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Also, while he's probably the best coach we've had here since the 80's, I don't belong to the "Brooks was the greatest coach ever" camp. After the "program-changing" win over LSU in 2007, we proceeded to go 3-13 in the SEC over the next two years.

He was a decent head coach, and a helluva guy. But he ain't Lombardi.

I think we're all in agreement with this, but it just shows how low expectations are at UK. You don't have to be Lombardi. We'll be cool with Brooks. Just don't embarrass us.
*Another cool thing about Tressel is we could legitimately bring in Pelini as his defensive coordinator.

*Truly dreading being down 50-0 at halftime of the UofL game.
Took UK to 5 straight bowl games and owns all but 1 of the best wins in my life. This is what is being missed, we're not asking for much. 7-8 wins and occasionally beat UL. Do this and we'll sell out 75% of the games.

Actually 4 straight, but yes, he did a good job. It's also true now for the first time in history that all you have to do to make a bowl is win 2 or 3 league games, assuming you take care of business in the non-conference, which he was able to do thanks largely to the existence of Steve Kragthorpe.

Again, I'm not saying he was awful. He was a decent coach. But he was 20 games below .500 for his career when he got here and 30 games below .500 for his career when he left.
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A coach can win here. Brooks did and he didn't recruit well.

Define "recruit well". The following players were drafted into the NFL during the Brooks tenure (including his recruiting classes)...

Jacob Tamme
Keenan Burton
Andre Wooodson
Stevie Johnson
Wesley Woodyard (he wasn't drafted, but he was a badass so he gets on this list)
Trevard Lindley
Jeremy Jarmon
Corey Peters
John Conner
Randall Cobb
Danny Trevathan
Winston Guy
Larry Warford
There's going to be a lot of revisionist history when it comes to coaches getting in trouble with the NCAA. I seriously think we're less than 5 years away from all of the major schools, once and for all, telling the NCAA to go F themselves. Just a big ole collective GET PUMPED.

Ergo, Tressel lying to those asshats is less of an issue with each passing year.
Fire and hire now so we can salvage some sort of class for next year.
the team has only 8 seniors, wouldnt care if every single verbal decommitted at this point if if is the price to pay to change AD & coach

still would rather suffer along with Stoops as coach until someone else is in place to hire & supervise the football program. Mitch's buyout is only a bargan - $925K fwiw. trouble is Pres Eli ain't gonna pull the rip chord, he is happy having Mitch take care of all that unsavory messy athletic stuff for him.
Yeah, the Art Briles stuff is pretty off the charts. No go.

Tressel was just your basic run of the mill cheating and lying. No different than our current political arena.
Would not be comfortable - at all - with Briles being our coach. That entire Baylor situation is despicable.

Lying to the idiots at the NCAA is, in some ways, actually commendable. Because F them.

But Briles is just disgusting. He systematically hid and promoted RAPE. As Mark Berger is right about one thing --> if you hire Art Briles, you have to sit down and explain your reasoning to every single female on campus.
- Feels like I'm living in an entirely new place- new floor. Live-in girlfriend, a cat and a golden retriever. Instead of a bachelor pad, my place has a little style now, which is cool. Still need to move in the last of her stuff, but it's pretty much done and a big relief.
I had a dream this weekend your girl was pregnant and it was your all's wedding weekend or something. So congrats, wcc!
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-I think Tressel will unfortunately have several better offers.

-I think Brooks' staff was incredible at developing talent. In that group I think only Guy and Woodson were 4 star guys.

-That 5th bowl was the state of the program Brooks left it in and nothing to do with Joker. That team being as bad ass it was is a shame.
At the time, probably could've signed Petrino to a 10-year contract with a 50 million dollar buyout if he left early. Probably would've made the playoffs at some point.

K, I'm done with the Petrino stuff. Hope is lost, so I guess I shouldn't keep shoveling shit into our mouths while we die slowly in the fire that is UK football.
Speak of that 5th bowl season and Brooks/Joker. It can easily be stated that the Joker coach-in-waiting decision is the worst decision in MB's tenure, which includes hiring BCG and Stoops extension. Brooks had this sucker in such good shape we could have went out at that point and actually recruited a solid hire. Instead we're going into 8 years of shit. Pure shit.
I have no doubt that Mitch has a wish list of head coaches ready to go at a moment's notice. And that it's awful.

I really don't see a scenario in which I even watch the Alabama and UofL games. In my 30+ years of fandom, I've never been to that point. They will literally beat us by as much as they want, and I don't need to see that.

Coach-in-waiting is the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard of. Any AD who goes that route should be fired immediately.
My only requirement is that the next head coach have more head coaching experience than I do.

Shouldn't be that difficult.
So do we hold out hope that Stoops will somehow turn this thing around, or do we just want this season to get as ugly as possible to hopefully accelerate the inevitable? I'm leaning toward the latter.
James Franklin is on the hot seat at Penn State. He has won in the SEC before. But he also has some skeletons in that Vandy closet. What is the verdict on him?
If you let UK football affect your love of college football overall, how the hell did you ever start liking the sport to begin with?
Truth. I used to be like that, especially with BB, but decided to nix that this year and feel dumb for ever allowing it to happen. Load up gambol, let's go.

Best case: He wins 6 and clips UGA or sweeps Mizzou, USC, Vandy and MSU... wins a bowl game.
Worst case: Wins 4 and retained.
It can easily be stated that the Joker coach-in-waiting decision is the worst decision in MB's tenure

Didn't Brooks appoint Joker as coach-in-waiting? What role did Mitch have in this situation?

I'm not disagreeing, just trying to get my facts straight because I admittedly don't know a lot about that whole ordeal because I was like a freshman in HS when it took place.
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