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heres whats absolutely certain about this so called glass debacle. glassgate, if you will.

- there isn't a single one of you that has a gd clue whats really going on
- any reports are likely to be overly sensationalized
- none of this will stop any of you from overanalyzing the situation and completely blowing things out of proportion

Huh. So this is real? I thought it was just a bunch of BS to stir Ochs up.
His tally is now $135.

He's a panhandler.

A college educated, employed, non-homeless panhandler.

I love my children, but I'm beginning to second-guess my decision to have them.
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Super Mario Kart Rankings:

1) CMD
2) Spieth
190) McIlroy
191) Princess Peach
192) Duval
193) BBdK
This guy could be tricky:

-my comment is more of an indication of how good I think Spieth is more than a knock on Rory although I think Rory's up and downs are focus related.

-Spieth is crazy talented especially with the putter. No qualifications. There.

-Lmao at Lance calling out Sky and Froome for today's performance. Granted he's right but man that dude is a prick.
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Such a great game, Stratego.

I feel like board games are a lost part of society, but I could be wrong. Do families still play?

Baldwins crush them every Thanksgiving/Christmas. Just seems like they are virtually extinct thanks to IPhones, Ipads, and the endless video game options, but maybe not.

Off Top, My progression went something like this:

Hi Ho Cherry O
Chutes & Ladders :100points::100points::100points: (got seriously pissed off when i saw the classic board had changed)
Operation (eek)
Connect Four (can beat anyone but Rondo)
Miles Bourne

(Battleship sucked)

These days we usually opt for Baldersash, b/c it's just hilarious and we have a family full of wordsmiths.

...know I'm leaving out/forgetting some, but man we *crushed* board games.

Oh, and we always had (and still have) this bad boy around. Play it every year.


Feel sorry for kids these days sometimes, I'm sure they couldn't give 2 shits about sitting down and playing simple board/thinking games with all the technology they have at their disposal.
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Monopoly is classic, maybe THE classic...but it's just too damn long.

Couldn't tell you how many games went unfinished. Really hard to keep interest for that long, especially at a younger age. The great games that went the distance though were hard to top.

-Mark Coomes is one of the worst. Forgot he even existed until SAE and others brought him back to life for me on Twitter. Wasn't he a UK guy at one point (like so many others). Catpaw?
I have a board game night with some coworkers every couple months...the next one is this Saturday. I DESTROY. One of the math department instructors brought over some European board games last time thinking it would give him the advantage, didn't end well for him.

I play Monopoly and Risk on my phone against randoms from around the world. I love looking up how to say, "bitch better have my money" in Czech every time they land on one of my hotels.

Fena lepší mít své peníze!
How do you play Monopoly on your phone? Is it just an ongoing, days/weeks long type deal or what?

I've always loved games of any kind, including video. Probably should take advantage of the ability to find a competitive game any time w/ the wonder of the internet, just never do.

Still have the unopened Zelda for Wii that's been in the package for I guess a decade now. That any count? I've pretty much forgotten at this point that the Wii is an actual gaming device, and not just a Netflix vehicle. Except Eli Barron, when I take a few hundo off my good Uncle in Tennis, Shuffleboard, Ping Pong, and Mario Kart. So much fun.

I suppose ONE advantage of having churrin is the built-in excuse to start doing shit like that again without feeling like a loser, amiright?
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It's ongoing, download "Rento" from the Playstore or Apple Store, it's free. Hit me up if you want to get embarrassed, my name is tguastaferro on there.

Games actually go pretty quick since the banking, etc. is all instant. That's what slows down live games the most.
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He's acting like catsfanbgky. Being baited in by a TOTAL dbag troll. Very bizarre. [laughing]

I'm going to out you BITCH. You coward shitbag!!!.

He's threatening to "expose" the troll, while acting like a complete idiot, cussing/acting a fool on his own Twitter with his name on it. LOL
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Clark and I had a pretty serious Letterpress rivalry going on iOS until I played "OVOVIVIPARITY" and he accused me of cheating.


I dissected a spiny dogfish shark in 10th grade, Clark. They're "ovoviviparous," numbnuts.
I'm a 'plain' packaged foods purist in general. Plain Triscuits, Regular Wheat Thins, Plain Saltines.

Too many flavors out there these days getting cute and ruining great products.

...but the Cheddar Cheese Crust Bold Pep Pizza Rolls are pretty legit. [smoke]
I'm gonna out you, loser.

We'll see how funny it is when I put your name on it.


Say whatever you want. I'm gonna out you.

Still gonna put your name on it, shitbag. Maybe your biz contacts will think your schtick is cool. And maybe not. Let's see.

Let me repeat: I'm gonna out you. And I'm gonna send a steam of your greatest hits -- already screengrabbed -- to your employer.

Of course not, you pussy.

Put your name on it, Puss 'n' Boots.

Put your name on it, nutless.

Put your name on it, coward.

Yeah why? Just shoot your stupid mouth off. What's it matter when you're a phony, right?

I suspect both you losers are anon b/c if your employers knew what jackasses you are online, it'd be, See ya.

What a little coward you are. Put your name on it, tough guy.

Put your name in your handle, coward. Then talk it up.

I guarantee you won't say shit to anyone on Twitter b/c you don't, not under your real name, you coward.

Put your names on it, losers. You still won't put your names on it. Pathetic.

Put your name on it, coward.

Put your name on it, bitch. Your real name. Like the grownups do.

Congrats. Then both you boys can afford to go buy a pair of balls. Soon, preferably.

You're a vulgar little coward, anonymous bitch.

You're right. I can't. Phony fakes don't laugh. They faux laugh, you coward.

Old. Sheesh. If being young is what you represent, we should all wish to be 150. You anonymous little coward.

Put your name on it. Your real name, you chickenshit loser.

Put your name on it, loser.

You're a coward, you geek. Why don't you put your name on it, bitch?

You're a little coward and you know it. Put you name on it, loser.

Another anonymous loser weighs in. Put you name on it, toughie.

Put you name on it, loser.

All anonymous Twitter accounts are an affront to honesty. Like yours, bitch.

You're still a cowardly bitch. And you know it.

I called you a coward, bitch. Retweet that.

Sack up and put your name on it, you little bitch.

Kyle Tucker ‏@KyleTucker_CJ 1h1 hour ago
@mark_coomes Good Lord, Coomes. I don't disagree on anonymity bringing out the crazies but ... you proud of putting your name on THIS?
The glass thing is basically right. Last I heard it was pretty unlikely that stuff would get there in time. So now you know
This seems like a perfect time for NJT to make a post about Coomes' meltdown. I'm sure he would appreciate it from a parody account.
BBdK, check out to find some great board games. That website is sort of akin to Redszone and the resident sabermatic honks, but you can really find some great games there. I actually met up with Rudd (RIP GYERO poster) a couple of years ago and borrowed a few of his games.

If you want a cheap cheap card game to just test the waters on something different try "No Thanks!" It's a card game that is quick, easy, and a blast to play. Runs about $7 or $8 on Amazon when I ordered my copy. The ultimate gateway game to board games beyond Monopoly, Sorry, Risk, etc is Ticket to Ride. I've yet to play it with anyone who did not enjoy it. Easy for kids to adults to quickly catch on to.

BTW, teams have wised up to unloading prospects for high priced vets. The Reds will get noting close in return for anyone they unload, unfortunately.

Back to lurking.......
Games still played(that can be finished in a timely manner) - Trivial Pursuit, Balderdash, Scattergories, Apples to Apples and a couple of others
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