, for being such an alleged powerhouse, pretty much sucks at producing big-time college players. Sorry (notsorry) if that hurts anyone's feelings, but it's factual.:100points:
-Bbdk was hilarious in Atlanta. Cussing or making fun if the super religious sign holder otw to the stadium and back. He may have even rapped to him, not sure after those awful vodka and cokes will got us. And catlanta it was fun hanging with you for sure.

-Boat, I get my under 100ton Capt's license soon if you need me to take your boat out. Also have a lawyers boat down here now, "Knot Guilty" lol....I get the double entendre.
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