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If you have a $12 million dollar buyout, isn't your incentive to get fired?

I mean, that would be pretty awesome. You're set for life. You get some R & R then take a coordinator job at Podunk State making $250k a year to pay the expenses and just coast until retirement.
If you can't get into Jenna Fischer, or a similar Shannon Spake type, I honestly feel sorry for you...


Got a friend in town this weekend from Destin. Coming in for a race that I'll be attending (but not running, unfortunately). She's hot, has a ridiculous body......and is 48. o_Oo_O

Maybe even 49. I mean :popcorn:. Not even sure what to do here. Totally stumped.
As Ty Wedd said to the wide-eyed neophyte Danny Noonan, "so what's the problem?"

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Pretty good bod but would beavis touch? Prob not.

Im heading to Tuscaloosa with my dad. I mean if someone tries to pat me on my head its whatever.
If I was Mark stoops I literally wouldn't even give a shit if my team was any good or not. I'd leave after the game and probably pop in some zbb and run thru the canes drive thru and go to my big ass home and chill. Might scroll through catpaw and read all the angry assholes ranting and raving and maybe even check out some porn. Wouldn't give a damn.

Louisville is going to ACTUALLY buttf*ck Flordia state. Will probably be the biggest margin of defeat in fsu history. Just prepare yourselves guys.

Pam Beasley is absolute smoke. I also really like Rashida Jones but she's not quite on Pams level. The office absolutely crushed their casting.

Cinci is really struggling without their top 2 offensive play callers. Don't know how they'll ever get over the loss of Darrin Hinshaw and Eddie "welcome to advanced auto parts" gran.

The new jerseys look good and cool on our young fit black athletes. Pretty shocking. The checkerboard doesn't bother me at all. Our football jerseys are dope af.

Voinovich was the GOAT at the sick face emoji. Dude would post that sucker relentlessly and crush the hopes of a random drive by poster.

Have yet to watch a second of the NFL. Thanks for all the internet high fives
Not feeling the deeeeeeeep necklines on the new jerseys. Pretty low and showing off a lot of tats. Rest of it is ok, but whatever. As long as we're good.

Controversial take...the white denims weren't terrible (won't speak for the blues). Then again, I was probably blinded by our awesomeness. But the overall styling was pretty spot on...numbers, font, neckline, etc.

Not feeling the deeeeeeeep necklines on the new jerseys. Pretty low and showing off a lot of tats. Rest of it is ok, but whatever. As long as we're good.

Controversial take...the white denims weren't terrible (won't speak for the blues). Then again, I was probably blinded by our awesomeness. But the overall styling was pretty spot on...numbers, font, neckline, etc.


That look on Epps' face. Warrior.
It would be easy to hit Buffalo Trace (Frankfort) and Woodford Reserve (Versailles) then Keeneland or something in Lexington.

Last Thanksgiving we did Thanksgiving day at Churchill and did distillery tours on Friday Saturday and Sunday. It was fun but it did get very repetitive and I was over it by Sunday.

Woodford and Buffalo Trace were my favorites and that is what I would recommend. Definitely no more than two.
Keeneland is the way to go.
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