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If anything, the Kentucky fanbase is a potential powder keg of excitement. We go nuts for any modicum of demonstrated competence.

Put a decent product on the field and there will be 65k in the stands, no questions asked.

Yep, the fans definitely aren't the problem. I bet UK fans have received the worst return on investment (i.e. Money/time spent vs. wins) of any fan base in the country.

630am is doing a 9-11 tribute, and backed up the Sunday morning sports talk show until 10:30. F you.

I don't think they realize how much I was looking forward to dragging out the sorrow.
Logged on just to make sure I wasn't the only one. Just subbing one tragedy for another.

('73, I'm not seriously comparing 9/11 to UK football, so need to tell us all about the time you visited NYC)
If not showing up is the answer why does Kentucky Football continue to fail? At some point you're going to have to change the approach if you want different results. Potential coaches look at stuff like that too before accepting a job. Could be why they have such a hard time convincing a decent coach to come here.
Poor leadership at the top of the athletic department. It starts and stops there. Brooks built up a foundation that was pretty solid to keep going into the future, and poor decision making by Meetch tanked his hard work in two seasons, basically erasing everything he had worked to build. It wasn't fans walking out that caused the program to fail, it was the program failing that gave them a reason. That's 100% on Meetch for poor leadership and decision making letting it happen.

As for poor attendance being why it is hard to get a good coach to come here, TOUCHING FALSE! The judges would have accepted 100 year history of destroying careers of coaches that come here, until Stoops' ill-warranted extension not paying a coach SEC level salaries, or having to be ok playing second fiddle behind basketball; but when the fans post top 25 attendance records for just barely making a bowl, that answer is trying to relocate blame to make us the problem, not the administration.

Plus, as many have already stated, Petrino came calling at our darkest hour, and Meetch was too stupid to give him the light of day because morals. Well, he's hosting the GameDay crew next week, and we're hosting This Old House out in the Shame Shacks with our morals. So Petrino took a girl for a ride on his hog? Guarantee every one of us would be lining chicks up at his door for him and smiling about it if it meant an SEC title game, getting to suck on an orange in January, or stick our head in the Sugar Bowl like Tony Montana into a mountain of cocaine.

Put please, enlighten me how accepting to eat the ish sandwich Meetch and Stoops are serving will help turn things around.
When you have 'moderators' like this, is there any wonder why UK football sucks?

That's part of the problem with Bobby, he wants every job but the one he has.
OK. You gonna tell me you wouldn't be ok with what he's done at Louisville in his second time around if he had done it at UK?

Also, any coach that brings that kind of success to UK is gonna get offers to coach everywhere. Stoops had Miami and Michigan looking at him in year two. So what would it hurt if he left after three or four years here? If he did what he has done at Louisville, I'm ok with it. You can Mitch to where an AD can hire a coach that won't destroy it when he leaves, even better.

Mitch wouldn't hire him even if he could.
Really went out on a limb there for that prediction. If only he could have done it about four years ago...
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Really went out on a limb there for that prediction. If only he could have done it about four years ago...

Don't bitch at me, I didn't hire him. People can't say too much about Stoops either. The fan base was thrilled to death with the hire at the time. He was set up to fail from the start, you can't bring in a guy that's never been a coach and expect anything more that what we got, not at UK. I like Stoops and wished he could make it here but there are too many things against him starting with a bad leadership above him.

Also, no need to complain about not getting Bobby, you can hire him tomorrow if you want. He'd leave today if he got an offer, that's who he is and what he does.
Don't bitch at me, I didn't hire him. People can't say too much about Stoops either. The fan base was thrilled to death with the hire at the time. He was set up to fail from the start, you can't bring in a guy that's never been a coach and expect anything more that what we got, not at UK. I like Stoops and wished he could make it here but there are too many things against him starting with a bad leadership above him.

Also, no need to complain about not getting Bobby, you can hire him tomorrow if you want. He'd leave today if he got an offer, that's who he is and what he does.
You and I remember the Stoops hire very differently. I remember a divided fanbase that wanted Petrino then, and cried for Mitch's head when we didn't even contact him. I remember a fanbase who still didn't buy in when he got an extension beating a bad South Carolina team, and a fanbase that was even more vocal about the second extension with the 12 million dollar buyout in a 5-7 season, and look where we are now.

However, I will agree that he was set up to fail from the start. Someone with zero head coaching experience was given the task of turning around arguably the worst team in the history of SEC football, and was touted by his last name to get the job done with the whole Stoops' Troops idiocy. What was Mitch thinking.

As for hiring Bobby, and him leaving. If he did what he's done at Louisville and left after three or four seasons for greener grass, I wouldn't blame him. That argument doesn't hold up, IMO. Until UK gets several years of winning under it's belt, it is a stepping stone school.
Don't bitch at me, I didn't hire him. People can't say too much about Stoops either. The fan base was thrilled to death with the hire at the time. He was set up to fail from the start, you can't bring in a guy that's never been a coach and expect anything more that what we got, not at UK. I like Stoops and wished he could make it here but there are too many things against him starting with a bad leadership above him.

Also, no need to complain about not getting Bobby, you can hire him tomorrow if you want. He'd leave today if he got an offer, that's who he is and what he does.

Don't bitch at me, I didn't hire him. People can't say too much about Stoops either. The fan base was thrilled to death with the hire at the time. He was set up to fail from the start, you can't bring in a guy that's never been a coach and expect anything more that what we got, not at UK. I like Stoops and wished he could make it here but there are too many things against him starting with a bad leadership above him.

Also, no need to complain about not getting Bobby, you can hire him tomorrow if you want. He'd leave today if he got an offer, that's who he is and what he does.
You're crazy if you think the fan base was happy. Who wants a struggling program to hire as a head coach a person no one has heard of? A person with no head coaching experience? I live in Florida, and I'll tell you what, My FSU friends were happy as hell to see him leave
Oh great, lets compound the suck that is UK football by having a bunch of shitty posters come crash GYERO and talk about it all day. Awesome.

I actually don't get why anyone is that surprised by the game. We just gave up about 34 unanswered points to touching Southern Miss. Of course UF was gonna kill us.

Man, that Bama line sure was fishy. 1 point off the final margin.
You're crazy if you think the fan base was happy. Who wants a struggling program to hire as a head coach a person no one has heard of? A person with no head coaching experience? I live in Florida, and I'll tell you what, My FSU friends were happy as hell to see him leave

People liked the Stoops hire for the same reason they liked the Billy G hire -> because the previous coach was sucking it up. In the case of UK football where you can't go out and get a Saban, you have two options:

1) Get an up-and-comer head coach from a directional state school and hope he can make it in power conference big-time football
2) Get a proven slightly past-his-prime coach from a major program and hope he makes a go of it in one last hurrah

Instead we go out and hire a defensive coordinator because he shares some of the same genes as the head coach at Oklahoma. Makes no sense. We do this crap in politics - see Bushes and Clintons. We do this crap in sports - too many to name. You know where they don't do it? Real businesses. Imagine what shareholders would think if when GE hired it's next CEO they picked Eric Schmidt's little brother who happened to be a director of marketing at say, Proctor and Gamble?
No more Petrino talk. None.

Stone cold lock of the century. Had we had the balls to hire him. You would be first in line to make excuses for him. So save us the sanctimonious bullshit.

How did it turn out for UL? Did anybody outside the state care they hired him? Until we get ruthless we will always be a penciled in W. Oh well, enjoy the cosmo and crispy while UL ascends again.
Will be in Louisville next Saturday for a show at the Iroquois amphitheater. Looking at a coupe Airbnb options.

•Frankfort avenue (the radius on the map touches hillcrest and Lexington Rds.)
•highlands/bardstown Rd area.
•Germantown area near Goss Ave.

Would appreciate some feedback on areas.
I think my favorite play yesterday was when Florida had the two guys wide open with nobody from UK in the TV shot and got confused over who should catch the TD.

I'm still partial to OUR STUD LOCAL FIVE STAR RECRUIT stripping the ball from our backup QB and causing a turnover.
Matt said Petrino wanted to meet with him to sell himself as the next UK coach. This was relayed thru a mutual friend, and obviously the assumption being that getting Matt/KSR on board would help seal the deal.

The thought that a basketball radio show personality might actually have an impact on a UK football hire is terrifying.
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-Why go? After being at the game yesterday and leaving in the 3rd quarter because I couldn't stomach anymore, I was sitting there in the blazing sun wondering why I even go to these games. I wouldn't sit at CWS and watch this product ONE game this year, nope. It was so bad there that UF fans were legitimately consoling UK fans.

"We were hoping to get a better test today from you guys."

"Boy, I really hope you guys can turn it around sometime soon. That wasn't fun to watch."

"Sure hope you didn't drive all the way down here for that.Wow."

One Florida fan actually left beginning of the third and shook my hand and said, "I hope for your sake they at least get on the board."

It was pretty disconcerting. UK fans not really even mad, laughing as they walked out of the stadium saying "well we are a bad as we were last week."

-Another aspect that bugs me about our fball team being terrible is that we get cheated out of the real game day experience the big time teams get on the road. That place was never in a fever pitch, the fans weren't all standing in unison going beserk on defensive stands, hell those folks were downright nice to us(given they're complete asses for bball games).

-I really used to look down upon auburn and those teams for not giving one shit about bball. Thought they we're really missing out on part of the college athletic experience. Nope. They've had it right all along. If you get decades of absolute dogshit you finally give up. And I get it now. Why would they show up for ball games except against us?

-Props to UF for bringing back the 06-07 back-to-back bball champs and honoring them during the UK game. They get it. They know that every other program couldn't care less about that team being honored. Might as well do it when the one team that does care shows up.
We did not.

Another great look for UK yesterday was Jordan Jones coming out of the tunnel with double birds for the crowd. I guess you might as well look trashy if you're going to get embarrassed too. Got a pic of that.
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Welp, enjoy having that on KSR in a few.

-Stoops' post-game comments show he's clueless. Half of what he said was "I don't know" or "we've got to work harder." Sounds exactly like BCG.

-Meanwhile, Saban after their 28 point win: "Like I said before, when you're arrogant, it makes you complacent. It creates a blatant disregard for doing things right. If we don't start doing things right, we're not going to have the kind of success that we're capable of."

The team won't be surprised if they win. HA. HAHAHA. You stupid touchsticks. But by all means give them the double bird walking out you badass. If it was anyone other than Jones I would give a classic full length "ukswimmer" style 8 paragraph book chapter on all the reasons why he sucks, but he gets a mini-pass for being one of the few who seems to give a damn.
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