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tried to listen to Mag52's show this morn. the depressing bball recruiting stuff had already been covered, he was talking about some apparent depressing football ticket sales story. clicked it off.

at some point UK sports wont just be an endless well of sadness and misery, but we ain't there yet.
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So if you were keeping tabs here Friday night when the Brown announcement was going down there was a point an "unconfirmed " report that he picked UK and the raftard insiders ran with it as done deal. One dipshit actually said he was "working to confirm".

Down to Michigan and UK my butt. The little a hole or someone in his camp tossed UK as a viable option just to drum up interest. If it had been reported flippin Cal was leader no one would have given a damn.

Another kick to the nuts.
Haven't listened to KSR... ever.

I can't imagine why football ticket sales would be slow. No spring game to drum up some interest & excitement, we haven't been to a bowl game since 2010, and we're still being picked to finish at or near the bottom of the SEC.

Yeah, we should be selling the hell out of some tickets.

*I renewed my season tickets 2 months ago. Yes, I am a masochist why do you ask?
I'm not competing for anything, just stating a fact. The only UK stuff I currently read or listen to is in this thread. I'm not a bigger/better fan or any of that crap, I just don't want any part of college sports right now. I'm not crying myself to sleep at night, I'm not reliving the game over and over, I just flat out don't give a shit about UK sports right now.
Also have not listened to KSR since the loss. I tried to listen to the podcast when DA was on there but I heard the intro music and turned it off. I come to this board obviously to pile onto the depression with all you chicken little fans thinking we are going to suck next year.
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Any good derby stories, celebrity encounters, room service events?
-You have to be a real scum bag POS to be boo'd in your home country after beating a foreigner.

-Lots of good Derby stories, not many I care to post for the free world but we'll catch up soon enough. All I know is I'm certainly too old for that kind of run and I SUCK at horse racing.

-Still haven't went back to KSR. Take that Joshy. Also, good to see you aligning with PTI and BBdk. Two bastions of character I'd like to be associated with.
Crushed it all wknd. Turf Club on Thursday, dinner Thursday night and then some Grey Goose party at Icehouse. Beans were in the mix bc of course they were.

Yardwork on Friday and dinner on Friday night. The beer garden patio is coming along.

Hosted a Derby party all day on Sat then the P Club on Sat night. Knocked back gold top domestos all day then switched it over to Old Fo old fashioneds.

Played basketball ystdy afternoon to sweat out the toxins.

Slept like a rock last night and feel great today. The key to recovering from a big wknd is some form of cardio on Sunday to sweat out the bullshit. You sleep well on Sunday and don't feel lethargic on Monday.

Watched The Gambler last night. Interesting but weird flick.
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Hosted a Derby party all day on Sat then the P Club on Sat night. Knocked back gold top domestos all day then switched it over to Old Fo old fashioneds.

I don't know if these are typos or a Richie'ism, but I like it. ;)

Did the derby at Keeneland, was actually pretty nice. Think I'm ready to step up and ball out next year.

Friends had a pig roast Saturday night, that sucker was tasty. Still not quite there on going after the ears and eyeballs.

Tried to stream the fight, to no avail. Doesn't sound like I missed much.

Made some zucchini pasta last night, went well with a pesto/asaigo sauce and grilled chicken. Thanks Sloot.

Hope this HBO special on Kurt Cobain is good tonight.
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slept like a baby / slept like a rock

Well, which is the most accurate cliche? Is this a could care less/couldnt care less situation? Because these are fairly opposite, and/or have nothing to do with one another.
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- anyone got the apple watch? I'd love to, considering it strongly

- watched the top 40 90's R&B countdown in VH1 last night. If I had to pick one music type to listen to for the rest of my life, that's it.
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Derby never disappoints, especially with the kind of weather we had. My favorite part is that chicks compete to see who can show the most of their breast.

I've been a lot of places, not sure anywhere in the world has as many beautiful women as derby. Read in the paper that Derby is the busiest day in the US for private jets.

Saw Tom Brady leaving derby , somebody asked him why he was leaving early, said he was going to Vegas for fight. Not a bad little weekend.

Speaking of the fight, what a waste of $100. Terrible.

Kudos to SAE on leaving Louisville on Derby week. He is about as big of a Louivillian as BBDK. Congrats.

Nice seeing Anth, but I really wanted to see the parasoled one.
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-Tried to force/guilt myself into some type of cardio and couldn't do it. Took a nap, that wasn't productive at all. Planned on crashing at 10. False. Stayed up until 12a watching Mad Men and reruns of Naked and Afraid. Not smart.

-Getting out for the detox ride tonight. Get things back on track.
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Meh. Wife's good friend from college got married. She came to ours 5 years ago.

Park Avenue church and 5th Avenue reception. I'll go to many more Derbies, but not sure if I'll ever attend another wedding like that. Just another world.
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Saw on the Derby coverage as sponsored by Bryant Heating and Cooling a story about the Oaks Lilly drink. Its Grey Goose topped off by (wait for it) Cranberry juice cocktail and a garnish. $11. Originality
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glad not to have been an adult in the 1920's. boxing & horse racing are nice like in brief doses such as Saturday, but them as the 1 & 1A of the sports world 24/7/365? No thanks.
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glad not to have been an adult in the 1920's. boxing & horse racing are nice like in brief doses such as Saturday, but them as the 1 & 1A of the sports world 24/7/365? No thanks.

Sounds better than the misery that is UK SPORTS!!!

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I am also glad to have not been an adult in the 1920s because I would be dead now.

Also, this "cranberry juice and vodka" concoction could revolutionize the booze industry. Louisville has done it again!
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-That fight was terrible. I had really looked forward to somebody making Floyd bleed/nervous. Nope, Manny was happy to be there and get paid. Floyd is just a terrible person. With that said, he is one hell of a promoter. That dude is the next Don King.
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What's wrong with horse racing? I think it's pretty awesome and the only one you can just straight up gamble on(minus dog racing) at the event. It's as entertaining as any other casual sport I follow, certainly in person.

-The fight was awful. Any one should have known what was going to happen. The (fight goes the distance) line was -260 and I thought that was really low. Won $150 on it and if I wasn't hammered I probably would have bet more. Lock, baring one of the two tripping or getting injured that thing was going the distance.
-Looks like I missed another great boxing event! /rolleyes

Everyone who paid $100 for that deserves to be disappointed.

-Re: Horse racing, I don't think it's a terrible sport by any means but I do think, at a certain age, you need to be "in the game" as an owner or serious handicapper to really enjoy it. Otherwise, it's just social gambling and not a sport, purse A.
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The whiskey chic "HAND CRAFTED PROHIBITION STYLE" cocktail making is something to behold. The margins on these things have to be extremely high.

1) Hire an asshole with a handle bar mustache who dresses like he he's a railroad conductor and takes his degree in mixology very seriously.

2) Create a quasi authentic Western meets Southern meets California gold rush meets Honky Tonk atmosphere.

3) Muddle, mix, charge a ridiculous price... Make it seem like a very rare product. Profit. Rinse. Repeat.
I'm one of the biggest Apple honks out there and the watch is appealing to me as Melissa McCarthy in a two piece.

Foodies, save your coin and pass on '8 Up'. Menu is sparse and what all we had was meh minus. Only redeeming aspect of the place is their rooftop patio bar.

Started watching playoff hockey this year and from what little I know of the sport, enjoy it. Can easily see why '73 and others say playoff hockey live is one of the best sporting events to attend.

How about Wall coming into his own and leading the Wiz to 3 straight playoff road wins? Pretty impressive turnaround for that perennial doormat franchise since he got there. They don't have a shot against the Cavs, but they're a fun team to watch and young, so with some continued nurturing can be in contention for the East for some time.
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