Originally posted by How Blue Can You Get?:
Originally posted by .S&C.:
It's always got to be "why not legalize unethical behavior!!?" To some. It's sad really, that some people want to continue to tear down the pillars of this country one by one.
I prefer my children to be raised in a country that draws a moral line in the sand. Also, people don't see the consequences until after. For example, Greg Anthony might have actually hooked up with a woman that was a carrier of the HIV virus, but because he was stopped by a sting, it never got there, and the advocates of "anything goes" will never know it. Prostitution destroys most people in its path. The prostitutes. Their children, the johns and their families etc........
Before youd spout nonsense about "legalizing prostitution" do some research on the correlation between prostitues and the following.
1. Sexually transmitted diseases
2. Drug addiction
3. Sex slavery
Also, talk to the children of these prostitutes.
It's not just a choice between 2 adults. It does affect the society as a whole, and I'm glad it's not tolerated. If it were your mother, sister, daughter etc.. I'm sure you'd feel differently.
the real ? is, do you think people should be able to decide for themselves what is moral and what is not? My guess is you wouldn't like it if laws prohibited you from doing something that you like to do. Don't get me wrong, i'm not condoning prostitution, but if its a mutual agreement between 2 consenting adults, that only involves them, who am i to tell them they can't? As others said, you can already take a gal out for a fancy meal, buy her expensive jewelry etc and sleep with her legally. Do you have a problem with that, and if so, would you make it illegal? how would you enforce it? The fact is, if prostitution was a legal, regulated industry, most of the negatives that typically go along with it would be alleveated. Raise your children correctly, and they won't participate in such things, legal, or not. There will always be a seedy underbelly of society. When you make relatively benign activities they engage in illegal, you just create criminals and open the door for an underground crime industry that cannot be easily controlled.