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I get the "Petrino should have been the guy" crowd, but let's not pretend there aren't a lot of coaches that could do better than this besides Petrino!
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I really wanted Stoops to be the answer. He seemed like he had a long term plan and this program needs something consistent.

But it just didn't work. He's lost the fans. He's lost the team. He'll lose whatever recruiting mojo he did have. He's lost the boosters.

Cut bait now. It's going to cost money to get this thing off the ground anyway. Apparently we have some money somewhere. Pay the buyout, go get . . . (?) We have a little bit of talent. We have great facilities. Go get someone who knows what to do with it. Tomorrow.
Very important that Mitch is not part of the hiring process for the next coach, paying $12 million for a buyout just to turn around and make another shit hire is not worth it.
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Maybe we could let a wide receiver, who last played QB in middle school, go under center. I mean, it's worked before to snap a streak.
Very important that Mitch is not part of the hiring process for the next coach, paying $12 million for a buyout just to turn around and make another shit hire is not worth it.

Mitch shouldn't be part of the program at all. It's maddening that he's fvcked everything he touches but Cal, who he obviously didn't want but succumbed to the pressure.
I know UKAA has a ton of cash, but it was AD malpractice to offer that buy-out to Stoops (and everybody knew it at the time the deal was negotiated). Then, to turn around and fire Stoops for being no better than he was in the years leading up to the new contract, should be more than sufficient grounds to fire Mitch.

There's not a top AD out there that wouldn't love to be a part of the Calipari marketing train. Just about like fishing with dynamite.
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